50. Wishbone flower

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At Bucky's home...

Bucky sighed as he checked the schedule for the upcoming football season, removing his glasses to set them on the coffee table. "The football season is gonna steal me away from you guys. I'll be busy, but don't think I'll forget about you, okay?" Bucky looked at his partners, who simply gave him a calm look as if he were saying something unimportant. "Wow. So, no reaction at all? I'm hurt."

Claude scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Babe, we know. I specifically know that because I'm the one that's on the camera crew. Plus, I take all the highlight pictures of the games for the school newspaper."

August leaned against Claude's shoulder, looking up at their boyfriend. "And, I'm a cheerleader now... so I'll be busy right along with you," August said, covering her mouth as she giggled. She got up and then opened her arms for their adorable boyfriend. Theo watched her for a second with her arms outstretched, then pouted. "What, you're not gonna hug me? I know you wanna." She wiggled her fingers, grinning.

Bucky clicked his tongue, knowing that he couldn't even be mad at her, so while groaning he stood and caught Auggie around her waist, lifting her off the floor as he buried his face in the crook of her neck inhaling her sweet scent.

She yelped, laughing as a shiver ran down her back when his breath brushed her neck.

"Such a big puppy." Claude chimed, joining them, to which Bucky wrapped his left arm around his waist. Claude kissed Theo's temple before a squeeze to the butt jolted him. "H-hey, what's your hand doing back there?"

"Enjoying your better assets," Bucky muttered-laughter burst out, startling both him and Claude. Their attention returned to their girlfriend as she snickered with her face resting on Bucky's chest as she shook from laughter. Auggie tapped his shoulder, and he set her down, her eyes watering while she brushed them away.

"You're so corny!" August said, "You-hah! You're such a sap, lord have mercy, Theo! Were you always so adorable and cheesy?" She tried to stop her laughter but couldn't. They were blushing so furiously that it was too cute not to laugh. "You two are living your best BL lives, aren't ya? I bet you boys flirt like silly lovestruck children when you're alone." She panted as her belly clenched, "Hah! Oh gosh, you should see your faces! I'm sorry, but SIKE! Theodore, you're so red! Claudy, babe, you two need to put on a show for me one day, yeah." She touched the older one's shoulder, "preferably naked. Thank you." She kissed Claude's cheek, then tiptoed slightly and kissed Bucky's cheek before flopping back to the couch.

The boys stood there for a second after Auggie left them, her words sinking in. Bucky looked to Claude, who then spoke first. "I feel insulted, yet amused... but I'm definitely very confused."

"Yeah, and a little embarrassed. What just happened?" Bucky asked

Claude shook his head, folding his arms. "I think she just teased the heck outta you. Sorry, babe." Claude caught the back of Theo's neck, bringing him in to kiss his hot cheek, then went back to the sectional.

Bucky stood there for a minute more, then sucked his teeth. "You two are the worst." He said with an accusatory finger pointed their way. The pair ignored him as they carried on with their idle activity on their devices. Claude pointed to something on Auggie's phone as they snickered and then sighed before turning to focus on their own devices. They were so cute when they tried to ignore him, but not this time. Bucky hummed and moved over to them, then flopped onto their laps. Auggie and Claude squealed while he enjoyed a nice laugh at their expense. They tried pushing him off, but the gray sectional was large enough to offer him plenty of falling space and, in turn, made them become trapped underneath him. "Payback!" Bucky cried out.

August squirmed under his larger body. "As much as I love being underneath you, Theo, I don't wanna be there right now. I'm talking to my friends." It was hard not to laugh at Buck being silly, but she was trying to have a serious conversation about an outing they were planning.

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