47.2. Wildflowers [End of Season 1]

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The group arrived at the spot where a large table was set up for them with beautiful flowers in the center, giving it an old rustic feel, the pastel colors, and the large fluffy pillows that sat around the large wooden table. There were lovely ceramic plates placed neatly with matching cups and napkins on the plates with ornate silver cutlery and a lovely peach lace table runner in the middle. A big off embroider orange, white, and peach picnic blanket was laid underneath the whole table and its pillows making for a lovely setting. The huge oak tree that stood overhead proved enough shade and the cool breeze was very welcoming.

"Oh my gosh!" The girls squealed, rushing towards the table as they tugged off their shoes. The guys chuckled after them and moved forward also.

"Oh wow. Okay, now that looks great, Auggie. You have good taste." Blaine said, patting her shoulder. She chuckled and nudged him playfully.

"Thank you," August said.

"Agreed, nice going!" Cory chimed as he pulled Benny over to two empty pillows on the left. He had taken his hand, walking to claim the seats he wanted from the girls. He flopped down on his knees and fluffed it for Benny. "You first," Cory said, the younger one blushed and sat, Cory's eyes widen as a sudden pressure settled in his chest, making him grow warm. He shook his head to calm down and sat next to his friend.

"Over here," August said, tugging Ains over. Scattered gasping spread across the teens as everyone explored the picnic area. She giggled as she let go of Ainsley. "Okay, okay, I know everyone is excited, but I'm hungry. You can all sit wherever you want, please don't be a stranger." She stepped back and a gasp escaped her as she walked back into someone who caught her shoulders. She whipped about to find her boyfriends standing there. "Oh, so sorry. I didn't know you were there."

"No worries, let's go grab a seat," Bucky said, as he hooked her arm and tugged both her and Claude over to three large comfy brown pillows. The table was adorned with a lot of flowers that gave off a sweet aroma and set a calming mood. Bucky bent and whispered near Auggie's left ear. "This was a nice gesture, babe. Good job." He kissed her cheek and let her go as he knelt to fluff her pillow for her.

"Okay, Romeo, don't flatter her too much. She might implode." Claude remarked as he took the bag from Bucky and set it behind Auggie's seat.

"Oh, thank you, boys." August sat at the head of the table while Bucky sat next to Claude on her left. Bucky reached over for the food they bought and began setting it on the table, Blaine was next to him and helped as they laid out the food, passed down a few bowls, and handed off the treats.

Claude hummed to himself when he noticed that August's attention had drifted and glanced over his shoulder to find her leaning against her hand, her head up as she watched the passing birds. "Auggie?" He muttered. She blinked hard then smiled tiredly. He frown his eyebrows and scouted closer to her. "How do you feel? You seem tired." She shrugged.

"You know, the fact that we are alive floating through space on this protected rock with just the right atmosphere is crazy. I've been thinking too much lately it seems and that breakdown from earlier didn't help. I never knew what life had in store for me, but I was ready to welcome it because my dad always told me that the future is uncertain and that life is precious. He was right. Who'd think of me having two partners and all these new friends? I had no one to call a friend before we began dating, Claude because everyone I called a friend moved away, but now, I have this community of friends, and I feel so happy, but so overwhelmed sometimes. I miss my family, but in missing them, I found another and each one of them cared for me and I just appreciate that so much-I'm sorry, I'm rambling." She cut off herself and brushed her eyes, tears blurring her vision. August was pulled towards a firm chest as strong arms embraced her and she sighed into his familiar warmth, inhaling the delicate scent of orange and sandalwood.

"I get it," Claude said, kissing her forehead, "but you can always lean on me if you ever feel like you can't muster up the energy to do anything. I'll be here whenever you need me. So be greedy. Take as much as you want. I know we can never replace your dad, but we'll do our best to love you until you're sick of us." He gasped when large arms encircled him and turned to find Bucky's gentle smile.

"Exactly what Unicorn said. We'll be here for you whenever." Bucky kissed Claude's cheek and Auggie's forehead, seeing how dark her cheeks had become.

She snorted at the use of Claude's nickname and poked out her tongue at them.

"Do you three need a moment?" Blaine asked as he poked his head at them. They had been off since after Brook showed her annoying face earlier and it threw him into a state of worry when August and Bucky didn't join them after that failed plan. Claude too had been acting off after leaving school. "Is there something bothering you? Should I get my bat?" August laughed at that, pulling back from their embrace.

August smiled at the carbon copy of her boyfriend, noticing the difference in the boys' facial features more now than before. "Blaine, you are the sweetest thing. You act like you don't care with that unbothered expression, but you're such a good brother and friend. Thank you for the offer and no. No bat is needed. I just missed my dad a lot suddenly. Thanks for the concern."

"Anytime." He mumbled turning back to Ainsley who he nudge then rested his head on her shoulder.

August didn't comment on Blaine's adorable blush, thinking against teasing the poor boy, and reached out for a croissant. Idle chatter began among the group of friends, as everyone dug in. Someone tapped August's elbow and turning to her right she met Cory's brown gaze, his face nearly unreadable but for some reason, she understood him. "Yeah?"

"Thanks for reserving this for us, August. I didn't think we'd ever become friends after all the shit that we went through, but you were the bigger person and I respect you for that. I'm sorry again for all the stuff I said before. You are a kind person and I see now how much you care for those around you. It's refreshing to be in your presence as compared to Brook's. I hope you can come to rely on me as a friend from here on out because I consider you a friend worth fighting for."

August grinned at the older teen. "Heh, thank you, Cory. I do think of you as a friend, and I've already let bygones be bygones, so don't worry, we're good." Cory nodded and winked at her then turned towards Ben and poked his cheek as he chewed which earned him a scolding. August chuckled and looked over everyone before her eyes fell on Shyanne's somber expression. Her plan to help Aspen had failed horribly and now Shy was in a sour mood. This was clearly taking a toll on her friend. Peter had sat next to Shyanne and had an arm around her as she leaned against him in silence. She hadn't noticed how close they were, but now it was obvious. August was happy that she had someone there for her. She touched the bag that sat behind her and smiled. "Hey, guys?" She clapped her hands and her friends gave her their attention, she stood and then reached for the black bag. "So, today was... odd. First Brook, graces us with her unwanted presence, and then the mishap with Aspen happened-which, I'm sorry for, Shyanne, so I hope that this little gift I got you guys at least helps to brighten your moods." August opened the bag and untied the bindings then smiled at what was inside. She winked at Bucky and Claude then bent and whispered, "I'll need your help to hand these out, please." They nodded and stood as she gave them each a bushel of boutiques before she spoke again. "So, I got everyone flowers. Wildflowers to be exact," she moved around the table as she handed out the small boutiques to her friends as Bucky and Claude followed her. "These flowers have several symbolic meanings including happiness, joy, and remembrance. Wildflowers are also a welcome sign of spring and summer. Many wildflowers represent strength and perseverance in the face of adversity since they grow in the wild without the need for humans care. They are linked with healing, renewal, and the circle of life. I want to gift these beautiful wildflowers to you kind souls who make me feel safe and happy. Thank you."

After the boys handed out all the flowers, everyone was speechless so August spoke again. "Guys?" she muttered.

"Dammit, Auggie give us a minute will ya?" Blaine squeaked out, his throat tight and his voice low.

August's eyes widened when she realized that everyone was stunned and silent due to the smoke gesture of her gratitude. Her friends all were overcome with emotion.

"Babe," Bucky said wrapping his arms around her from the back as he held his boutique in hand, Claude joined them and kissed her temple as he muttered a thanks. August chuckled breathlessly for a second before she began to sob softly. The boys swayed her as they comforted her, understanding that her tears were one of joy.

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