2. Dandelions

311 23 35

Song: Kiss me by Ed Sheeran

Claude came home with a smile plastered on his face and hearts in his eyes. Ainsley walked by on her cell, then stopped and looked up when he saw Claude leaning against the front door with a smile on and dreamy eyes that seemed lost in thought. "Blaine, I think your twin is broken." Ainsley put her phone away and slowly approached her brother. "What's your deal? Are you sick or something?" she pointed behind herself. "Should I get mom?"

Blaine walked out of the kitchen to see his sister talking to Claude who appeared super glued to the door. He walked toward them with his hands in his front pockets and sighed. "Where were you today? I completely lost you after the bell rang."

"Yeah, I was busy," he answers as if he were in a dream.

"With what? You left your camera at home and you don't have any club meetings. What happened?"

"Maybe it's a girl," Ainsley suggested.

Blaine was about to dismiss her when he paused, and his eyes went wide. "Did you... Did you talk to her?" he crowded up his twin and gripped the front of his shirt.

"Wait what! There's actually a girl? Claude, what girl?" she too crowded him to get more information from him because Claude usually wasn't the dating kind.

He snared once he realized that he had been cornered and pushed his siblings away. "Yes, there's a girl, and yes, I spoke with her... after maybe, kind of stalking her." Ainsley chuckled then covered her mouth to keep her humor at bay. Blaine shook his head and scoffed in a bemused manner. "Why did you stalk her?"

"She, she didn't even notice me standing by the lockers, then she was walking so fast that I hadn't gotten time to catch her before she le—."

"So, you decide to stalk her?" she interjected.

"Hey," he pointed a finger at his sisters' face, "I wasn't planning on doing that at all. It just, sort of happened and it was too late when I realized where she was going." He scratched the back of his neck and bit his lip. "It was worth it."

"Wait, she spoke to you?" Blaine asked. "She didn't spray you with pepper spray or yell for help?"

'Really jerk?"

Blaine snickered and shrugged. "What, I'd do that if I were her."

Ainsley scoffed and punched him in the shoulder. "Shut it, Blaine, don't make jokes like that. Our brother found someone that he's interested in and I don't think that should be laughed at... well excluding him following her, but since he's not in jail or suffering from pepper spray, I think it's safe to say that she didn't dismiss him when she found him creeping." She glanced at him then, "Did she?"

"No, besides, she knew I was following her from since she went into that neighborhood near the school. She said it's a quiet street and well, she heard me coming." He actually laughed a little as a smile came to his lips. "She's nice and she didn't even get mad—not really. She just wanted to know why I followed her and why I didn't try speaking to her in school. I told her I was nervous and couldn't find the confidence and she asked me to help her with the flowers that she had to plant and then we spoke some more until she was over with her volunteering shift."

Ainsley smiled, her eyes closing as she squeezed his cheeks. "Aww, she volunteers?"

Claude shrugged his sister off and nodded. "Yes Aims, she does, she loves flowers and she knows a lot about flowers."

"Yeah, well that was a given, she wears flowers and draws them as well, so that's plausible." Claude sighed, smiling as he replayed his day over in his head.

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