48. Bearded Iris Flower [Season 2 Premier]

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The Victorian-era language of flowers gives a host of meanings to iris flowers. They can represent faith, hope, courage, wisdom, and admiration (using several flowers of the same kind)

The day hadn't panned out the way it was intended to, but there were no complaints from the friends as they packed away their things, idly chatting among themselves.

Bucky moved towards his boyfriend who was sitting, checking his phone under a large tree. He took a seat next to him on the large overgrown root and leaned back, enjoying the early signs of the setting sun.

"Hey, handsome," Claude said, turning to see his boyfriend who had closed his eyes and relaxed his body. "Doing okay?" The older one had shown a side of himself to him that he hadn't before, and it let him see the raw emotions that he held inside. Theo opened his eyes and beamed at him. Claude gulped when a heat bubbles within him.

"Yeah, I am." Nothing could express how grateful Bucky was in that moment to be in the presence of people who loved him, and friends who cared for him overall. "I think I'm gonna go to therapy." Claude's blue eyes widened and he nodded. "Yeah, I need to. You and Auggie have shown me the errors that I made and how wrong it was to ignore my grief. I let my emotions get ahead of me and stopped thinking. I disappointed you, and I hurt Auggie, along with a lot of others. I'm not letting that happen again. I can't."

"Babe," Claude reached out to him, resting a hand on his thigh, "this is a huge decision," He bit his lip, finding and holding Theo's right hand before sighing, "but, I'm so happy that you're taking necessary steps to seek help. I'm so proud of you."

Bucky tsked and leaned forward when he noticed the glassy look in the younger one's eyes and caught his cheek. "Hey, thank you for still admiring me after all that I did. And I appreciate you for accepting my apology, and loving me anyway-as well as sharing, Auggie. I know that may not have been easy-"

"Stop." Claude shook his head softly. "Auggie and I made that decision. And we have yet to regret it. You're just as wonderful as I thought you'd be as a boyfriend. Thank you for giving me-for giving us, a chance. I like being your lover." Theo grinned, and he couldn't help but be flustered by his handsome face.

"You're blushing and I'm not even teasing you, yet," Bucky said.

Claude scoffed. "Yet?"

"Yeah, yet." Bucky gently tugged him closer and kissed him, going slow as he savored their exchange. He loved this man, and will always do right by him.

~ ~ ~

August hummed in thought as she paced back and forth under the silk-hanging tents. She sighed and flopped onto one of the large cushions, observing the others who were further away playing about or talking.

Bucky left Claude to speak with his brother and checked his phone in case his mom or dad had reached out, but nothing came in. He wavered over Lucy's name, he hadn't yet brought himself to delete their text messages from before. It was too hard, too soon. He turned his phone off, and pocketed it, then noticed that his girlfriend was not around. Bucky walked about their private space, then spotted a familiar figure just as a cool gentle breeze shifted the silk sheets of a dark orange tent, to reveal her sitting there lost in thought. He tapped on her shoulder, making her jump as he sat next to her. He rose a brow, and she sighed, lowering her shoulders. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you. What's up?" She pursed her lips, probably thinking of a response.

August turned to face Theodore, and smiled, blinking slowly.

There was this somber cloud over her, that he didn't like. Bucky wanted to hug her.

"You know, I never thought we'd all be here. I'm looking at us now," August said, turning to glance at the gathering of their friends who mingled and chatted, "we'd never have been there if those unfortunate events hadn't happened to us. You were my bully, Theo, and I was alone. Claude was lonely, and single and our friends all had different views of each other. It's crazy to me how life just haphazardly seems to work out. Guess that's why they call it, 'mysterious ways'. It truly is mystifying. I like this. This day, the time shared with loved ones. I'm happy."

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