1. Baby's breath

752 28 64

Song: Sia Fire meet gasoline

There was a chill in the morning air, the fog making condensation on the window that she traces images of flowers on while ignoring the buzzing of her teacher's voice talking about the history of their so-called great country, which wasn't at all the subject that she was supposed to be teaching. This was biology.

"August? Are you here with us?"

"Only in spirit. Why do you ask?" the snickers of the students made the teacher glare in her direction.

"Can you tell me what the center of an atom is called." August didn't answer, and her teacher smiled like she won a contest. "Okay, see what happens when—."

"The Nucleus," August began, "it's the center of an atom. It is the core of the atom which contains both protons and neutrons. There are electrons as well. The protons have a positive charge, the neutrons have no charge, and electrons have a negative charge... Is there anything else you wanted to ask me while you prattle on about U.S history in biology, Ms. Hall?" her hazel-green eyes waited for her teachers' rebuttal, but there was none.

The jaw of the teacher tightened, which told her all she wanted to and more. "Okay, back to the lesson." she left August to her own devices and went back to teaching her class. August silently went back to tracing flowers on the window's glass as the class proceeded.

~ ~ ~

Walking through the hallways of the teenage populace was like surfing waves of every emotion felt ever. Gossiping whispers buzzed by, flirty eyes stalked, smirks, grins and smiles were exchanged like a text message. August had on a flower crown that was made from sunflowers and baby's breath. She wore a yellow crop top that excluded her midriff and black fishnet stockings with a distressed black denim skirt. Her nose ring was gold to match her thin short gold earrings which complimented her yellow converse. She walked without a care for the glances that looked her way and the snickers that reached her ears. She hadn't a single fück to give and she was not about to give in.

Claude's blue eyes turned away from his twin Blaine as his gaze fell onto August walking down the hallway. Blaine's words blurred to his brothers' ears as he spoke. August was the only thing he was taking in.

"Hey, Claude, are you even listening?"


"Oh well, I just made out with a camel at the beach this morning, sounds freaking awesome doesn't it?"

"Yeah..." Blaine scoffed and smacked the back of his brothers' head to get his attention back. "Ouch, you what the hell?"

"You're not even listening to me. I just told you I made out with a camel and you were all like, yeah..."

"When the hell did you make out with an animal?"

"I didn't you jackass, I was trying to see if you were even taking me on—clearly that girl was all you could think of."

"Wh—what? What girl?" he shuttered.

Blaine rolled his eyes and folded his arms over his chest. "I'm not an idiot Claude, that black girl, the one with the locks and the flowers in her hair."

Claude tried to hide his embarrassment at being found out. He grabbed his brothers jacket and pulled him close and whispered to him. "Don't tell anyone."

He scoffed. "Like I would ever. Does she even know you exist? She seemed to be in her own world."

He sighed and let his brother go. "No clue, we've never spoken before." he slumped against his locker and watched her as she walked into she disappeared then sighed.

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