40. Orange Lilies

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A/N: side note, the day I picked this chapter title was an early Saturday morning on the way to work. I left the train station and saw an older Asian woman crossing the street holding a huge boutique of Orange Lilies. Haha, I think it was fate that I named this chapter as such. Enjoy. Sorry for the long delay, work has been hectic, and I've been on 1% for weeks.

Sorry this is so late.

August caught Theo's wrist, slowing down their stride as they walked down the semi-empty halls. "You called me earlier. What's up?"

Bucky glanced over her shoulder and then back at her, a brow raised at him. He sighed. "As I said, you don't have to join just because of us."

August scoffed, "Calm ya tits, babe," she giggled, "do you think I'd only do this for you and Claude?" She met his gaze, and he nodded with a slight cringe. She smiled, knowing him too well. "Well, it isn't. When I was younger, I was in dance and cheerleading, but I quit to do my own thing. I still do yoga and work out from time to time, so going to tryouts has always been on my mind, but I just didn't feel confident enough to join with the 'it girls', so I focused on what was important to me. At least now, if I join, I'll have some company," Bucky's brow rose, and she clarified, "Sara's trying out too."

"Oh, that's good to know," he bit his lip, "mhm, are you sure about it?"

Bucky's eyes were so honest, "yeah. I am."

"Then I'll support you," Bucky said.

August giggled, "come on, Theo." She hooked an arm around his and tugged him along.


"Urgh, I promise you that if I ever see that bitch again, I'd be too soon!" Brook grumbled, folding her arms in front of herself.

Benton scratched his neck, "Uh, you know she's in this class, right?"

Cory scoffed in his seat, feet up on the joint desk. "Why are you still going so hard over this girl anyway? Didn't she get even with you for breaking her arm or whatever?" His nonchalance was evident as he picked at his eye.

Brook growled and smacked his crossed feet off the desk, causing him to jostle in his chair as he flailed and then caught the edge of the desk. "I did not break her arm! It was a bruise, and I didn't do it!"

Cory glared at her, then smirked cruelly, "yeah, you didn't do it because you got your Minion to do the dirty work, so your dainty hands stayed clean!"

Benton gulped at their growing confrontation and inched away from Cory as Brook's cheeks grew redder.

"You're such an ass, but what would you know? At least my GPA isn't in the sewers." Brook lashed out.

Cory snickered and stood up, towering over the blond. He planted a hand before her on the desk and got ahold of her attention. "My grade point average is far better than yours because I don't spend all my time pining after some guy who doesn't even wanna fuck me. How about you find another helpless target to pick on since August is far too brave to let you beat on her? And I'm definitely not the one to fuck with, because I'll destroy your life, little girl, so mind what the fuck you say to me. Got it."

Benton shivered at the dark and ominous tone of his friend, gulping as he saw Brook pale before the older teen. Cory straightened up, then dragged his chair closer to Benny and sat.

"Don't date girls like this bitch. It ain't worth your time, 'kay Benny." Cory muttered, reaching out to ruffle Benny's soft dark curls.

Benton hid his blush as he bent his head, nodding slightly as the room fell quiet. They were relatively early, but Cory had picked him up and insisted on getting to class before everyone else. His phone pinged, and he jumped, jumbled it before he caught it, and looked at the text. Cory? He looked up at the older one whose soft brown eyes were looking at him. He rose a finger to his lips, smirking gently. He nodded, then looked back and read: 'let the show begin'. Show? What show? Benton side-eyed him then mouthed, what show? Cory leaned in, making the air in the room hotter, his lips brushed his ear and he nearly choked.

Flower Girl {Editing}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt