"I know. But I'm not planning on another one either. I'm happy with the gifts we already have." He nodded, but you saw his frown that he tried to hide. "What is it?" You asked.

"Oh, uh...nothing. Just...thinking about..." You frowned too.

"It's alright, Hiccup. If it was meant to be, then they would be here with us too."


"I know." You told him, hugging him to comfort him. You both had been blessed with a bigger family, despite what your brother had told you after the incident, but Hiccup still had trouble letting go of what had happened. 

You had lost the second child you had conceived and it had shaken both of you when Kent had explained that there was a problem with you having children. Skyla had been the first evidence of that, her birth having almost killed you with the amount of blood loss. The second had died due to their alarming growth rate. You hadn't been able to sustain them and the baby had died, once again almost killing you in the process. 

You now had surgical scars on your body from when Kent and Gothi had worked for days to save you. After that, you both had been afraid to try and have another child. Hiccup had even refused for two months to do anything intimate with you, terrified of bringing that burden on you again and losing you in the process.

Still, you were able to help him reduce his fear and you both had returned to being intimate with no intentions of having another child. Despite your precautions, you had gotten pregnant once again a month and a half later. After explaining to Skyla what a sibling was, she had been thrilled with the news. Hiccup, however, had been distant from you for weeks at a time. It had only gotten worse as the baby bump grew more evident over time. 

It eventually caused a pretty big fight between the two of you. So big that you and Skyla had stayed with Runa and Arrow for three whole weeks. Runa and Arrow had been taking care of the two of you as best they could while watching after their own newborn son. You and Skyla helped them as well. After Hiccup had missed Skyla's first birthday because of the fight, he'd begged you more than you'd ever seen him do before to forgive him for being so selfish. Just seeing him look so lost, guilty, and broken had melted away all of your anger instantly. After that, you both had talked about his concerns and finally worked it out.

And now, here you were. You had four wonderful kids that were all very healthy and very bright. Hiccup didn't regret having them, but the one you'd lost still haunted him. You knew he'd blamed himself, but you always told him that it was never his fault. It had helped him a lot, luckily. 

"You know what, Chief?" You asked.

"Hm?" He hummed in response.

"I think they're ready." His eyes widened.

"Really?" He asked. You nodded.

"Let's take them to meet the rest of our family. Tomorrow, bright and early." You proposed with a smile. Hiccup grinned, instantly forgetting why he was upset.

"They're going to love them!" You chuckled.

"Yes, they will." You agreed.

Hiccup's POV

*The next day*

I watched as (Y/n) carried Ova in her arms with the boys following her. They were all only six years old, but (Y/n) had told them enough and they'd grown to the point of being able to help keep the secret. Skyla was only seven, but she acted mature around her siblings. I knew the real side of her though. She was just like me, adventurous and curious. I just hoped that it wouldn't get her into trouble in the future. 

Tameless but Together (Hiccup x Reader 3)Where stories live. Discover now