Part 16

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"Change is the end result of all true learning."

- Leo Buscaglia


Weeks passed by like seconds and before I knew it, it was December.

I only had a few weeks left to study for the test that decided if I could graduate this year or not and now I wish I had started studying when my mom first told me about it.

The problem was every time I tried to sit down and study my mind would wander off and I'd end up getting little to nothing done. At the rate I was going I was bound to fail. I sighed.

I looked over to Ashley to see her sitting on the ground stretching. We were currently sitting in one of the backrooms of the mall. She had a performance in about an hour.

"Stop staring at me and get back to studying." Ashley scolded me without even looking at me. Her back turned to me as she twisted her body in a funny way.

"I'm trying, but it's hard." I whined shutting the chemistry textbook I had been 'reading'. A few of the other dancers glancing towards me.

"tragic," Ashley mumbled softly as she turned to me. Her blue eyes set on my face.

"Have you finished your Christmas shopping?" I asked changing the subject. She shrugged. "I'm not getting anyone anything so yeah." She answered.

I didn't like Christmas, but Ashley took not having the Christmas spirit to another level.

"Not even anything for your parents?" I asked curiously. In all the time I've known Ashley, I've never actually seen her parents. She never talked about them either.

Come to think of it, she never talked about any friends too. I never even saw her with anyone.

I glanced at Ashley a strand of her colorful hair falling into her face. Maybe she was just as alone as I was.

"They'll be away in Paris. What about you? Have you finished all your Christmas shopping?" Ashley asked with a tired eye roll.

What was in Paris? and why wasn't she going with them? I didn't ask.

I thought for a moment before answering her question.

"Well, I was just going to make a painting or something for my mom like I do every year. I'll probably do another one for my Dad's side of the family. And I'm not sure what I'm going to get Emma y-" I started but she quickly cut me off.

"She isn't your girlfriend, you don't have to get her shit," Ashley said coldly her hand on her hip. A few dancers glancing towards us again before turning away and going back to their warm up.

"She's my...friend"

Ashley scoffed. "Are you getting Devon anything? Or Michael? Or any of your real 'friends' anything?" She questioned me. Her brow raised. I looked away from her.

Maybe, Ashley had a point. Even If I didn't want to admit it.

"That's what I thought," she finished taking my lack of a response as proof.

Maybe, I won't get Emma anything this year after all...

"Besides, I thought you guys weren't even talking," she added after a moment. I turned to her. She was sitting on the ground rubbing her foot. Her legs covered by cream-colored tights.

Emma and I hadn't spoken since she told me to leave her house. Not in person at least. We'd texted a few times.

I was over worrying about what everyone was hiding. I just wanted things to get back to the way they had been.

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