Part 8

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" Love can change a person the way a parent can change a baby- awkwardly, and often with a great deal of mess."

- Lemony Snicket


I had no idea why I ever missed coming to school, it was absolute hell.

The glory of the first two weeks back from summer break was over and now we were actually stuck being forced to 'learn' for eight hours a day again.

Maybe, I wouldn't be as bitter about it if I had classes with any of my friends but since I was stuck as a junior again I was lucky to see them longer than a few minutes in the hallway.

Currently, I sat in the back row of one of my classes doodling.

"Fisher." A voice called at me. I looked up from my drawing to see the teacher staring at me.

"Present," I muttered as I turned back to my drawing.

The class snickered.

"Yes, we established you were present a half hour ago when I did attendance." The teacher sassed. I sighed before closing my notebook and looking back towards my teacher waiting for them to say what they wanted.

"The principal would like to see you, Fisher." The teacher finally said.

I grabbed my bag and walked towards the door, but stopped as the teacher called my name again.

I turned to the teacher, she was holding out a hall pass with my name written on it.

I rolled my eyes before grabbing it from her and walking out of the room. The classroom door slamming behind me.

I honestly didn't know why the principal would call to see me and I honestly didn't care. I just wanted to make it through the day.

I walked to the office expecting to see the usual, a few students sitting around and random parents. I was surprised to see my mom and Mr.Schindler sitting in the waiting area.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked not hiding my surprise.

"Well, good morning to you too." My mom said happily as she brushed a strand of her greying blonde hair behind her ear.

I didn't get a chance to respond as the principal's office door opened and she greeted us.

Next thing I know the three of us were awkwardly sitting in the principal's office as she sat at her desk smiling at us.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet with me today." The principal said kindly.

What the heck was going on?

The principal looked at me.

"I called you all here-" The principal started but was cut off as her office door opened.

We all turned to see my dad standing in the doorway.

"Who are you?" The principal asked in confusion.

My dad looked away from the principal to my mom, then me, before finally looking at Schindler.

"I'm Daniel's real father." My dad said coolly as he looked back towards the principal. I didn't miss the dirty look my mom shot him.

The principal cleared her throat, obviously uncomfortable with the tension in the room but didn't disagree as my dad shut the office door and leaned against it as there was no chair left for him to sit.

Although he claimed to move here to be closer to me I hadn't seen my dad since my welcome back party. I honestly didn't know why he was here, or really why any of us were here.

"As I was saying, Mr.Schindler and I have been talking about the best way the school can move forward with helping you during this time. And, we realize that us making you repeating the 11th grade must be very upsetting for you." The principal started.

"Anyway, I have talked to a few of your teachers from last year and filed an appeal with the board about your..special circumstances and-" The principal continued.

"And what?" My dad said cutting the principal off. My mom turned and glared at him for interrupting.

My mom opened her mouth as if she were about to say something to my dad, but before she could the principal continued.

"Well, since Daniel did miss taking his finals at the end of last year with everyone else we can't allow him to move forward to the 12th grade but we can allow him another opportunity to take his finals. If he is able to pass his exams, then we are willing to allow him to move forward and back into his proper grade." The principal finished with a smile.

I could feel my stomach drop.

I knew I should have been happy being a senior with my friends was what I wanted, but I knew there was no way in hell I'd be able to pass any test. I was barely passing my classes last year; there was no way I could do this.

I didn't pay attention as the principal and my mom talked.

I looked towards my mom, she looked so happy at the news. She glanced towards me and smiled.

I had to try. I didn't know how, but I was going to pass those exams. I was going to do it for my mom and I was going to do it for myself.

"When do I get to take the finals?" I asked finally joining the conversation. The principal looked towards me. "To give you time to review the material and to make sure you don't fall too behind if you pass, we've scheduled time for you to take the exams in late December right before winter break."

That gave me a little over two months.

For the first time in a while I smiled, that was plenty of time. I think I could actually do this.

The bell rang signaling the start of the next period.

"If you'd like, Danial, you can go to your next class as your parents and I talking about a few of the details." The principal said dismissing me. I nodded before standing up.

I smiled at my mom and Schindler before turning to see my dad. His arms crossed as he looked past me towards the principal.

I didn't say anything to him as I walked out of the room. I walked through the crowded hall.

I wasn't going to let whatever was going on between the adults in my life bring me down.

I finally felt hopefully again; I was looking forward to the future.

Maybe things were finally starting to fall into place. I wasn't going to let anything ups-

I stopped as I saw Emma and that Elliot guy walking down the hall together.

I know she said they weren't together, but seeing them together still bothered me.

I sighed, so much for everything falling into place.

I was about to head to class when I spotted Ashley sitting outside in the courtyard. She was smoking.

I didn't even think about it as I opened the door leading to the courtyard and walked outside to her.

She turned as she heard me walking over. A playful smirked spread across her face as she saw me.

"Loverboy," she called as she took a puff. "Ashley." I greeted as I looked at the cigarette between her lips.

She let out a breath, a perfect string of white smoke escaping her mouth.

"Want a drag?" she asked as held the cigarette out to me. Her brow raised challenging me to take it.

I bit my lip. I shouldn't.

Fuck it.

I hesitantly took the cigarette from her, our fingers brushing. Her eyes widening as I placed the cigarette between my lips and took a long drag.

I closed my eyes and let out a breath. The ache in my lungs so familiar; like an old friend.

{Published December 19th, 2018}

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