Part 11

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"I have accepted fear as part of life – specifically the fear of change... I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: turn back...."

-Erica Jong


We had been sitting in silence for over 45 minutes when he finally spoke.

"How have you been doing, Daniel?" Dr.Ross finally asked breaking the silence.

"Great, couldn't be better."

He sighed: "that's not what your mom has been telling me."

"If you already knew the answer then why did you ask?" I snorted as I looked at the clock on the wall. Only 5 minutes left.

"Because I wanted to hear what's been going on with you from you," Dr.Ross answered.

I shrugged as I turned back to him. "I'm just... I'm having a bit of a hard time adjusting that's all. Being back has been a lot harder than I thought it would be." 2 minutes.

"In what way?" He asked, his slight African accent coming in thick at the end.

I shrugged. He sighed.

He looked down at this watch. "Looks like we are all out of time for the day." Oh, no I thought sarcastically as I got up to leave but before I could go he spoke again.

"I'm going to increase your dosage of Symbyax. Your prescription should be ready to be picked up in a few hours. Do you want me to send your prescription to the same pharmacy as last time?"

This time I was the one that sighed.

I hated the stupid medication he gave me. It didn't fucking work. It wasn't all bad though, at least it didn't make me sick.

"Yeah, that's fine," I muttered quickly before walking out of the small office before he could say anything else to me.

As soon as I was outside I let out a deep breathe.

Free at last, I thought happily as I shut my eyes. The sun beaming down on me.

For once by some miracle, the weather was actually kinda nice out.

I was walking to my car when I heard her call my name.

I turned to see Ashley skipping over to me.

I couldn't help but smile. "Ah, so the blue is back?" I asked already knowing the answer. Her hair the same shade of blue as the day I met her again.

"What can I say? I needed a change."

"is it really a change if you've done it before?"

She smirked. "touché,"

"so, what do you want?" I asked curiously as I looked down at her. She was wearing what looked like a leotard and sweat pants.

Lately, it's seemed like I couldn't stop running into her. First at the mall then school and now here. I wasn't sure how I felt about it and it wasn't just because it was one of those weird moments you see someone from school out in the real world.

"why would you think I want something?" she smirked.

I snorted back a laugh "you only talk to me when you want something."

"It's definitely the other way around, Loverboy. But, while you're offering a ride home would be nice."

I looked at her.

I had never noticed the little freckles that were sprinkled across her nose before.

"Come on then." I sighed as I turned away from her and began to walk towards my car. I could hear her following behind me. "thanks."

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