Part 5

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"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them: that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like."

-Lao Tzu


"What do you call an Impasta?" Azeem asked excitedly as he folded a t-shirt.

Michael and I were 'helping' Azeem pack for college. And by helping I mean sitting in his room as he packed.

"An Impasta!" Azeem answered before laughing to himself.

Michael and I turned to each other.

"babe, you didn't say the joke right," Michael said slowly as if talking to a small child. Azeem froze for a moment. "Yes, I di-" He began to argue.

"No, the joke is what do you call a fake noodle?' and then you say 'an Impasta'." Michael said tiredly as if they had had this conversation a million times before.

"Shit you're right. What am I going to do without you?"

"Be even more unfunny than you already are," Michael answered quickly.

They were such a weird couple.

"You think I'm funny right, Danny?" Azeem asked turning to me. "Oh yeah, definitely. I laugh at you all the time." I answered as I texted Emma for the fourth time in a row.

She wasn't replying.

The first week back in school had been complete hell. From Emma ignoring me to not having any classes with my friends because they were all seniors, everything sucked.

"See! He appreciates true comedy."

"You notice how he said he laughs at you and not with you, right?" Michael asked rolling his eyes. Azeem froze again for a moment before throwing the shirt he was folding at me.

I laughed.

He had a way with making everything a bit lighter and with everything going to hell I was really gonna miss having him around.

I had just gotten back and now he was leaving.

I only found out earlier this week that he was leaving for some college all the way in California. I didn't understand why anyone would want to go to school on the other side of the country. Let alone in California when we all know it's going to fall off soon.

"Why are you making that weird face?" Azeem asked as he shut his suitcase. "What weird face?"

Michael sighed, "He means frowning. Why were you frowning?"

I shrugged. "I'm just gonna miss Double-A, that's all," I answered.

I didn't want to tell them about Emma. It felt like if I said what was happening out loud then it would actually be real. Plus, I was pretty sure they were tired of hearing about my drama and honestly I was tired about talking about it.

"Save your breath, it's not like Azeem cares enough to miss any of us." Michael fired suddenly.

Was I missing something here?

"Can we not do this right now, Michael?" Azeem asked tiredly.

Michael snorted. "Don't blame this on me. You are the one being selfish. Did you even think about how'd I feel?"

I was definitely missing something.

"Micky-" Azeem started.

"Fuck you," Michael muttered before storming out of the room. The door slamming behind him.

The room was silent.

Azeem sighed as he rubbed his eyes.

What just happened? Everything had been fine and then suddenly-

"Sorry, you had to see that."

It was strange seeing Azeem look so defeated.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it," I said finally. Azeem smiled softly. "yeah, I know he didn't."

"What exactly were you two really arguing about anyway?" I asked curiously. I had never seen them fight before, not seriously.

"it's nothing."

"It didn't seem like nothing."

Az stopped as he looked at me. "Michael is just-" He started but stopped."He's mad I'm going to school so far away." He finished quickly.

I actually understood, well I think I did.

It sucked having to be apart from the one person you want to be with.

"California is pretty far," I said at last. Azeem looked at me before snorting. "Yes, we all realize that. That's kinda the problem." He said as he struggled to fully shut his suitcase.

"But just because it's far doesn't mean you guys can't make it work. It's not like you have to break up." I added.

Azeem didn't respond as he grabbed another suitcase. His eyes cast to the ground. A large frown on his face.

"You guys aren't going to break up, right?"

He looked at me silently for a moment before shrugging.

Oh, now I understood why Michael got so upset.

Were they really gonna give up just like that? After all these months? Were they really just going to let each other go?

"but-" I started but Azeem but me off. "Can we please talk about something else?"

I sighed.

"Bu-" I tried again. "Don't worry about it, okay? It's between me and Michael. No matter what happens, you and I are still gonna be friends right?" Azeem asked me sadly. Like he knew it wasn't true.

I looked away from him to the table next to his bed. Sitting on the table was a picture of him kissing some blond guy's cheek.

I had seen that guy once before. He was Ashley's brother.

I had forgotten that he and Azeem used to date. As I looked around the room I noticed several more picture, most of them of Azeem with family members. There was even one of him and Ashley. But not a single one of him and Michael...

There was no maybe about it, Ashley had been right all those months ago.

Love was just giving someone the power to hurt you.

I didn't have to answer as Azeem's bedroom door opened.

It was Michael.

"I'm sorry for what I said," Michael mumbled quietly as he looked to the ground.

I felt bad for Michael. He was just like me. He fell for someone who never fell for him.

I think that's the worst part about relationships; there is always someone who loves more than the other.

"I'm sorry too," Azeem said after a moment.

I couldn't help but look back and forth between them as they smiled at each other.

Azeem turned to me, the light back in his eyes "So..what did the grape do when he got stepped on?

{Published: December 10th, 2018}

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A/n: Sorry these last few chapters have been pretty sad, but everything happens for a reason.

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