Part 20

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"The world changes and all that once was strong now proves unsure."

― J.R.R. Tolkien


Daniel's P.O.V

Hanging out with the guys felt good; it felt normal. I felt like myself again for once.

After some awkward greetings and the guys wondering why I brought Elliot along everything was like how it always was.

Levi and Devon arguing about something, Michael being the voice of reason, playing video games, and eating snacks. Everything was how it should have been.

There were no awkward silences or hidden looks. It was just four guys hanging out like we hadn't lost months apart. Plus Elliot.

I would be lying if I didn't say Elliot wasn't an okay addition. He was annoying but okay.

"I think imma break up with Azeem," Michael said suddenly breaking me out of my train of thought. Wait, what?

The last time I had seen them together they had been fighting, but that was forever ago and I thought they would have gotten over it by now.

"Why? I thought you liked him?" Devon asked turning away from the tv. He had been watching Levi and Elliot play an intense game of Wii Tennis.

"He doesn't have to have a reason why. If Michael wants to dump him, he should." Levi answered as he swung the remote and hit the virtual tennis ball.

"Of course, that's what you think," Michael muttered before rolling his eyes at Levi.

"Why then?" I asked repeating Devon's question. Michael shrugged.

"He's been gone like four months, hardly answers his phone, and didn't even come back to visit for Christmas." Michael listed. His voice got louder with each offense.

Devon and I looked at each other. "Does Azeem even celebrate Christmas?" Devon whispered lowly to me. I shook my head 'no'.

"That's not the point! He had four weeks off from school." Michael argued as he shot us each a glare.

"Did you tell him you wanted him to visit?" Elliot asked joining the conversation. His eyes never left the tv screen.

"I shouldn't have to," Michael answered turning to look at Elliot.

"Well, I never met him so I could be wrong. But, I doubt this Azeem guy is a mind reader." Elliot answered back as he hit the tennis ball and scored a point on Levi. Michael glared at his back.

"Whatever, you guys aren't in relationships. You don't get it." Michael sighed before sinking into his seat on the couch and looking up at the ceiling.

"Ah, I'm dating Rebecca." Devon reminded as he threw a pillow at Michael. "You two got back together?" Levi asked as he put the controller he had been using down and sat on the loveseat. Levi lost the match.

"You two broke up?" I asked in confusion. When did that happen?

"Last week, but we're back together," Devon answered. "For now, you guys break up like once a month." Michael sassed throwing the pillow back at Devon.

Devon and Rebecca had been off and on in the past but I didn't think that had continued. They were always together.

"How many times have you two broken up?" Elliot asked as he sat on the arm of the chair Levi was now sitting on causing their legs to brush together. Levi kicked Elliot's foot away and Elliot gave him a weird look in return.

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