He's Found

144 10 2

October 26, 2018
10:23 p.m.


I watched as everyone talked.

Everything was just weird to me. I felt like something was missing other than my memory.

"Raven are you listening?" my mother asked looking at me.

"No what were you saying," I said looking at her.

"Starting Monday you can go back to school," my mother said and I smiled.

I can finally get out of this house. I was being held down in this house. It felt like I couldn't breathe.

"So Sammy told me that Mason isn't with his parents anymore," Lucifer said.

Who's Mason and why do I get a warm feeling just hearing the name?

"Yea but he hasn't contacted us at all we don't know where he is at, he took off the ankle bracelet," Gabriel said eating his spaghetti.

"I hope he's safe," Adam said.

"We all do," Nathan said.

I stood up.

"I'm done," I said.

"You hardly ate," Natalia said.

I looked down at my plate. I only had 3 forks full of spaghetti.

"I'm just not hungry," I said then picked up the plate and put it in the fridge.

"Goodnight," I called out then walked towards my room.

I still wasn't used to laying in this bed. It felt like it didn't belong to me.

I grabbed the journey I was reading and went into the closet. I sat down and turned on the flashlight.

While putting on headphones got comfortable and put the music on.

What I can say is that I really liked the variety of music she has.

I went to the page I left off one and started to read.

I don't like talking most of the time. I hate being social. I like staying in the dark with the music taking over my body. I'm a homebody. I don't go out with my "friend". I try not to go out with my family. To be honest, my favorite moments are when I'm on the highway with my headphones in watching the trees as we pass by them. That is my out. My own little world. I'm not judged or told what to do. I can breathe. I'm free.

My mind filled with things.

So that's why I'm more comfortable in dark places and with music.

That's what this body is used too.

Why does she like being alone?

I looked to see the next page. It was burned out. What did it say?

It was just a few words on the side and the ones that stood out the most were worthless and molested.

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