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Hello my people first I want to say happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there. Even though I've kept fucking up and saying happy birthday 🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ but anyways I hoped you enjoyed your day and this chapter.

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September 1, 2018
4:24 p.m.


I was arguing with Alice for 15 minutes now. She needs to learn to stop judging people.

"What the fuck Alice" I said to her.

She rolled her eyes.

"It's not my fault she was eavesdropping" she said with a shrug.

"You room is right next to the hallway bathroom anyone could easily hear in your room dumbass" Sammy said shaking his head.

"What I said was true and I don't like how she came at me she needs to worry about herself and getting her shit together" Alice said.

"Raph you hear this shit" I said looking at him.

Me, Alice, Raph, and Sammy was in the kitchen while everyone else was in the living room.

"Oh my god you guys are grown look Alice stop talking all the time and Mason stop trying to control what Alice say alright if she talks shit about the girl let her deal with the consequences" Raph said opening the fridge.

"It's still fucked up" Sammy said.

"You know what I'm done with it if Raven beat your ass then she beats your ass" I said.

"Her fat ass would be out of breath before her fist even touch me" Alice said.

"Alice your not perfect yourself you weren't born with those lips or nose so don't try talking about her having a flaw when you couldn't even live your flaws" Raph said still in the fridge.

Alice made a stale face.

"Yea you shut that ass up now them lip fillers make you look like a puffer fish but do anyone say that about you" Sammy said then puff up his cheeks while making a duck face.

Yea Alice got her nose fix and got lip fillers when she was 15 and 16.

Our parents kept telling her she didn't need it and stuff but she begged and begged and they let her get her nose done. Then when she was 16 made Raph sign a paper saying she can get the surgery but he thought it was a permission slip for school so she can go to Spain which was a real trip. He didn't read it because he was busy helping Adam with a school project to pay attention.

After that he never trusted her with money and don't sign permission slips for her.

"Fuck you Sammy" Alice said rolling her eyes.

I walked out the kitchen and into the living room.

I walked into the living room to see Mickey, Adam, Gabe, Trent, Lucifer, Jasper, and Aydan were playing twister.

"Ow Gabe you kicked me" Adam said.

"My bad I was trying to me put my foot on green" Gabe said.

"Green is on the other side of the fucking mat your doing this shit on purpose" Adam said.

Gabe smirked.

"Hey Jasper is cheating he keeps pushing me" Aydan complained.

"Trent you have to put your right hand on red" Nathan said sitting on the couch recording this mess.

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