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Hey my people I know I know I've been inactive but I promise that is going to change.

Please excuse all errors from this chapter because I didn't really proofread at all. Comment and Vote my lovely and I hope you enjoy.

September 2, 2018
9:44 a.m.


I walked out my room after I did my morning routine.

I walked past Michael rooms to hear grunts and groans.

Wait I hope this isn't what Gabe was talking about.

"Fuck wait" I heard Lucifer voice.

What the hell.

"Go in" I seen Gabe at the end of hall.

"Uh it sounds like something I don't want to see" I said to him.

"You are going want to see" he said with a laugh.

I sighed then opened the door.

I seen Lucifer and Michael wrapped in plastic wrap and tape. They were facing the same direction and Lucifer was behind with a bright red face.

"So Gabe" I said with a laugh.

"Yes and it is getting more uncomfortable by the second" Michael said moving around making shut his eyes closed.

"I said stop doing that do you not know how your pressed on me" Lucifer said then bit Michael in the back of his neck making a groan come out of Michael mouth.

All our eyes went big.

"Well I found Michael sweet spot" Lucifer smirked and Michael face went bright red.

"Please cut us out" Michael said to me.

"No" Gabe yelled walking in the room.

Everyone walked in the room.

I seen Raven was only in a shirt that looked like mines.

I looked her up and down.

"That's my shirt" I said looking at her.

"Oh Uh Gabe gave it to me" she said and her cheeks went red.

I smirked a little.

"So you guys not going to help us" Michael said.

"After you just moaned I think not" Trent said making his face go even more red.

"There's a knife between you guys" Raven said.

"And how do you know" Lucifer said.

"I kinda helped Gabe" she said with a laugh.

"I hate you" Lucifer said.

"Okay let me see" Michael said.

"Aye not the knife" Lucifer said fast.

"Look I'll get it" Lucifer said.

You then see a knife pop out the plastic and tape.

Lucifer cut them out and they spread out on the floor.

"I feel like a bake potato" Lucifer said.

"Well since y'all up Raph said what y'all want for breakfast" Gabe said.

We all walked out the room.

"I wonder how Gabe get my shirt" I said looking at Raven.

She shrugged.

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