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I just noticed I haven't showed Michael POV yet so let's see what Michael ass be thinking. This chapter I put some confusing shit I think. Please excuse all my errors because I didn't proofread at all. I'm lazy don't judge me. Anyways please comment and vote. The more comments and votes the more I update y'all know this by now

September 3, 2018
9:47 p.m.


I paced around my room taking peaks at my phone.

I didn't know why I was acting like this it was just a fucking pictures maybe it was a mistake.

"What are you doing" Gabe said walking in my room with Anna behind him.

"Uh nothing" I said to him.

He picked my phone off the bed and his eyes went big and a smirk grew on his face.

"So why are you freaking out" Gabe said and Anna ended up seeing what was on my screen.

Her cheeks went bright red and she covered her eyes.

"Well fuck up Anna innocents" I said to Gabe the took my phone back.

"You read so your going have to text back" Gabe said.

"If I were you I would keep that as my home screen" Gabe said with a laugh.

I looked at the photo one more time and shook my head.

I turned my phone off not knowing how to react to that.

"I swear your whole face is like bright red" Gabe said with a laugh.

"I fucking love it come on Anna let's tell the family the good news" Gabe said.

"Okay" Anna said with a smile then they both walked out my room.

I'm going to fucking bed I'm to tired to deal with this shit.

I threw my towel that was around my neck in the dirty clothes and went to lock my door.

I do not need Gabe fucking with me in my sleep.

Once I got in the bed I pulled my covers close to my body. I smelt Lucifer cologne and I shook my head.

I pulled the covers to my neck and closed my eyes.


Next morning
7:01 a.m.

I woke up with the sound of someone knocking on my door.

I groaned and threw my covers over my head.

"Michael get up" I heard Raph.

"I don't have class until 8" I called out.

"I need you to bring Mason to his session tomorrow you know how he is" he said through the door.

I sighed and sat up.

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