Chapter 22: En Route

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Ridhya sat back comfortably in his armor-plated limousine. It was decked out with blast-proof windows, fire resistant seats, and doors so heavy they had to be opened with metal bending. In front and behind his limo drove three pairs of Satomobiles that looked more like tank engines than anything else. The President of the United Federation of Earth States was a powerful and dangerous job, one that required the utmost protection. In spite of the layers of military grade protection, the occupants of the Presidential Limo had the luxuries of modern life. A radiotelephone, television, and heating and cooling systems were fitted into the carriage. A radio played swing music quietly as Ridhya sipped his tea and went over his schedule. His chief of staff, scheduling assistant, and his security advisor sat with him. The president and his security detail drove down a long stretch of highway that ultimately led to the gates of Ba Seng Sei. As they neared the city its imposing walls began to appear on the horizon.

"Run through the plan for tomorrow again," Ridhya said. He found that he had absentmindedly let his mind wander.

"Tomorrow you will meet with the governor of Ba Seng Sei, make a few statements to the crowd and stand with your son as you greet the incoming heads of state," the scheduling assistant said.

"And don't forget sir," his chief of staff spoke up. Her stern voice held steady as she spoke. "With the recent dip in your approval ratings, it is very important that you look strong today."

"Yes yes," Ridhya said. "It's not even two years into my presidency and already my approval ratings are falling."

"The occupation of Whale Tail Island certainly isn't helping," the security advisor mumbled to herself. She looked almost bored and had mentally checked out of the conversation. Instead, she thumbed through a stack of documents.

"What was that?" the chief of staff asked.

"I said," the advisor looked directly into her eyes. "The occupation of Whale Tail Island is not helping President Ridhya's popularity."

"Whale Tail Island is under Earth States authority, the President is using his position as Commander and Chief to exercise that authority."

"Uh huh," the advisor said. She returned to her documents.

"Meng," Ridhya said to her. "Your family lives on Whale Tail currently. What are things like for them?"

"Well sir," Meng sat her stack of papers on the seat next to her. "It seems that the Southern Water Tribe forces are causing trouble with the local authorities and causing fights with the Earth States army. Everyone back home feels like they are being taken advantage of and it is unsettling to see foreign troops marching around their towns."

The President and his security detail were passing through the gates of the outer wall. The barren desert landscape of the outskirts was replaced with the fertile farmland that fed the city's massive population. In just under an hour they would pass through the inner wall and enter the city proper.

Ridhya scratched his chin as he thought over what Meng had said.

"When I was there last week," he said. "I could see the strain that was being put on the local economy and community. I hope the G6 summit will provide a quick resolution to this."

"And sir," Meng replied. "Most people on the island would never associate themselves with the Dark Hand. When I was growing up, the Dark Hand was nothing more than a fringe group of protestors."

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