Chapter 6: In the Skies Above

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The air was warm and the skies were gray. The ocean below churned softly in the breeze. Renko stood on the bow of the airship and looked out into the open waters. Being on top of this giant balloon reminded him of the first lesson Kuzo taught him. They trained on top of Ua's airship as they flew towards Republic City. That felt so long ago. He could see clouds heavy with rain off in the distance. The sky matched almost exactly how he felt. Gray. When he woke up that morning, Kuzo was gone. In his place was a brown paper package the size of a small ball. Renko held it in his hand as he stood and gazed out over the sea.

He heard a door open behind him. A hatch opened up onto the roof and Tiulo climbed out. Tiulo tried to walk over as he gripped the thin metal railing that prevented him from tumbling below. His jaw was clenched so tight Renko wondered if it hurt. Since he was still on assignment, he wore his White Lotus robes which were blowing in the wind.

"How can you stand up here without the safety coil?" Tiulo asked when he finally managed to unlock his jaw.

"I don't know," Renko said. "I guess I just feel freer without it."

He walked over to give Tiulo a hand. Tiulo gave him a grateful look and leaned on him for support.

"Besides," Renko continued. "I'll use my metal bending to bring it towards me in case I fall."

He repositioned himself so that Tiulo could hold on better.

"I didn't know you were afraid of heights," he said to the swamp bender.

"It's not the height that bothers me," Tiulo said. "It's the fall."

A drop of rain landed on the top of his head. The clouds had gotten closer and the sky grew darker.

"What are you doing out here?" Renko asked.

"To see if you're doing okay. You've been glum all day."

"Is it that obvious?" Renko asked.

"It is for someone who has known you long enough," Tiulo answered. He noticed the package in Renko's hand. "What's that?"

"Something from Kuzo," Renko said. He rubbed his thumb over the small ball. "I can tell that it's a rock but other than that I'm not sure."

Tiulo studied the thing.

"So you and Kuzo...?"

"I don't know."

"Is that what's been bothering you?"

"Maybe like 30 percent?" Renko said. "But also about what lies ahead. "I need to learn air bending next and after that water bending. And the Dark Hand is still out there. I think. And I can't shake the feeling that someone is working for them."


"Someone who pretends to be a friend. Like, someone who has been watching me this whole time."

"Well," Tiulo said. "Don't ignore your instincts. Meditate on them as you search for answers. As for air and water bending, you're the Avatar. I have seen you bend metal and I have seen you bend fire. In a few weeks, I will see you bend air. I truly believe that there is nothing you can't do nor is there anything that could stop you."

The History of Renko: Book 2 Voyager (Avatar, BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now