
"Go! We've got this!" I nodded.

"Come on, bud!" (Y/n) lead two of them away, but more were still coming. One latched onto Toothless' back and more were surrounding us. "Okay, we need a new plan," I said as it started trying to stab him with its tail. "And fast!" Toothless suddenly started growling and I saw his back starting to light up. "Um, what are you doing?" I asked, nervous about this. I got down as they clung to us. "Okay, okay, come on, bud!" He roared and I felt a blast as something hit us. The Deahgrippers fell away and I understood. Grimmel couldn't see us either. I was stunned. Did he just-!? Ah, nevermind. We gotta get her while we have the chance! We went for him head-on. He got his crossbow ready as I jumped. "Graah!" He fired, but I dodged it. I kicked him off of the Light Fury, but he held onto me.

"Gah! You'll kill both of us!" I ignored him. "Fighting over a dragon!? That's your plan!?" I saw Toothless had gotten hit and was falling. I was stunned. "No, this is," I muttered. I took off the collar on the Light Fury. She regained control and looked at me. 

We locked eyes for just a second. "Save him," I told her and I let go. She looked stunned as we fell. She roared at us, but dove to catch Toothless. I watched as she got him and they tumbled onto the cliff. I smiled a little, but Grimmel pulled me out of it as we fell. I struggled to get him off of me, even if it was pointless now. He tore my suit up, before falling back down and clinging onto my leg. Then I heard a very familiar noise. I looked up and I saw the Light Fury diving after me. I reacted quickly, taking off my prosthetic to get Grimmel off of me.

"No!!" He shouted. He fell into the ocean as the Light Fury caught me and pulled up. I held on, still stunned that all of that just happened. She looked at me and purred happily. I smiled, still in disbelief.

"See? I knew you'd come around!" I said, relieved that she trusted me now and grateful that she'd saved my life. She dropped me next to Toothless and landed, panting slightly. I hopped over to my dragon and collapsed onto my knees next to him. The other dragons joined us on the overlook along with my friends and the rest of the village. I looked at Toothless and smiled as he began to wake up. "Hey, goodmornin' bud. There ya go." I held his head in my lap. "Boy, you're full of surprises," I told him. The Light Fury came over to us. I looked at her. I pet her gently. "He's all yours." 

I got up and I wobbled a bit as I backed away. (Y/n) hurried over to me and helped me stand. They two of them rubbed against each other happily and I watched with a smile. Enjoying it while I could. I already knew what had to happen and no matter how much it hurt...it was time.

Toothless looked at me and we locked eyes. He looked out over the clouds and so did I. We both knew it. He looked back at me and I looked back at him. (Y/n) looked at me too. She smiled softly. 

"We all have places where we belong." I nodded and she let go as I went back over to Toothless. He grumbled at me a bit and I pet him gently, holding his head as we looked at each other. 

"You're right, bud. It's time." I looked over as Arrow and the other's, except (Y/n), looked confused and concerned. I knew they wouldn't like this any more than me, but...they would be safer hidden away. I turned back to Toothless. "I was so busy fighting for a world that I wanted that...I didn't think about what you needed." I said, looking past him at his girlfriend. I held his head as we got closer. "You've looked after us for long enough. Time to look after yourselves." 

The others now understood what I meant as well and Arrow walked back to Stormfly. He took off her saddle and hugged her. 

"I'm going to miss you, girl." Nightshade padded over to (Y/n). She looked sad. (Y/n) reached to take off her saddle, but Nightshade pulled back. She whined in protest and I was honestly touched by how much Nightshade didn't want to leave. Armor Blades were pack creatures and...(Y/n) had been the only pack she'd ever known along with her brothers' dragons and Shiverwater. (Y/n) chuckled breathlessly at her dragon. The Light Fury understood too and padded over as well. The two dragons locked eyes and the Light Fury cooed at her, urging her not to resist. Nightshade let out another small roar of protest, nuzzling (Y/n) sadly. 

"It's okay, girl. You've got a better pack waiting for you there. You'll find more dragons like you and Shiver. And you'll have Toothless and your friends." Nightshade's tails turned blue and she whined. There were tears in both of their eyes. "What matters is that...you don't forget okay?" Nightshade wrapped her body around (Y/n), purring softly, but sadly. "Heh, I won't forget you, girl. I promise." After that, Nightshade padded toward us with the Light Fury. She looked at me and I knew what she was saying.

"I'll take care of her. I promise, Nightshade." She nodded with a huff, satisfied. She bowed to me, purring as to show respect before joining the Light Fury near the edge of the cliff. I turned to Toothless. "Go on, bud. Lead them to the Hidden World. You'll be safe there. Safer than you could ever be with me." He roared at me slightly and I hugged him as he nuzzled me. "It's okay. I love you too and I want you to be free." He whined at me slightly. "Our world doesn't deserve you," I told him. "yet." He looked at the Light Fury and back to me. I was surprised as he stood on his back legs and pulled me in for a hug. My tears fell as I hugged back, wishing that it didn't have to be this way, but knowing that there was nothing I could do anymore. 

We stayed together a moment longer before I pulled away, Toothless purring sadly but softly after me. I looked at him again. "Go, Toothless." I rested my hand on his snout, just like I had all those years ago. "Go." This time, instead of coming together...we pulled away. I looked at him and I nodded slightly, telling him one final time it was okay. He looked out toward the other dragons and roared. They all joined him before the Light Fury took off, beginning to lead the way. 

The dragons followed her and I watched as they soared overhead, leaving us to join their own. Toothless looked back at me one last time. I smiled at him before he took off, going after the others. 

A moment past, but I saw another dragon flying back toward us. Toothless roared at her and she called back. It was Nightshade. I was confused for a moment, but she fired a spike toward us. It plunged into the ground at our feet. (Y/n) came over and pulled it out. She looked at it for a moment before looking at Nightshade. The two locked eyes and she smiled at her dragon.

"Thank you, girl." Nightshade turned and flew over to Toothless who was waiting for her. They looked back at us before continuing on once more. I felt something on my cheek. I smiled as I looked over, seeing (Y/n) as she gave me a soft but sweet kiss.

"They won't forget us. And we will never forget them." She whispered to me. I nodded.

"I know."

Tameless but Together (Hiccup x Reader 3)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن