Dogs | Chpt 19

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(Y/n)'s POV

"That is, the ugliest shirt," I said, and Phil glanced out the window at me.

"Maybe he's just into stripes," he replied.

"And polka dots?"

"Hey, he's probably got a very important business meeting, how dare you," Phil replied and I laughed. I let out a content sigh. "So tell me again why Avery climbed out the window?"

"She said it was an emergency and hasn't answered me since, but knowing her it was probs my something ridiculous," I lied and he nodded. I fumbled with the corner of my napkin, sighing again. "This is taking forever, do you just want to get pizza or something?"

"Yeah that would be great!" He said. We stood up, giving up the table, and headed down the street to an appetizing looking pizza place. Once we got food and were seated, we were watching out the window again.

"That is ridiculous," I said and he shook his head.

"No I'm serious." I eyed him. "Seriously? You should get a dog," he said and I sighed.

"I mean....I could but—"

"If you want a dog, get a dog. You seem like the type of person who just has a dog. You could give a little puppy a good home," he said.

"I guess. What dog would I even get?" I asked.

"You seem like the type with a little golden retriever or a husky," he said. I paused.

"What about a little Samoyed," I said.

"Perfect, lets go get one right now."

"Phil no."

"Oh come on."

"Not right now, but I'll think about it," I replied and he grinned. "Why don't you get a dog? The corgi of your dreams?"

"I suppose I could, but the apartment doesn't allow them. Plus Dan wants a shiba inu, and it's nonnegotiable, so corgis wouldn't have been in the discussion anyways," he replied.

"So you're living your best dog life vicariously through me?"

"That's a fair statement," he replied and I chuckled. "You done?"

"Oh yeah, thanks," I replied as he went to toss out both of our messes. When we left he held open the door for me, letting me stop and curtsy to him.  He rolled his eyes slightly and we headed down the street. "I'll call a cab for you, my place is close so I'll walk."

"I'll walk you home then," he replied.

"Oh, alright, I'll call a car there. Unless you want to hang around."

"No a car there is fine," he replied and I nodded. We began walking together, still vaguely talking about dogs. I yawned slightly, shuddering. Phil continued talking, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I felt my stomach drop, but walked parallel with him, breathing softly.

"So if you were a dog, you would be a corgi."


"Okay so what am I?"

"Hmm..." I felt him drum his fingers against my arm. "I'd have to say a small, but loyal dog."


"Oh! You're one of those cocker spaniels," he replied and I snorted.

"I see."

"Yes, they're very sweet little dogs."

"Ah thank you for diagnosing me Dr. Dog," I replied, pulling away from his arm to grab my key. He stood by me for a second before we headed inside and up the stairs. I stopped at the door, key in hand. "Thank you for coming to dinner, even though Avery climbed out a window."

"No problem," he laughed. "Oh and (y/n), do me a favor and don't disappear like that again. Missed you too much," he said.

"You did?"

"Well duh."

"Well, I won't. I promise," I replied. He paused, smiling. He leaned in to peck my cheek and I felt my face heat up. He gently pressed his lips to my cheek and gave me a wave, heading off down the stairs.

I quickly opened the door and slammed it behind me, my body burning. I placed a hand on my hip where the dark date was, swearing that I could feel it throb.


"Hey do you want to come over?" I asked Phil over the phone. I was on my stomach, propped up on my elbows as I talked.

"I wish I could, but I'm filming with Hazel," he replied and I frowned.

"Oh okay, maybe tomorrow then."

"Yeah, that would be great!" He replied and I felt my chest swell. "I've been dying for a walk in the park."

"You always get attacked by animals in the park."


"You weirdo."

"Thanks! I'll see you tomorrow, text me a time!" I heard a soft call and he rushed his goodbye, clicking the red button before I could respond. I groaned and tossed my phone aside.

"That was embarrassing."

"Shut up Avery."

"So you like him?"

"Yes. Yes I do. But the last time I saw him, he still had all his dates."

"Well, just give it time. You don't know if it's time yet," she replied and I sighed. I shoved my face in a pillow.

"Hey who's Hazel?"

"Hazel Hayes?" Avery asked. Shit that's right.

"Ah, yeah I met her. Real pretty, blonde right now I think. Cute accent. Guys like accents don't they?" I asked.

"If you're even so much as considering a fake accent I'll murder you," she said.

"I don't know. The date is fading Avery, and I don't know what to do. I like Phil so much, and it's clearly not him."

"You don't know that. I think you just need to stop stressing and enjoy hanging out with Phil," she said and I groaned again, shoving my face back in the pillow. "You literally got a freaking dog because he said you should."

"And?" I asked, glancing at the fluffy white puppy asleep on one of my chairs.

"You crushing idiot."

"We've already established this," I replied.

"So to set this all out. You like Phil, but if that date is him, he is losing interest and that's what you're stressing about?" I nodded. "Well. There's not a for sure that he's not your soulmate. All I'm saying is let it happen how it will happen. Maybe the reason the date is fading is because you haven't hung out in a while or something. Maybe that's why the rest of the dates aren't disappearing, he's thinks you don't like him or something. Just don't lose hope and relax. I promise it will work out."

"I guess."


Crushed | Phil Lester x Reader Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now