Sick | Chpt 12

489 19 13

Hi. Yes this is way late.

I got caught up with some things, and I'm having trouble writing at all.

I'm sorry.


(Y/n)'s POV

My eyes opened slightly, the air conditioner whirring slightly. The room was quiet and cold. The only noise came from the soft breathing coming from the opposite bed and the smooth flow of filtered air through the room. I could hear the wheels of a cart out in the hall turn for a second before all settled again. I laid still in the stiff sheets, my mind wide awake.

It was early, but not early enough for the sun to still be hiding. It was near 3:45 in the morning, but the Summer invited the sun over the horizon earlier and earlier each day. Rays of light peeked in through the blinds, shedding light on me in the foreign bed. I sat up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed, shivering at how freezing the room was compared to the Summer heat outside. I shuffled over to the blinds, pushing them back slightly.

Though it was extremely early in the morning, there were a few people out an about leaving to do something or visit people. Our window overlooked the hotel property, so the little speckles of people below were guests. I slid open the glass door and stepped onto the balcony, careful to keep from waking Avery.

I yawned, leaning against the railing, watching the sun rise. Hotels always reminded me of the early mornings of family vacation. My family bustled around in a dynamic far slower than I, and I would always end up dressed and ready in front of the TV. Without fail, when I woke up with my body's alarm, there was always someone in the shower. It was usually my mom, light filtering underneath the door into the darkened room.

Vacations back then were always planned and routine; we never really visited more than 4 or 5 places. The day's events would be discussed in the car rental home while I half listened, partly asleep in the back seat. I felt a sudden sickness wash over me and I placed a hand along my stomach, dipping my frozen fingers on my hot skin. I flinched at first, but let my hands act as an ice pack for the uncomfortable feeling in my stomach.

I huddled back inside, cold air brushing over me. I headed towards the shower, hoping that would make me feel better. I turned the knob, shedding my clothes. Though I had taken a shower last night, I felt sick and deemed it my best option. When I stepped out in a towel, in search of clothes, I noticed Avery sat at the little table next to the TV. Sprawled out on the table were little plastic bowls of cereal and plates with muffins and bagels.

"Good morning! Free breakfast!" She said, and I smiled, sinking into the chair across from her. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just a tad sick," I said and she furrowed her eyebrows. "Shower made me feel better."

"Here, eat, maybe that will help," she said, pushing a bowl of fruit towards me. I ended up eating a majority of the strawberries and blueberries, leaving the oranges behind. I despised oranges. "Okay you get dressed and I'll be in the bathroom."

Avery hopped up and I picked up a few things, shoving them into a bag and then the fridge. We could use it later. I pulled out a comfortable outfit and changed. I sank into my hotel bed, my hair still damp and cool against my neck. Avery soon found me in front of the TV, suddenly better.

"So no meet and greets or shows. I was thinking we could go watch some panels or something," she suggested and I nodded, picking up my hat from the nightstand.

"Incognito mode," I said, glancing up at her from the rim of my hat. She rolled her eyes. I shut off the TV with another yawn.


"Yesterday killed me," I admitted, standing up.

"Honestly me too, but today we have time for other things. We don't have to stay all day," she said and I nodded, smiling.

"Maybe Phil can collab today," I said.

"Wow collabing now? Oh how you've grown," she said, placing a hand to her chest. I slapped her arm, picking up my backpack and hotel key card.

"Let's just go."

We ended up getting an escort to a Dodie performance, something I was very excited for. She had recently released an album, Human, for which I wanted to congratulate her. She ended up doing my two favorites from the album, Monster and If I'm Being Honest and a few others. Backstage I ended up getting to meet her.

"(Y/n)! So nice to meet you!" She called, hugging around my shoulders. I introduced Avery.

"Congratulations on Human by the way, I listen to it all the time," I said and she smiled.

"Thank you!"

We chatted for a while, promising to chat and work together in the future. I couldn't really sing the best, but it would be fun to mess around for a video with Dodie some time. We visited another show, one with Dan and Phil. They were competing against Joe and Caspar to see who would rein the better duo.

"Dan's favorite color is obviously black," Phil replied, scoring them a point. Dan did with blue. They were tied, the last question being 'If they had to choose one YouTuber to keep a date with, who would it be?'

"That's a trick question, Dan would pick Henry over anyone to be perfectly honest."

Point to their team.

They needed Dan to get Phil's to win.

"Phil would most likely keep a date with (your YouTube name), she's the one who's on in the house all the time," Dan said. I felt my ears redden even though no one could see me. I glanced at Phil and he smiled, keeping his cool.

"That would be correct, she's proving to be a really great friend so far!" Ah yes friend, good. He didn't actually have a date on me that would be awkward. They chatted with the audience with their extra time and Avery and I headed out into a secluded part of the convention center.

"Oof friend zoned. Don't fret though, we'll get the gears in motion."

"What are you talking about?"

"Phil. Duh."

"You really are a piece of work. Would you let that go?"

"Mmm no." I sighed, shaking my head.

"Let's just go."

"Whatever. Not my fault you're in denial. You need a man."

"Thank you for the concern, but I really don't," I replied and she just shrugged. "I love you Ave, but one of these days I'm really going to kill you."

"Bet. You won't."



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