Chapter 17 - In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream

Start from the beginning

The name sounds vaguely familiar when she was telling us about herself, he was another member of the Guardians that weren't here with the others. Nebula explained to us that she is Thanos' adopted daughter, who has been torturing her for years. Her sister is Gamora, the one who died due to Thanos seeking on if the stones. They used to be enemies, but soon became more like sisters when they out aside their differences.

We sit there on silence, eating our food and thinking about our lose.


"Stay still." I murmur, frowning as I focus in on the wound.

Tony grunts as I use the glove of his suit to use the nano tech in his wound. It's cleared up a lot in the last week or two, but we still make sure to check it every day for any signs of infection. I mean, there's not much else we can do. But at least it helps occupy our minds off of the horror we've all seen.

"Okay, Nebula. Run the diaognostic." I instruct, pulling back away from my mentor.

She holds the scanner in her hand, slowly moving it above the wound. Blue light beams down and scans it, is all looking towards the helmet. It's silent for a moment before Friday's voice comes over the intercom, "Zero sign of infection, and ninety six perfect functionality has returned. Status report, almost completely healed."

"Would you look at that." Tony chuckles weakly, sitting up and looking between us, "Looks like I'm not gonna die from a stab wound."

"No, just from starvation and oxygen deprivation." I mutter and he sighs, grunting at the movement.

He straightens up and looks between the two of us, "Thank you, both. If it wasn't for you, I would died on Titan. I owe you both one."

I smile weakly and reach out, touching his hand with mine. He holds it tightly snd I look over to Nebula, who has a ghost of a smile on her lips. She is pretty brash and no fuss, but I guess being trapped in a spaceship with no way of getting out breaks down a person's walls.


My stomach growls as the three of us split the last of the food between us. It's been nineteen days since we left Titan, and seventeen since the fuel cells ran out. Tony and I have lost a lot of weight, our bodies started to eat away at our muscles for sustenance.

I offer the bag towards Nebula, and she reaches out to take it. But instead of grabbing food for her, she pushes it back towards us humans. I smile at her weakly and nod before offering it to Tony.

"You eat it, kid." He says, refusing to take away the last of the food from me. But he needs it just as much as I do.

So I reach into the bag and pull out the round circle, splitting it in half. Reaching out, I offer it too him. He shakes his head in refusal, so I open up his hand and place it in his palm. He looks at it for a moment before nodding, reaching up,and taking a bite. I smile weakly before doing the same.


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