Chapter 42

341 24 106

Warnings: Character death, blood

~Rob's P.O.V.~

     Cold, wet, merciless darkness envelops me, chilling me to my bone and clouding my vision. The darkness swishes slowly by, and as I'm pulled through the darkness, I suddenly notice the vicelike grip tightening over my lungs. I squirm, blindly struggling for something to relieve the pain, when the darkness stops moving. Something hard and smooth is brought to my lips and without a second thought I drink, my lungs instantly sighing in relief. A second bottle is raised to my lips and I gulp down its content, blinking rapidly as the darkness recedes. Gradually a dark figure takes shape before me, which quickly clears into a watery image of Lachlan, one arm supporting my back and the other holding an empty bottle. Nearby Mitch is following Lachlan's example and pouring potions down Jerome's throat, who is still out cold.

The memories of our fight flood back into my mind. Lachlan pulls me along and although still low on energy, I do my best to groggily kick with him. It makes sense I woke up so soon, as it was only the sudden deprivation of a massive amount on energy that knocked me out. Jerome, however, will take a bit longer to come too. I rub my eyes, glancing back to the sponge monument in the distance.

"Did we... win?"

Lachlan nods his head, revealing the lapis blue key with a gold gemstone in the middle. Relief floods through me now that I know my efforts weren't for nothing. Dragged down by Jerome and I, the four of us are barely halfway to the surface. Nibbling on a piece of soggy bread, I sigh and prepare for a painstakingly long swim to an even colder biome. There's no rest for the weary I suppose.


As we break the surface of the water and expose ourselves to the freezing air of the snowy beach I groan, dragging myself onto the coarse sand and shedding my dented diamond armour, shivering in relief. Lachlan crawls onto land beside me, panting heavily and flopping onto his back, one hand plastered over his eyes. Next comes Mitch, dragging Jerome by his arms from the watery abyss, his wings drooping tiredly behind him. The sky, being blocked out by a swirling mass of grey clouds, casts darkness over the land. Mitch's luminous wings and the flicker torchlight from our makeshift hut being the only sources of light to to cut back the tendrils of night.

"We made it..." Mitch breathes, plopping down on the sand and kicking off his armour. "We really made it."

       A satisfying sensation of accomplishment washes over me and despite my pain, I smile. Three down, one to go. I note, casting a very minimal healing spell to patch up some of our minor wounds. Lachlan and Mitch look on gratefully as a pink glow erupts from their scratches and cuts, then watching as the blood falls away and new skin seals the wounds. Lachlan rolls to his stomach and pushes himself up, however when rising he immediately shouts in pain, his knees buckling and falling back to the sand. His eyes screw shut and he grips his leg as blood gushes out.

      "Ohhhh man I forgot that stupid spike impaled my freaking leg." He moans, sitting back down.
      "When I get back my strength I'll heal us all properly." I vow, rising slowly to my feet. "For now just wrap up your wounds and hang on tight."
        Mitch nods in acknowledgement, hooking his arms under Jerome's. "No ones asking you to push yourself, Rob. Don't worry about it. Now I'm gonna get Jerome here inside the hut before he turns into a bacca sized ice cube. Preston can help us all warm up."

        Jerome mumbles in his sleep, on the verge of consciousness. As Mitch drags Jerome, who is slowly but surely coming to, back to the hut, Lachlan shuffles over holding out the key. I nod in thanks, gingerly plucking the brilliant blue key from his hand. Taking a moment to appreciate its value, I stash it away with the other two. Pulling out a piece of bread I tear it in half, handing a portion of it to Lachlan. He accepts it with a smile and we sit there for a moment in the darkness, chewing in silence. As I gaze out across the serene snowy biome, so still and quiet, everything seems peaceful, if for only a moment. The crunch of snow splits the silence and Lachlan and I turn to see Mitch approaching, his face paler than the snow. His eyes are wide and uncomprehending, his hands covered with bright red blood as he cradles a bloodstained furry mound in his arms. Lachlan shoots to his feet despite his injury and the world seems to freeze as I stare at Silver, dead in Mitch's arms.

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