Chapter 25

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(Song above perfectly matches my return rn lol)


Did you guys miss me?

In any case, here's the fight scene you've all been waiting for. I've even made it extra long to make up for the time I've been gone ;)

P.s. apologies if my writing isn't to my normal standards... I'm a little rusty haha

Warnings: Blood

~3rd P.O.V.~

Thunder rumbles ominously overhead, and a sharp wind picks up. The wind throws Mitch off, and he teeters in the air, only just managing to catch himself before he face plants into the dirt. Endi growls in frustration, urging Seto to 'hurry up and kill them'. To which responds by Seto sends an inferno of fire towards the group of five. Mitch uses the gusts of wind to his advantage, and glides out of range. Meanwhile Brice and Jerome dive one way, and Matt and Pete dive the opposite. The pillar of fire continues until it reaches the edge of the swamp island, and is snuffed out in the water, sending up a cloud of steam with a hiss. Said steam is quickly carried away by the wind.

"Brice, what're we gonna do?" Jerome mutters urgently, grunting as he deflects a rock sailing at his head with his forearm.
"We need a plan." He replies, the pair ducking as a barrage of energy bolts sail over their heads. "And I think I've got one. MITCH!"

Mitch, swerving in mid air, turns to face Brice. Still not used to the concept of flying, it throws him off balance, and he crashes ungracefully to the ground. The remains of the ice shards dig into his forearms, but Mitch finds it a much better option than the giant boulder whizzing past where he was flying seconds ago.

"What?" He huffs, yelping and diving to the side as lightning strikes the ground in his direction.
"Do you think you can get the key from Endi?"
Mitch scrambles over, glancing cautiously over his shoulder to where Endi is barking orders at Seto. "I'm still a little new to this whole flying thing but... I'll try my best."

Clenching his bow tightly, Mitch propels himself up into the air once more, making his way to Endi. Meanwhile Seto is concentrated on trying to murder Pete and Matt, who are frantically scrambling all over the place, trying to dodge his attacks.

"Pete! Matt! I need you two to draw Seto's attention away!" Brice shouts, cupping his hands over his mouth to amplify his voice.
"Way... Ahead of you!" Pete retorts, wincing as a stone slices into his gelatine flesh, cutting a nice long gash into his cheek which begins to bleed instantly.
"And what do we do?" Jerome inquires, clenching and uncle cling his fists repeatedly.
"We have to try and knock Seto out. I don't know if it'll fix him but... it's our best shot right now."
"What are we waiting for, then? Lezzgo!"

Meanwhile, as Jerome and Brice converse, Seto is becoming increasingly frustrated with his friends Matt and Pete. Not that he can recall their friendship in his current state, anyways. He fires a spell, they dodge. Only very occasionally does any of his attacks connect, and their hardly near fatal. He sighs in annoyance, as the cyborg, Matt, jumps over his perfectly placed fissure.

"You two are really starting to get on my nerves." He seethes, firing off ice shards in rapid succession.

His voice is carried off in the wind. Just like his mind.

Out of the corner of his eye, Seto catches sight of Jerome and Brice, stealthy dashing up towards him. Seto begins to turn towards the duo, but a particularly nasty taunt from Pete causes him to whirl around, temper flaring.

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