Chapter Summaries/Ch. 26 Prep

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If you're reading this and there are several chapters posted after this then don't bother here :) just keep on reading

Since it's been like a year since I've posted any chapters I'm assuming a lot of you probably forget a lot that's happened. So, if you can't remember, and you don't want to re read the entire past 25 chapters, I took the liberty to make a few short chapter summaries for you guys. Feel free to read them... or don't, your choice. But tomorrow or the next day I'll be posting chapter 26 so get ready :D

Chapter 1

Rob is a blue gem/mage, he tries to learn a complicated magic class, and after being hit by a streak of white light discovers he has unlocked the magic class he was pursuing along with the two forbidden classes before blacking out.

Chapter 2

Preston is a red gem/outcast and is chased out of Oresville, worsening his self-hatred for being a lava creeper mutant. He has a tamed wolf named Silver who is his only friend and drifts from town to town to steal food before moving on when it becomes too dangerous. A streak of light hits him and he blacks out. Preston wears a cloak to cover his identity.

Chapter 3

Vikk is a green gem/commoner, and he is disgusted with the attitudes of the villagers, and sympathizes the mutant although he has never met him or knows what he looks like. Jordan, the mayor, rallies the town to go hunt the mutant, and as they prepare Vikk steals a horse and races off towards the forest surrounding the town to go warn the mutant (which is Preston). He is hit by a streak of light and injured as he is thrown off his horse, which bolts to the forest in fear, and promptly blacks out.

Chapter 4

Brice, a purple gem/warrior, is ambushed by a mage while delivering a package for Seto. The mage gets away, but Jerome, also a purple gem, defends Brice and scares the mage away. Jerome lives in a Jungle with Sky as the king, and a messenger tells Jerome Sky wants him to deliver a scroll to Notch. Jerome wishes his other friends to complete the task for him, but they are all busy with other errands. Jerome reluctantly agrees, and has the messenger bring the minor lay injured Brice to the healer with instructions to let him stay a night in the inn and lend him a horse to ride back to Oakview so he can report to Seto. Jerome traverses the Jungle into a snowylplains on a horse, heading Southwest to the capital, with plans to head West at the ocean, then across a small plains to the capital. A snowstorm kicks up and Jerome is forced to take shelter under a tree with chestnut before he is hit with a streak of light and blacks out.

Chapter 5

Mitch is a purple gem leading a group of hoodie purple gems on a nether fortress raid with his fellow purple gems Matt and Pete. Matt is a cyborg and his voice is slightly metallic. Mitch is ambushed by a ghost and breaks a few ribs, forcing him to let Matt and Pete lead the group on and him to double back to go back to the village and heal. On his way back he is hit with a streak of light and blacks out in a cluster of low hanging Glowstone.

Chapter 6

Lachlan is a gold gem/royalty, and is a rebellious adventure loving prince. He is stuck in a banquet, and gets in a squabble with his parents quickly losing his temper and being sent to his room. There, he sneaks out through the window to go explore the dark oak forest surrounding the castle, before being hit by a streak of light and passing out.

Chapter 7

All six members experience a dream where dream Notch explains he has fallen, and they have become white gems, each receiving some of Notch's power, and tasked with the job to kill Herobrine to revive Notch. They will be granted powers, although after defeating Herobrine they will lose said powers and revert to their normal gems. Herobrine will have four non gem bearing mon human hybrids with keys, and they must get all these keys to access Herobrine.

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