Chapter 29

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In my random stuff book I did a face reveal to celebrate 400 followers... so feel free to check it out :3

Also here's a thing I did

Also here's a thing I did

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Warnings: None

~Vikk's P.O.V.~

Have you ever felt your stomach drop, at a moment when all your worst fears come true? Where you feel absolutely helpless, knowing there is nothing you can do to fix a situation? This is a feeling I've rarely flirted with, but now, it's all I know.

     Nononononononononono this can not be happening. Nah. This is a dream. It's gotta be! Right? ...right? If only that were the case. Salty tears roll down my cheeks, and I sob quietly, gazing at my hideous reflection in the mirror. Ugly rotten green skin, open sores, visible bloody bones.... I'm a monster.

The last thing I remember is passing out on the floor after experimenting with my powers. Everything after that is a blurry puddle of nothingness. I know something happened, but what that is, I can't say. And then, the next thing I know, I'm waking up with a throbbing head, and there's this awful stench lingering in the room, like rotting flesh. Groggily, I'd sat up, witnessed Rob unconscious on the ground, a potion smashed on the floor, several things upturned, and Preston asleep against a wall, Silver curled peacefully in his lap. I went to go see if Rob was okay, and that's when I noticed my gem had black veins running through a half, and that half my hand was rotting and falling apart. I didn't want to believe it, but here I am, my own hideous reflecting taunting me with the reality that I am now, and forever will be, a zombie hybrid.

Thunder claps outside, and wind knocks against Robs home, the entire thing creaking ominously as if it will topple at any moment. A mood as glum as the clouds outside envelopes me, and I slump down in defeat, clutching at my hair and hiding my ugly face in my knees and wishing a black hole would just open up underneath me and swallow me whole. Sure I can save the world, but after that? I'll never be accepted again! I wonder if this is how Preston feels... I ponder gloomily, allowing my fear and grief to overtake my thoughts. But then, before I can continue on my train wreck of emotions, there's a sudden shriek jolting me back into reality.

I jump to my feet, every muscle in my body screaming in protest, and my head turns wildly to find the source of the noise. Apparently the screech was Preston, who must've had some sort of bad dream, because his eyes are now wider than the moon and he's shivering, hugging his knees impossibly close to his chest. Silver starts awake too, whining and pawing at his side, attempting to comfort her master. For a moment, the realization of my new look disappears and I rush towards him, my lips finding the words to express my concern. But before I can say a word, his gaze shifts to me, and he yelps again, turning his entire forearm into a lava sword and holding it directly towards me. I skid to a stop, a stab of hurt piercing my heart, and hold up my hands.

Delta 6 (The Pack) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن