Chapter 17/4k

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NOTICE: Tags will now be found in my random stuff and tags book! (Books that do not apply to this cuz I've already completed them: Anything is possible, The Nether, Winter Wasteland, Memories, Six Stone Souls, Against All Odds, and from now on, Delta 6)


Warnings: None

     ~Mitch's P.O.V.~

"Y'know, I'm starting to think we should've prepared more first..."
"Cmon Jerome, it'll be like the old days. Wandering off completely unprepared... Having to live off the land. I mean it's really not that hard." I shrug, wincing at the sharp pain that ebbs up my side.
Jerome raises an unamused eyebrow. "Well I know that. But you're hurt, and if we get stuck in a bad situation, things aren't going to go well."
I sigh, rolling my eyes. "Then do you want to stop and gather materials? I mean we're in the perfect biome."

I face palm at the response, doubting I'll ever figure out Jerome's logic. To this he smirks, seeming well aware of this.

Right now we're picking our way out of this thick Jungle biome, with two goals in mind. One, find those mobs and see what they're up to. Two, track down Seto so he can fix my wounds. I'd be nice if we can accomplish both things, but if I had to choose one, it'd be finding Seto. One reason is that it'll be nice to see a friendly face, seeing as neither of us has seen another living soul since yesterday. Two, is that once I'm healed, I really wanna try and figure out these cool wings! They're a bit bulky, even if they don't weigh anything, and it feels as if they're really attached to me. But again, since they're made of light, it really messes up my senses. It'll definitely take a while to get used to them, but it's going to be well worth it. I mean, come on. Who wouldn't want to fly? At the thought I subconsciously let my wings unfurl a tad, shuffling them.

"Man, I wish these mobs had steamrolled a path through the jungle, rather than weaving through it. It would make this job a lot easier." Jerome grunts, wrenching his ankle free from a knot of vines.
I shrug. "I'm just glad we didn't have to fight any last night."

After leaving our old home, to embark on out journey, we had trekked all day through the Jungle. And once it became night, we were going to set up a temporary shelter, but strangely there were no mobs anywhere. Like they had disappeared off the face of the Earth. It's not like we don't know where they went-it's pretty obvious-but it's still strange. Unsettling almost. At any rate, it's safe to say I won't be missing this Jungle. I've lost count of how many times I've tripped or fallen, which becomes even more annoying and painful given my injuries. But thankfully it seems we'll be out of the wretched place in a few minutes, and finally into the Swamp biome Seto inhabits. Usually Swamp biomes are even more of a nuisance to get through, but Seto was gracious and set up bridges interlocking all the smaller islands and shores, as well as the huge centre island holding his tower.

"Hey Mitch... Do you think the mobs got Seto? I mean, they were headed this way. And if they really are the minions of that Herobrine dude, you'd think one of their targets would be one of the most powerful Mage's in the history of ever."
I cast a sidelong glance at him, ducking under a hanging vine. "I doubt it. He's got a scarily strong forcefield encompassing the Swamp, and an even stronger one guarding his castle. Even if by some weird occurrence the mobs got in, they'd be no match for him." I try to reassure Jerome, even though I'm trying to reassure myself more than anything.

Because if those mobs managed to kill Seto, I do NOT want to run into them. Even with a white gem. This isn't a game we're playing. And until Jerome and I track down those other white gems, I'm not going to feel safe. Even then, I probably still won't. Speaking of which... How are we even going to find-

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