Chapter 15/3k/tags 2 + 3/WOAH v2

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Here's the answer to last chapters question!

Question: How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

Answer: A wood chuck would chuck all the wood a wood chuck could chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood

And also thanks for 3k everyone! It means a lot ❤️

And final thing before the chapter beings... You remember the chapter I wrote titled 'WOAH'? (Go see if you haven't ;3) well....

ITS #340 NOW!!! (Well it's probs dropped a bit since I took that screenshot, but still XD)

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ITS #340 NOW!!! (Well it's probs dropped a bit since I took that screenshot, but still XD)

Warnings: Blood

~Vikk's P.O.V.~

"Stupid" Crunch "spiders!"

     The mangled spider makes one last attempt to lunge at me, but falls limp to the ground halfway, and disappears in a cloud of smoke. I pant heavily, clutching my sword so tight my knuckles turn white. I flinch as an arrow whips mere inches from my face, creating a loud thunk as it embeds itself into the tree behind me. Knowing in my current condition-which includes a broken arm, scratches and cuts, and exhaustion-I can't handle a skeleton, I turn and book it in the opposite direction, dashing blindly through the dark forest.

After being indirectly forced into the forest tonight, I've spent the last half an hour running for my life and fending off countless amounts of hostile mobs. Probably the worst of them all has been the spiders, which have been given endless opportunities to pounce down on me from their hiding spots in the trees. It's honestly the most frustrating thing in the world. You know the powers I supposedly get from my white gem would be great right about now. I grumble inwardly, swiftly dodging around a creeper and not daring to look back. It's hard enough trying to flee attacking mobs, and the darkness of the night really isn't helping. Heat pounding and muscles burning, I hesitate slightly to accomplish two things. One, to give my searing everything a moment to rest, if only for a moment. Two, to take a pitifully short glance at the sky through the trees, and see where the moon is. As it turns out, I don't get a chance to glimpse the moon, before an arrow is sailing uncomfortable close to my face, and I'm off once again.

      "Please let it be day soon..." I huff, grunting as a zombie lumbers out, and bumps into me.

      The sun won't do much to burn the mobs, since the trees will provide shade for them. But at the very least it'll cease their spawning and calm the gigantic hairy spiders to a neutral state. Speaking of which...

      A loud hiss cuts through the air, and an ugly spider pounces from a branch, legs stretched out and fangs dripping with a mixture of saliva and venom. I skid to a somewhat ungraceful stop, and raise my tattered iron sword up to intercept the arachnid. The force of the heavy mob landing on me sending me stumbling back a few paces, but the spider quickly recoils, spitting in anger and pain as a line of blood drips from its stomach. Disregarding its own injures, however, the stubborn spider lingers forward, red beady eyes gleaming in fury. I haul my sword up high above my head, and bring it down as the distance closes between me and the mob. The good news is that I kill it before it can reach me, and do any harm. The bad news... My sword just broke, leaves pieces of useless iron scattered across the ground, and a bare handle in my hands. Even more bad news, is that it's still night, and the forest it teeming with deadly mobs. Like the zombie shambling up to me at this very moment.

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