Chapter 6 - Phone Calls

Start from the beginning

"Pick it up!" Roman urged and to Seth's own reluctance he picked it up.

"Hello?" He said as if he didn't know who it was. “Hey babe, you alright?”.  We watched the concentration on his face as he listened intently to what the person on the phone said and by the sound of it, it wasn’t good news. From where we were all sitting we could hear the loud, angered tone of a female out of the phone. Seth rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth together. “Oh and believing everything we read on social networking sites really helps us in life, does it?” Some more angered shouting was heard from Leighla and we all felt the tension in the room building. “She’s just some wrestler.” Seth tried to explain. I could tell Leighla was grilling him about me. “She’s new and we were asked to help her out… Yes, the whole group.” The lies had begun, this only proved that he was in serious trouble. “Yeah, go on and call them, they’ll tell you the same thing.” He looked up at Roman who nodded his head in agreement to the plan but from the corner of my eye I could see Dean shaking his head. “Honestly, it’s nothing. She got injured and I showed her the Doctor’s room, that’s all! I promise you.”

“I think he may have done it!” Roman whispered happily.

“Let’s hope so!” I said, crossing my fingers.

“Ok, bye. Love you.” Seth hung up and phone and jumped up, a huge smile on his face. “Glad that’s over!” He said with a sigh of relief. Dean’s eyes narrowed at him for a second before he put on a fake smile.

“Hey, Lucy.” Dean said, walking over and standing next to me. “Are you free tomorrow evening?” He put his arm around my shoulders and looked down at me, his tall frame shadowing my small one.

“Umm, I think so yeah. Why?”

“Well, Rosa arranged a celebration party for the show’s ratings doubling over the past few weeks and she said all are welcome, so I thought you could go and meet all the other guys and girls.” Dean smiled that sweet yet cunning smile at me once more and I felt like I couldn’t say no.

“Sure. Are we going from the show or…?” Seth walked over to Dean as I spoke. He got only a few inches away and whispered in Dean’s ear.

“No offence, but isn’t she going to look a little out of place? She’ll be the only newbie there.” Seth whispered but it was loud enough for me to hear. “I just don’t want her to feel out of place.” Dean span round and glared at Seth.

“She’ll be fine if she’s with me.” Dean said through gritted teeth. I don’t think he realised I could hear him. “Now shut up and go away.” Dean spun back towards me and smiled again, as if what Seth had said hadn’t ever happened. Seth began to head towards the door out of the room.

“Actually, I think I’ll pass on it.” I changed my mind. I looked straight over to Seth as I carried on. “I wouldn’t want to ruin it because of being the only newbie wrestler there. You guys enjoy yourselves.” Seth stopped in his tracks and looked round at me, a sorry expression on his face. I shrugged at him and walked out of the room, not saying another word to the three people I thought were going to be my friends and help me through this process. It wasn’t easy dropping everything and moving to America and it certainly was a lot harder to get in the ring and prove to everyone that I was worth the time and money. My phone buzzed in my pocket and without looking at the caller ID I picked it up.

“Hello, this is a call for Lucy.” A voice I recognised only too well spoke to me.

“Yes, this is her. Hi Mark.” I weaved through the people backstage and made my way out into the car park. Excitement and dread filled my body as I wondered what the talent relations guy wanted with me, the newbie who had got an injury in her debut match.

“Lucy, I know it’s short notice but we need you in Smackdown tomorrow.” Mark sounded desperate. “Tamina got injured whilst training today and she’s going to be out for a least a month. She was in a storyline that began tomorrow and you’re the only person we thought could handle it.” My body forgot how to walk, breathe, move, talk… Did they just say I was going to be on a taped live event TOMORROW? “You’ll need to get to the arena much earlier tomorrow and we’ll go through it all with you.” I continued to stare off in the distance, taking the information in but not quite processing it quick enough to reply. “We know you’re wrestling skills are there, you’re confident and good on the mic but we need you to be perfect to pull this off. Alright?” I blinked a few more times as the information was slowly absorbed. I was going to be a newbie wrestler with a storyline on Smackdown. Things like this don’t happen often.

“Yes Mark, that’s fine. Just tell me a time and I’ll be at that arena.” I finally managed to say, although my body was still frozen with shock.

“Ok then, I need you to be at the arena 3 hours before scheduled. We’ll call up everyone else involved and get the scripts changed so it suits you. Thank you Lucy! See you tomorrow.”

“Thanks Mark, bye.” I hung up the phone and beamed. There was no way anyone could underestimate me if I pulled this off. I could be a fan favourite! I could be the new face of the Divas division! I could prove Seth wrong! This was something I had to do right, even if it killed me.

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