Unplanned Assignations Chapter 37

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A/N:  Sorry for the delay in the update.  I suffered a serious case of PCD (Post Concert Depression).  Best 2 nights of my life...EVER!  I couldn't talk for a week from all of the screaming.  Been busy working so I haven't had a chance but here you go.  Please read, comment, vote...enjoy.

The summer months had rolled around and with the weather being generally temperate on the peninsula it usually isn't to overly hot.  The winds from the nearby Pacific Ocean and San Francisco bay help to keep temperatures down.  This makes it a wonderful time to throw summer time back yard parties.  Jimin and Jungkook had been invited to several over the summer months.  Some they attended and some they did not.  They were trying to get to know more people associated with the university and of course the fellowship program Jimin was working on.

Jimin had gotten to know several co-workers who he would gladly call friends.  He had introduced some to Jungkook.  One such person was Elliot Tatum.  He was a fellowship doctor from Kentucky.  He had a slow Southern drawl that fascinated Jimin in how it sounded.  Elliot was a very handsome Southern boy.  He was raised with deep christian roots and even deeper beliefs.  He was funny and charming and told jokes that made Jimin laugh heartily.  Elliot and Jimin became quite good friends.  Elliot had a sweet demure wife named Natalie Ann.  She was given to be called by her full name Natalie Ann.  She was polite and convivial and in true Southern tradition she was led by her husband.  She was very beautiful and quite the pecan praline arm candy for her husband Elliot but Elliot harbored a secret that Natalie Ann didn't know about and would have been horrified to know.

Jimin and Jungkook decided to open up their home one Saturday night to host a small dinner party for some of their closest American friends.  They invited Inga and her boyfriend Mark, Jack and his wife Marcy, and Elliot and Natalie Ann.  The fact that Jimin and Jungkook were the only gay couple in the group didn't bother them nor apparently did it bother the others.  They all knew Jungkook well and found him a sweet, tall and handsome man.  The perfect accompaniment to Jimin.  Jungkook was thought highly of among those in the group.  Some thought a little more highly of him than others.

"So Jungkook, how's the job going at the hospital?" Elliot asked as Jungkook handed him a bottle of beer from the refrigerator.  Elliot is eyeing Jungkook's back from head to toe.

"Oh, it's going really well.  I really enjoy working there."  Jungkook says with a smile.

"Well that's great. I'm glad to hear that."  Elliot says.

Jungkook walks to the door of the kitchen to the living room and asks "Does anyone need any drinks refreshed?"

"No I'm still good. How 'bout you Mark?" asks Inga.

"Nope I'm good." says Mark

"Well I'd love some more of that amazing tea, if y'all don't mind." says Natalie Ann in her thickest sweetest Southern drawl.

"Ok, Marcy? Jack?"  Jungkook says noticing the two shaking their heads they are fine and as he turns around he bumps into Elliot who had walked up and was right behind Jungkook when he wasn't paying attention.  "Oops!  I'm sorry.  I didn't see you there."

"Oh, no it was my fault entirely." Elliot says insincerely.  Jungkook has to kind of squeeze between Elliot and the door frame to get back into the kitchen causing his crotch to graze Elliot's hand that is semi in his shorts pocket.  Getting a brief feel of what Jungkook only shares with Jimin.  A smirk crosses Elliot's face.  Jungkook feels kind of creeped out for a moment.  He comes back into the living room and hands Natalie Ann her glass of tea then sits on the arm of the sofa as close to Jimin as he can get while Jimin pops his hand on Jungkook's thigh giving it a loving rub while giving him a sweet smile.  Jungkook leans down giving Jimin a peck on the lips.  Elliot still smirks at the tender moment between lovers.

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