Dr. Park, Surgeon General Chapter 13

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Jimin and Jungkook have gotten back from their weekend together and they both appear to be glowing. Jisoo, the Unit Secretary notices something between both of them.

Jimin is looking over a chart at the counter of the nurse's station when Jisoo asks...

"So what did you do this weekend that makes you look...uuum, extra glowy." She asks.

Jimin laughs a little, "Glowy? Is that even a word?" he asks. "Nothing. It was just a nice, relaxing and beautiful weekend. I haven't had one of those in forever." He starts to walk away while mumbling "glowy" with a small laugh.

A Patient Care Tech notices that Jungkook has a skip in his step.

"Dude, who the hell did you fuck this weekend?" Not much on class but one of the PCT's Jungkook likes to work with.

Jungkook chokes on the Red Bull he's drinking, "Uuuuh, huuuuhhh!" He tries to clear his throat. "I don't know what you're talking about." sputters Jungkook.

The PCT says, "Don't lie Jungkook, you got that fresh fucked look." He snickers when he walks away. Jungkook laughs. He's never heard the term "fresh fucked" before. Jungkook goes into an exam room to assess a four year old with a sore throat. Who for whatever reason stops crying the minute he walks in the room. Kids got taste.

Jimin's in the Doctor's lounge when the MA walks in.

"Oh good, Dr. Park I'm so glad I found you." She says sweetly.

"Well here I am. " He says cheerfully.

"Well I just wanted to let you know what an honor Monday will be." She says.

"Honor?" Jimin asks.

"Well, yes. Please tell your father we are so pleased he will come speak for Grand Rounds next Monday." She says.

Jimin chokes on his coffee.

"Are you okay Dr. Park? " She asks frightened by the reaction.

He coughs several times and sputters. "No, I'm fine. I-uh, well-uh, the coffee was too hot." He squeaks out.

"Oh, well I hope you didn't burn anything." She says with concern.

"Nope. I'm fine." He says still sort of wheezing.

"Well please tell him how pleased and honored we are when you talk to him next." She says and walks out of the room.

"Uh, I'll make sure to do just that." Jimin says with a smile.

Once the door closes Jimin utters, "FUCK!" Jungkook has met his mother but now he's about to meet his father and he never told Jungkook he was the Surgeon General of South Korea. For the most part Jimin never talks about his family and one of the things he loves about Jungkook is he never asks questions. Now he was going to have to tell him. It's not that he was hiding it out of shame but he just didn't want his father's political status to be a factor in the relationship. He knew the meeting with his father would be no different than the meeting with his mother turned out to be.

When it came to his father there were expectations and when they were not met the ramifications could be widespread and quite painful. While at work one night before the presentation his father was to make at Jimin's hospital he received a call he could not answer in the moment so it went to voice mail. When Jimin had a moment he listened to the message trying with all of his might to not throw the phone at the wall. The message was made by the father not the phone.

"This is your Father. I'm calling because as I'm sure you are well aware I will be making a presentation at your hospital next Monday. I do expect your attendance as it could help you in your practice. Also, I will make reservations at La Vie en Rose Restaurant in town at 7:30p.m on Saturday." It didn't matter that Jimin was scheduled to work that night. It was an expectation but as many of his father's "expectations" they were only that in name. What they really were was demands. "I, also expect you will not pull the same stunt on me that you pulled on your Mother. That was cruel and unwarranted Park Jimin. Do not do that to me. Is that understood? I will see you Saturday at the appointed time." Then he just hung up the phone.

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