Jeju for the Weekend Part 2 Chapter 12

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This morning Jimin wakes up before Jungkook and he's just been watching his lover sleep. Listening to his soft breathing while gently stroking his hair and face. A smile on his face as he thinks of this new love. How it makes him feel. Jimin feels like his heart is so big it could burst with love. It's an almost painful love how it makes his heart hurt and how he wants to cry for the joy of this painful feeling he has. He never knew love could feel like this but then he never was with anyone long enough to even feel the beginning.

There is also a sadness in his love with Jungkook that has nothing to do with him but with the fact that Jimin's family will never get to know this wonderful person that Jimin fell in love with. Because of their close-minded attitude and refusal to accept Jimin as he is he has no family. His Mother's visit made it clear that would never change. Their reputation in the public eye was more important than trying to learn and understand and love and accept. Jimin didn't ask to be gay, he was born this way and now that he has Jungkook there is not one part of himself he would change. He would rather die than live a life untrue to himself and without Jungkook.

Jungkook yawns and rolls on his back. He smacks his lips and starts to rub the sleep from his eyes. Jimin's hand falls to his chest and just rests there.

"What ya doing Jiminie hyung?" Jungkook says still sleepy.

"Enjoying the view." Jimin answers.

"Babe, you have to look out a window to enjoy a view." Jungkook says.

"Not when the view is right in front of you." Jimin says.

"Oh" says Jungkook fluttering his eyes still trying to wake up. "What time is it?"

Jimin rolls back the other way to get to his watch on the end table, "Umm, it's 8:13a.m."

"Okay, well we should get up and get ready. Your next surprise is at 11:30a.m."

"I guess it would be futile to ask what it is." Jimin says.

"Yep. Not telling until we get there." Jungkook says getting out of the bed and walking to the bathroom.

"Hey, nice ass!" Jimin says biting his bottom lip.

Jungkook sticks it out a bit and shakes it for him causing Jimin to collapse in a fit of giggles that sound like squeaks.

Jimin and Jungkook grab milk and cereal and toast before they leave for their next adventure. Jungkook drives until they reach the spot on the directions given when the trip was booked. They park the car and get out.

"Whaaa! Baby they look beautiful. All those beautiful balloons. Is it a festival?" Jimin asks in wonder. He sounds like a kid.

"Yeah, it's the annual Jeju Hot Air Balloon Festival. Let's go take a look around." Jungkook says.

Jimin and Jungkook walk around looking at all the different balloons and in various states. Some just being taken from their trailers and are being set up. Some with the burners on filling the balloon getting ready for flight. Some ready to take flight. They walk up to one balloon that is sitting ready for flight. It's got blue, white and black stripes with a beautiful flower in red lines on it.

"Wow, that's a beautiful balloon." Jungkook says.

"Thank you. We're getting ready for flight, we're just waiting on our guests." says the pilot.

"Oh, well I guess that would be me and my boyfriend." Jungkook says to the pilot.

Jimin's head whips around so fast you could have heard the bones break in it.

"WHAT!?! JUNGKOOK ARE YOU KIDDING!?!" Jimin screams in a panic. "NO! I CAN'T! I'M AFRAID OF HEIGHTS!" Jimin's shaking.

Jungkook takes Jimin in his arms and shows a finger to the pilot indicating "give me a minute."

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