When we got to the lake Ria stopped at the shore, the sun was just setting so the sky was lit up in bright shades of red. She turned around to us looking nervous. 

''Wait here and don't freak out'' She said swallowing a lump in her throat. We nodded and she turned around to face the lake.

I heard her take a deep breath before walking straight into the lake, she went under for a minute but then her head resurfaced. She swam slowly over to the shore then she leant down on the soft pebbles and behind her a huge silver tail eminated from the water.

The tail was covered in small silver scales that glittered in the light. Her arms were lightly sprinkled here and there with the same silver scales that were on the tail. It took me a moment to figure out that the tail was attached to the top half of her body.

Nobody spoke for what seemed like an eternity then Ria broke the silence.

''Somebody say something'' She whispered. I blinked in shock. Well I certainly wasn't expecting this.
''What are you?'' I asked and she rolled her eyes.
''Really?! I thought it would be fairly obvious what I am!'' She laughed sarcastically.
''So you're a mermaid'' Dad stated just as shocked as I was.
''What does it look like, of course I'm a bloody mermaid!'' She snapped sounding annoyed.

''Can I touch it?'' I blurted out. Alex and Dad looked at me like I was crazy. 

''Why don't you come join me for a swim'' She suggested slowly swimming away from the shore. The tail disapeared under the water, I walked over to the jetty and stripped off to my boxers. I sat down on the edge with my legs in the water and looked around the water. Ria was no where to be seen. I looked over to Dad and Alex who obviously couldn't see her either.

''Where did she go?'' I asked them. Suddenly Ria jumped up in front of me and crashed her lips on mine before dragging me down under the lake. Air filled my lungs and heat surged through my veins. When she broke the kiss I looked at her, she smiled.

''I kissed you. That means you can breath underwater and you could stay under for a maximum of three days. The heat your feeling will fade soon but it means that you won't ever get cold in the water'' She told me, her voice was slightly distorted from being underwater.

I'm fine guys, I might be a while though I sent to Alex and Dad through the pack link.

''I love you'' I told her. Her face lit up with joy then she bit her lip, didn't she know how gorgeous she looked when she did that?
''You don't mind?'' She asked nervously. I shook my head in defiance.
''No, you look beautiful, even with a tail'' I smiled swimming over to her. She grinned and swam in circles around me. She was so fast all you could see was a sliver blur and a trail of bubbles. She laughed and the sound was music to my ears.

She stopped right in front of me and her face was inches away from mine. She looked so happy but then her face fell as if remembering something.

''Why did you do it?'' Ria whispered, she leant away from me. My heart ached in pain at the movement.
''I was angry, I knew you didn't trust me and I was angry and I wasn't thinking straight so I kissed her'' I admitted to Ria. Her face crumpled. 

''I'm sorry, I was going to tell you when I went down stairs and then you were...'' She trailed off, if we weren't underwater I bet she would be crying. I swam over to Ria and pulled her into a hug.

''You have nothing to be sorry about'' I told her.
''When I saw you jump off that cliff edge, I thought I'd lost you'' I continued, she smiled appologitcaly.
''Sorry about that'' She mumbled. I just pulled her close and held her.
''I'm still gonner kick her ass'' She sighed happily. I chuckled at how calm she sounded.

''How long have you been a mermaid?'' I asked her as I sat down on the floor, Ria rested her head on my lap and fiddled with a necklace. 

''Us Mer change at the age of ten'' She told me.
''What was it like, the first change I mean?'' I asked, she flinched remembering.
''Exactly like a wolf change, just with fins'' She chuckled.

''So, your family?'' I asked.
''All Mer'' She replied brightly.
''So do you have a king, like king Neptune?'' I asked, Ria snorted.
''What are you five? No, we have shoals just like wolves have packs'' She replied.
''And you have powers?'' I asked, she nodded. 

''Yeah, we can controls water, hypnotism, heightened speed and senses, and echolocation. Although most gifts range on the amount of time you spend during your first change. My brothers and mother all spent an hour during theirs so they are just average. My Dad spent three hours and he is a lot more stronger and faster, his ability to control water is very strong as well. I however, I spent five hours during my change but I haven't found any special powers yet'' She pouted. I leaned down and pecked her on the lips, she looked so adorable I couldn't help it.

She twisted and sat just above my lap hovering in the water. She pulled me back and kissed me, I stroked her arms and she shivered in the water. I accidently put my hand on her tail and we both froze. I looked down at my hand and stroked the scales, she shivered her eyes fluttering. Ria's tail was smooth and firm under my touch. She shivered again and a small gasp escaped her lips, I grinned loving her reaction. I bent my head down and kissed her.

Ria's arms snaked round my neck and her fingers dug in my hair, I groaned at her and slipped my tongue in her mouth and deepened the kiss. My hands stroked up and down her naked back, she moaned against my mouth. She's so hot it's unbelievable. My hands rubbed her stomach which were also covered in scales. The scales covered her breasts up which I was happy about, I didn't want other males seeing her topless. She broke the kiss and smiled. 

''Come on Scooby, you won't last down here forever'' She teased, I narrowed my eyes at her playfully and stood up in the water.
''Did you just call me Scooby?!'' She giggled and the sound traveled through the water.
''Maybe I did'' She winked and lightly hit her tail against my ass. I gasped and shook my head.
''My little mate's a perv!'' She growled at my remark which sounded hilarious coming from her.

''I am not a perv!'' She pouted. I grinned.
''Oh but I am'' I winked and swam to the shore. I got out and saw her head bobbing at the jetty. 

''Would you mind helping me up onto the jetty, it'll be easier for me to change back'' she asked. I walked over and easily pulled her out. Her tail hung over the end of the jetty it was so long, Ria layed down on her stomach, she twisted her body round and held her hand above her tail. Suddenly the water on her tail trickled off onto the jetty and into the lake of it's own accord, and then she was laying down on the jetty bone dry and wearing her short dress that she was wearing before on. I gaped at her.

''Wolves never keep their clothes intact'' I said annoyed, she smirked.
''That's easy, because wolves aren't as awesome as Mer'' She teased. I walked over to her but she held a hand out.
''Do you want me to grow my tail again?'' She asked sarcastically.
"No, what I really want to do is kiss you'' I said bluntly, she blushed.
''One moment'' She giggled.

Still holding her hand up to my chest, the water on my body evaporated into thin air and I was left standing in my boxers and incredibly dry. 

''That's awesome'' I said looking down at my dry skin. She rolled her eyes at me.
''Put some clothes on''
''Why not?''
''Because I know you don't want me to''

She blushed and I walked up to her and picked her up in my arms bridal style. She yelped and blushed even harder. 

''I can walk you know'' She grumbled.
''I know, I just like holding you'' I grinned and she burried her face in my chest.

We reached the house in no time and I took her straight to my room blocking out the pack link. I placed her on my bed. 

''You're staying over tonight'' I told her firmly, she bit her lip.
''Okay sure but when my brothers flip out I'm blaming you" She laughed as user her down on my bed, I wrapped her up in the bed sheets before sliding in next to her

''I love you Cameron'' Assyria whispered before falling asleep in my arms.


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