Chapter 8 - Something Blue

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Mr Rosen beckoned to the space next to him. Gallantly laying his scarf on the marble bench, to stop my bum from getting frostbitten.

I tug my shopping trolley over to the table and start digging around, getting things out.

"I'm really sorry I haven't been able to get down here lately. But I can't stay for long. Hopefully, this will make it up to you? Now, what have you reprobates been getting up to since I saw you last?"

I hand out serviettes and the four of them dig their hands into the foil-lined container. Pulling out the warm pies I made this morning.

"These ones are beef and those are chicken with veggies. All kosher, thanks to Mrs Rosen's recipes."

"You've done Ava proud, little one. These are very good!"  Mr Rosen announced, before launching into an update about his family and happenings.

The others munched and passed around Unc's flask of whisky.


I stayed for as long as I could. Apologising again while I packed everything up.

"Unc, I'll just go and put your meals in the freezer on my way home. There's a container of stew for you, Hubie and Ignatius to have tomorrow. I'll leave that in the fridge. See you Thursday you heaps."

"Git on with yer....little divil!"  He swatted me away with a grin after I kissed him on the nose.

I peck the rest of them goodbye. Crossing the street, I glance back. They're all laughing and arguing over who'll play the next game....or eat the last pie.

Feel the huge smile spread further when I think of how happy Unc is nowadays. Compared to this time last year.

Yeah, he still misses Aunty Claire like crazy. But having even more  friends around him now? It's like he has a new lease on life.


I met them all a week before Unc got released from the hospital.

The Hospital health workers called me in and asked if he needed any special assistance aids to help him once he returned home.

I felt so ashamed. Because I hadn't even thought to check on his basement flat. Not since the week after my arrival, when I grabbed Unc some underclothes and personal items.

Win remediated that and immediately gave me a spare set of keys.

"Keep them in case of an emergency. Though I pray they won't be needed. And don't feel bad, my lovely. We never even thought of it either."

He patted my shoulder consolingly before I unlocked the door.

We both grimaced a fair bit as the stale and musty smell of closed-up rooms hit us. That was nothing compared to the stench when I opened his fridge. Being confronted by contents that've been left untouched for over two months.

"Ok. It looks like a spring clean is in order then, eh? I'll get started first thing tomorrow. Can you recommend a good carpet shampoo service, one that does upholstery as well?"

"May as well go the whole hog. As it doesn't look like Unc was much of a housekeeper."

Another realisation hit me....

"Oh my God! I didn't even think, Win! What about Unc's rent....the utilities and all that? "

"What do you mean? That's all taken care of. Nothing you need to do regarding any of that, dear girl."

His look was strange. As if he thought I'd know all of Unc's affairs? And I felt even worse that I hadn't asked him before.

"Though as a lawyer, if I can make a suggestion that'll make things a bit easier for you both while you're here? Have a chat with Unc and get him to make out a Power of Attorney."

A Convenient Wife - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz