(35): baby on board

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[song for chapter: Sunflower-Post Malone ft Swae Lee]
Alana's POV:
-December 4th 2019-
The sound of 7 men screaming as they enter the house fills up the house,remind me why I decided to live with 7 men?
I groan as I've been struggling to fall asleep due to me suffering from Braxton Hicks all day today,it come and goes throughout the day but tonight it won't leave,Jungkook runs upstairs and into our room.
He throws himself on the silk sheets and starts to remove every article of clothing he possibly had on,I'm turned over on my side trying to cope with the pain I'm suffering from.
Jungkook sees me on my side and slips on a clean white shirt,he crawls to the edge of my side of the bed.
He's kneeling on the ground.
"What's wrong my queen?" He asks me worry laced in his voice.
I smell his breath,he's slightly tipsy.
"Did you guys drink?" I ask even though his breath gives it away.
"A little..it's nothing to worry about though" he says and I raise a eyebrow at him.
I get up from the bed carefully and I stand up.
I grab the water bottle from my dresser as I make my way to the bathroom.
"I'm getting you a Advil and water..you'll thank me later" I say as I walk into the bathroom.
"I'm sorry baby..we were celebrating early Jin's birthday." He says and looks at his phone when it lights up.
"Speaking of which-omg it's Jin's birthday right now!" He says and runs downstairs leaving me stuck with a Advil in one hand and a water bottle in the other.
I sigh loudly as I hear them singing "happy birthday" loudly to Jin,I smile and try to walk outside.
I make it to the stairs when suddenly the pain hits me so hard,I nearly fall down the stairs.
Luckily I catch myself but it's too late,the boys saw me and stopped singing.
They rush over to my aid and check on me.
"Lay down." Namjoon says and Jungkook carries me to the couch.
"I wanted to sing happy birth-"
"Baby...your pajamas." Jungkook says and I look down to see my pajama bottoms drenched.
"Omg..am I bleeding or is this water? HAVE I BROKEN WATER?" I scream and Namjoon runs to his phone.
"119? Yes..my name is Kim Namjoon. My best friend has broken water right now can we please have a ambulance come as soon as possible?" He says and he puts it on speaker as Taehyung,Jungkook and Jimin try to calm me down by massaging my shoulders and trying to make me breathe in and out slowly like our Lamaze teacher taught us.
"The ambulance is on it's way sir.." the lady on the phone says and Namjoon urges her to make them come faster.
Before we all know it,the door is being banged down to death and Yoongi dashes to the door like a mad man.
He opens the door and the ambulance already has arrived,they take me in the ambulance and Jungkook stays with me while the boys try to meet up at the hospital with us.
Namjoon's POV:
Jin is rushing around like a mad man and I stop him in his tracks.
"What's wrong Hyung it's your birthday and our goddaughter possibly might be born today! Be happy" I say and he shakes his head.
"What's wrong talk to me.." I say grabbing his shoulder for reassurance.
He shrugs me off and I lock the door.
"TALK." I say and he sits down reluctantly.
"You see..Joon. There's a girl I really love and her name is Youra..." he says lowly.
"Hyung you haven't told us about her-"
"It was for her protection,she's a trainee for SM Entertainment. She's supposed to debut in 2020 but the problem is.." he says but then stops.
"Jin Hyung I swear if you don't-"
"A blessing came to us and it's very confusing." He says and I stare at him wide eyed.
"You? Mister.."Don't Have Sex Before Marriage or YOU'LL DIE!" Kim?" I say mocking his nagging voice.
"It happens to the best of us Joon-"
"So what now?" I ask him.
"She wants to continue with SM but it's too late she's growing big now,she's already 4 months and we know the gender on NEW YEARS Eve which is the same day she has to attend a party at SMTOWN . I'm trying to convince her to leave the company..but she won't. What if they try to talk her into-" he starts getting emotional.
"I really wanna be with her Joon. She's my happiness. She makes me laugh and I look at her like how you look at Lana. She's my world." He adds.
I sit down now completely shocked.
His phone starts ringing and I see it's from Jungkook.
"We have to meet Jungkook and Lana at the hospital so you either get over there and see your god baby or you can continue being here suffering in your own sadness over something that hasn't gone out of control yet. She's concealing it well enough that she's 4 months and no one..including her members knows." I say and he smiles faintly.
"Thank you Joon. Go ahead I'll see you guys momentarily. I have to talk to Youra before I go,we spoke about this almost 2 weeks ago and she hasn't called me again,I'm worried" He says
"Hyung..if she loves you enough she'll call." I say and he nods turning off his phone.
"Let's go to the hospital!!" I say and we leave the room..
Alana's POV:
I'm holding Jungkook's hand as I'm wheeled into our hospital room.
All that's on my mind is,my baby is going to be here soon.
She'll be in my arms,these past 9 months are coming to a close.
It's bittersweet.
My tears are tearing up from both pain and joy mixed together.
Jungkook doesn't sit down,he stands by the bed as I'm holding his hand.
The doctor rushes in with his nurses.
They lift up my hospital blanket to look underneath.
"Well momma..baby's head is almost there so looks like you gotta push." The doctor says and I look at Jungkook nervously.
He leans down and grabs my face.
"Look in my eyes,only mine." He says and I stare directly into his perfect brown eyes.
I stare so deep,slowly I start feeling..safe.
I feel protected,I feel as if his strong arms are around me helping me through this.
"Okay momma..you're gonna have to push hard right now for us okay?" The doctor says and I nod as I do the breathing exercises.
Jungkook mimics me so I can continue doing it.
I push hard and scream in pain as the joys of childbirth arrive..
This moment brings me to a memory of me and Jungkook at the time we were best friends still and we were at the Han River,eating lunch.
~3 years ago~
Today is my father's birthday,December 3rd.
I never like remembering this day,because it makes me miss him more.
Being 16 years old and alone today felt miserable..
But luckily Jungkook is free and here we are at windy,Han River eating lunch.
He noticed my change in attitude as I stared blankly at the waves crashing into the rocks below and I shivered from the cold wind blowing past us.
"Is something wrong?" He asked me and turned me around to face him.
"No.." I lied and he lifted my chin up with his finger.
Since forever,he's done that to me.
Lifting my chin with a single finger,it's a talent he's shown off throughout our friendship and now relationship.
"Speak to me. I'm your best friend." He said and I sighed.
"Today is my dad's birthday." I said lowly and he smiled brightly.
"Then let's call him-"
"No." I said tearing up.
"What why? Lana.." he says as I threw myself in his arms crying.
After I gathered my strength to talk,we sat down at a empty bench.
"My dad died 3 years ago,a year before I moved here. He died from a rare illness,the doctors changed it every year but we know it was something terminal,because it ate him up before my very own eyes. I didn't know how to grieve him and neither did my mom. She hustled every night after he died..she never gave herself a break to grieve. During that time,I felt so alone and depressed. I felt I needed to leave home. So I did..I came here. But my mom didn't like it one bit. She disowned me almost it seems,she won't return any of my calls. I just don't like reminding myself of this day." I said and he frowned.
"I'm so sorry Lana..I'll never-"
"No no it's okay Kookie. You're fine! You didn't know any of this..I tried hiding it because I thought it was a good way of coping." I said and he looked down.
He grabbed a rock and asked me for a knife.
For protection reasons,I always carried a pocketknife on me.
I pulled it out and he turned to me.
"What was your father's name?" He asked me and I looked at him weirdly.
"Anthony." I said and he engraved the words "Fly High Anthony" in Korean.
He handed the rock to me and I smiled tearing up.
"Throw the rock at the water,it means he'll be at peace." He said and I looked at him.
"Can't I keep it?" I asked him and he shakes his head.
"Don't worry,I'll make another one for you to keep right after you do this." He said and I took a deep breath in and out.
"I love you dad" I whispered to myself as I swung the rock and threw it into the incoming wave.
I hugged Jungkook tightly and he soothed me from rubbing my back.
"He's happy,I promise you. He's proud of you." He says and I nod smiling faintly at him.
-flashback over-
Since then,I always felt safe in his arms.
He was my safe space.
He helped me cope with my dad's death even after 3 years,I still have a rock with his full name on it in a box of my stuff.
I will never get rid of it...
I can't wait to show Yumi it..
Speaking of Yumi..
As I'm lost in Jungkook's eyes.
The doctor reminds me to push and I push again but harder.
I notice that Jungkook set up a camera somewhere and is recording this whole thing.
"Why?" I whispered to him and he smiled.
"memories for Yumi. She can look at this as woman and smile." He whispers back and moves a strand of hair out of my face.
Before I can even lean in to kiss him,I moan in pain.
"Okay momma her shoulders are almost out. One big push and she's here okay?" The doctor says and I nod.
His nurse is the one holding the baby's head up while he's being the cheerleader and helping by both encouraging me and pressing down my belly gently.
I do one big final push and all of a sudden I hear loud cries..
Not adult cries,newborn cries actually.
I tear up and Jungkook kisses my forehead before I kiss him.
"You did it baby!" He says tearing up as well and I look over to see the baby getting cleaned up by the nurses.
Jungkook looks over at me after staring in awe at our newborn baby girl.
"We did that,that's our princess. Yumi's here!" He says and hugs me tightly.
I smile as the nurse hands her over to me.
Already wrapped in a nursing blanket,I hold her in my arms.
"I love you princess,I can't wait to see you grow..I can't wait for you to meet your new family including your wild uncles. Keep in mind they are very loud and crazy so if you don't mind that,you're good kiddo okay?" I say and she forms a small smile already on her face.
"BABE SHE SMILED" I say excitedly and he plays with her tiny hands.
She wraps her tiny pink finger around his finger.
He smiles in awe and takes her in his arms.
He holds her while I'm told to rest.
Before I head to sleep..I look over to see Jungkook with Yumi walking back and forth around the room.
As he sings lowly to her,rocking her back and forth.
I close my eyes as his singing soothes me.
I fall asleep quietly snuggled up in the warm hospital blankets..
-later that day-
Jungkook's POV:
After the boys and I had our time with YUMI.
Yes she's finally here!..
We had the difficult task of attending MAMA as well which felt unsettling since Lana will be alone in the hospital with Yumi.
But luckily Ashley arrived a hour after Yumi was born,she's now staying with her until Lana has to go home and even when she goes home.
I'll need Ashley with her at home until I get home.
I feel so torn as we arrive in Japan after getting on a 11:30am flight,which is heartbreaking after my daughter was just born 11 hours earlier.
We arrive in Japan and we are now attending the awards later than we hoped.
So we skip the entrance and red carpet purposely so we have time to FaceTime Ashley to check in on both Alana and Yumi.
I'm delighted to hear they're both fine and Yumi is now being breastfed successfully which is a relief for Alana after struggling earlier with Yumi.
We're now sitting down waiting for the award nominees to be announced,when they said our names throughout the night and when the camera kept focusing on us.
I kept smiling at the cameras while sending secret signals to Alana.
We did our performance and it went according to plan.
But I couldn't help feeling empty afterwards,I didn't wanna be there anymore.
I wanted to be with my wife and baby.
Then..the final award.
The Daesang.
When the presenters said BTS..
We screamed and ran up.
We went to accept the award and after the other hyungs had their turns speaking.
I finally spoke and decided to why not end 2019 with a bang,a announcement.
"Thank you,thank you to ARMYYYYY! We love you so much,I especially love you all so much for supporting me and my wife Alana." I say and the entire crowd screams.
The presenters look at Jungkook surprised.
"As you all know,today is a special day because 1. It's Jin Hyung's birthday,2. We won a Daesang and finally today marks the day..I became a father. My greatest gift Yumi Amora is finally here. Alana,Yumi I'm coming home my queen and princess!" I say and leave the stage afterwards leaving the crowd,presenters and hosts confused and surprised.
Namjoon wraps his arm around my shoulder.
"You do know what you started right?" He asks me and I nod.
"They already knew I wasn't single..they'll support this." I say and he smiles.
"One day I'll announce me and Ashley and our pregnancy to the world." He says
"Copycat." I say smirking and he nudges my side.
"Ah ah respect." He says and we both laugh.
"You guys can stay,I'm going back to Seoul to be with my two girls" I say and Namjoon agrees.
"I'm going too my girl is there with her." He says and the boys reluctantly come along..
We get back to Seoul and Alana is surprised to see me back at the hospital.
"You guys should've rested!!" She scolds me and I shake my head kissing her.
"I missed you too damn much and I missed my daughter wayyy too much." I say and hold her in my arms after grabbing her from Alana's arms.
Ashley smiles and lifts up her shirt to show Namjoon her belly is showing slightly.
"Oh boy,that day might be coming sooner" I tell him and he sighs loudly as he rubs her tiny belly.
"Babies,babies and more babies. You guys better be careful." Alana warns Taehyung,Jimin and Suga.
Jin cleans his hands with sanitizer and Yumi is handed over to him,he holds her in his arms and I notice a light in his that I haven't seen before.
I notice Namjoon smiling at him and I stare at him weirdly wondering what's going on..
I shrug it off and lay myself in the bed with Alana as we snuggle in each other's embrace.
Yumi Amora Jeon,she's finally here and she's already loved so much..
| Yumi Amora Jeon;
born at 12:35am;
6 pounds and 5 ounces of perfection;
At 19 inches long and with a lot of brown hair on her head |
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* STAY TUNED FOR NEW CHAPTERS *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
#Chrissynation 🥰💕💓👑✨
I'm shook and I'm crying everyone!!
One more chapter left until this book is complete,it feels like yesterday I started this book and now it's almost done.
This story,I truly fell in love with the second I came up with it.
I knew i had to write it down or else it would've been a missed opportunity,so I did.
Boy,am I glad I followed my intuition...
Here we are..about to close up this book.
I just wanna thank you guys so much for the love,support and sweet comments on this book.
I never imagined this much of love and all the responses on this story.
I made this story as diverse I can possibly can since unfortunately...in the real world outside of the fantasies us writers make,it's not as accepting or diverse.
But I'm here to change that,my stories always have and always will be DIVERSE.
With characters of different ethnicities,orientations etc..
So much exciting stuff is awaiting us in 2020 and I can't wait for you all to see it unfold on here!
I love you guys so much,thank you so much for the endless support on this writing journey & as I venture into the world of kpop fanfics☀️.
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

7 men and a baby [a bts fanfic] #WATTYS2023Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon