(29): engaged

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[song for chapter: I Love You 3000-Stephanie Poetri]
Alana's POV:
-September 10th 2019-
Soft silk,the aroma of Versace cologne,sweat dripping.
Me and Jungkook lay in the bed out of breathe skin to skin,our bare chests touching and he silently gives me a high five.
He gives me a kiss and I giggle.
"That was amazing" he says
"I told you that the book Ashley showed me at the school library was interesting." I say
"You didn't say it was a karma sutra book." He says smirking and I smile deviously.
"I didn't tell you to look inside of it now did I?" I ask him and he climbs over me.
He kisses me passionately and I wrap my legs around him when Namjoon bursts through the door.
I scream in horror and cover myself entirely in the sheets head to toe.
Jungkook stares at Namjoon and Namjoon stares back at Jungkook.
"I wanted to tell you that GOT7 is coming over but I see you guys are busy sorry I'll go now." He says and leaves closing the door behind him.
"Is he gone?" I ask him embarrassed.
He sighs and nods.
"Yes." He says and I uncover my head.
"How about we continue this later tonight?" I ask him and he lets me climb out of the bed.
"I'm sorry he killed the mood" he says and I smile as I bend down to grab his shirt he discarded earlier on and I put it on.
"Not fair. You said later and you're testing me by wearing my shirt" he says groaning and wraps his arms around me.
"Behave today and you might have a full night ahead of you." I say and he grabs a handful of my ass.
"Starting now." I say smirking and remove his hands.
"You're evil." He says and I laugh as I waltz into the bathroom to freshen up.
As I turn on the water in the bathroom,he creeps behind me and drags me inside of the shower.
Now we are both drenched in the shower.
"Ugh you idiot!" I say laughing and he rolls his eyes playfully
"Can't we shower together?" He says wiggling his eyebrows.
"We can but no funny business mister" I say and he nods.
"Fine fine" he says and I remove the shirt.
It reveals my bare naked body.
He wraps his arms around me.
He grabs some body wash and gently washes my back for me,he lifts up some of my hair to massage my shoulders and upper back.
I close my eyes and lean my head back.
He takes a handful of shampoo and starts washing my hair.
I go to do it myself with my own fingers but he stops me by gently tapping my hand away.
I smile and lean against his chest.
In these intimate moments,the non-sexual moments we have alone.
He never fails to make me feel like a princess,like the queen of a unknown land,like wherever I step i make the floor gold.
In his eyes,I walk as a solid shiny gold floor is beneath me and the wind always blows towards me causing my hair to bounce in my face.
His view of me is someone of a goddess image,he sees someone that takes his breath away the second he looks at her.
Meanwhile every time I stop by the studio while him and the boys are practicing,I watch him all sweaty dancing and nearly humping the air with his hips.
I can't lie when I say I get easily heated seeing him all hot like that,I feel like ripping his clothes off and having my way with him right there and then but of course I hide it with a innocent smile,if only he knew what lies behind that smile of mines.
Before I knew it,our cute romantic shower moment came to a end when he washed out all of the shampoo and conditioner out of my hair while I was deep in my thoughts.
He grabbed a towel from the rack and hands it to me,I start drying my body up and he grabs another for my hair.
He starts ruffling my hair up in the towel and dabbing it to dry it faster.
"You looked like you were in dreamland Ms. Davis" he says and I smirk.
"I was Mr. Jeon" I say and turn around to face him.
He winks at me.
"Was that dream about me?" He asks me
"Yes" I say blushing and biting my lip.
Very much so.
"Was it a nice dream or a naughty dream?" He asks me giggling playfully and his wandering hands travel down my back.
He eventually finds my ass and grabs it again.
He has a habit of grabbing it whenever he wants and it can either be annoying or sexy for me.
"I can't tell you" I say smiling deviously
His face changes and he stops giggling.
"Why not?" He asks me with a slight attitude in his voice.
"Because my dreams are never PG13.." I say playing with his hair and a smirk forms on his face.
He goes to kiss me when I stop him.
"I have to get dressed. Ashley is taking me out for lunch today." I say and walk away.
"You're the death of me woman" he groans watching me sway my hips in only a towel as I walk away.
I get dressed quickly before he can try to make stay home longer,I do my makeup and tie my hair up in a simple yet pretty bun.
I walk downstairs and Jungkook whines following me down the stairs.
"Babyyyy why are you leaving me this early?" He says and pouts his lips.
I look at him and can't help but burst out into giggles.
He's bare faced with hulk underwear and a black hoodie.
He looks like a little soft baby,
"I'm happy you find me hilarious" he says sarcastically and I shake my head laughing.
"No no babe..Awh babe come here" I say and hug him with him pretending to fight me off.
"Ashley invited me to lunch and I refuse to miss out on it because we barely hang out since Namjoon's been stealing her away from me lately" I say and he sighs loudly.
"I'll take him away from her this week but please stay with me today" he says and I shake my head.
"Sorry babe,I'll see you when I get home though" I say and peck his lips.
I leave the house and contact Ashley who's waiting for a text back.
-a little while later-
Ashley's POV:
We are at a coffee shop eating lunch.
The shop has a Starbucks setting but with a local coffee shop feel to it.
The waitress brings me and Lana our food.
We start digging in instantly and I lean over to touch her ever growing bump.
"So how is she doing?" I ask her
"Baby Y is fine. She's active during some hours of the night which drives me crazy but if it isn't her it's her father who refuses to let me breathe,I tell you being pregnant it made his sex drive go up. He wakes up,he's horny. I bend over innocently,he's horny. I take a shower,horny. Any given moment,HE'S HORNY. It's driving me insane" She says covering her face.
"Maybe he has a thing for pregnant women" I say laughing and she glares at me.
"I'm doomed then he's going to try to get me pregnant again quickly" she says groaning.
"I wanted a break from babies for like a year or two but he's probably gonna try the minute Baby Y is born" she adds
"You'll be fine,trust me once he sees you all tired and beat up from the breastfeeding,random diaper changes during the night and the CRYING,the loud cries of a newborn will make him chill. Oh! You should try Lamaze classes with him!" I say to her
"We're supposed to sign up in a month from now so I guess I'll shove him in" she says
"Yes do it. I didn't get the chance to do it with Mingyu's father but I did do it with my mom" I say smiling.
"Speaking of Mingi how is he doing?" She asks me
"He's starting Pre-K sometime early next year" I say excitedly.
I pull out my phone and show her a photo of him with his new teddy bear that Namjoon bought him.
He named it "Joonie" after him.
"Omg he's growing up so fast" she says pouting.
"Sadly he is" I say frowning.
I miss my baby small!!! Why universe?! Why must my baby grow up so fast??
When I get my phone back from her,a text pops up from Namjoon.
"Joon💍: hey babe can you keep Lana busy for the next 2-3 hours?"
I read silently and type fast.
"Ash♥️: hey baby,I got you. wait why?"
I wait for his answer and sure enough he texts back faster than lightning speed.
"Joon💍: JK's at Tiffany and Co and the boys are at home decorating,they are making it look pretty for her. You connect the dots."
Inside I'm screaming but on the outside I'm cool as a cucumber.
"Ash♥️: I got ya see you soon handsome ;)"
I send to him and shut my phone off.
"What was that about?" She asks me
"Nothing just Joon being annoyingly cute like always" I say and she rolls her eyes playfully.
"You and him are inseparable ugh I'm sick of you two" she says fake vomiting and I laugh.
"You love us together don't even." I say
-2 hours later-
[Spongebob narrator voice >•< -A/N]
After keeping her busy by looking at shops and walking around the busy streets of Seoul on foot.
I finally get the text from Jimin that everything is ready for her arrival.
"Hey let's go back to your place,my feet are killing me" I say and she nods.
"I'm tired of walking let's go" she says and we start walking to their house.
Thank goodness it isn't too far from the city itself.
Alana's POV:
We reach the house and I go to open the door when Ashley stops me.
"Wait wait..let me check you out really quick" she says and I raise a eyebrow.
She adjusts my outfit and pushed my long hair back so it could drape down my back.
"Now open." She says and I look at her weirdly.
"Are you okay?" I ask her and she nods.
"I'm happy." She says and I open the door slightly.
She pushes me inside and I stumble inside.
I notice how dimmed the house looks inside.
Maybe the boys went out.
"Jimin? Joon? Tae? Jin? Yoongi? Hobi? Kookie"
I say waiting for a response.
But nothing awaits me but silence.
"Where are you guys??" I say loudly when a pair of hands cover my eyes.
I scream and I get shushed
"Relax it's Jimin now follow my voice okay?" Jimin says in my ear and I nod.
I walk up stairs and enter a room,then I hear a door open and close.
Then he removes his hands and I look to see the upstairs balcony decorated with rose petals and candles.
I gasp and I start tearing up as I follow the petals on the ground.
"What is all this for?" I ask him and he points behind me.
I turn around to see Jungkook dressed up in a dressy white shirt and black slacks with two toned black and white shoes.
He's holding a single red rose in his hand.
"Hi baby" he says and I smile.
"You did all this you sly dog..the question is why?" I ask him and he pulls me away from Jimin and brings me outside out on the balcony.
It's now sunset hour and the sky is shades of pink,orange and purple mixed together.
He holds both of my hands
"Lana..when I met you 5 years ago,my life changed forever,I just debuted a year beforehand and was unsure of my future,but you brought me strength,hope and confidence,you brought out the best of me and made me so happy in my life,I know you're thinking of leaving Korea one day but I hope you don't..I would miss you so much,my one true love,you make my heart beat so fast every time I see you,everything you do drives me absolutely insane in a good way of course,your small giggles,your little habits you have like biting your lip when you're nervous,your sassy moments,your sweet moments,you are my soulmate,that's why..Alana Francis Davis will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?" He says as he gets down on one knee.
I start crying tears of joy.
"Lana..will you marry me?" He asks me and I nod silently.
"Yes yes A THOUSAND TIMES yes!" I say and he takes the ring out of the box and puts the ring on my finger.
"I love you 3000!" I say and he lifts me up.
He twirls me around
"I love you to infinity" he says and I look around to see everyone with their phones out recording everything.
"She said Yes!" Ashley says and we all cheer.
I'm officially about to be Mrs. Jeon!!
I'm ENGAGED!!!...
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* STAY TUNED FOR NEW CHAPTERS *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
#Chrissynation 🥰💕💓👑✨
I love you guys so much,thank you so much for the endless support on this writing journey & as I venture into the world of kpop fanfics☀️.
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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