(16): nunya

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[song for chapter: Nunya-Kehlani]
Alana's POV:
-May 7th 2019-
Life had been going smoothly finally until today,I was getting dressed to meet Ashley at a new Chinese restaurant that opened up near her place.
When I get a text from guess who?
"Kai 👀: sooo who's the new guy? That's trying to fill my spot? Nobody will ever replace me you know that?"
He's the one who doesn't want a relationship and yet is saying no to me being in one but he can be in one happily.
Nah man.
He wants to play games,let's play.
"Lana❤️: nunya damn business that's who. Like that little girlfriend of yours?" I text back
"Kai 👀: I told you already damnit she's nothing to me! For your info it is my business since I need to know whoever this man is so I can let him know what's up." He sends back.
What's up?
Jungkook has known about this since the literal beginning and has been there.
"Lana❤️: at least he loves my baby." I text back and wait for his response.
"Kai 👀: that's our baby."
Ha. Now he loves it.
Now that I possibly will have it raised by someone else,it's killing him for some reason?
When he was the one who didn't want this baby in the first place.
"Kai 👀: how about you let me help raise the baby? $190,000 for joint custody and I get the baby 4 days out of the week." He sends back
"Lana❤️: wtf is wrong with you? I think you got a screw loose in that noggin of yours? Because I ain't giving up my baby for no amount of money!" I send back
After that he stops texting me.
At this point I lost all motivation to leave,all I want to do is stay home now.
"Lana❤️: hey Ash can we have dinner there maybe tomorrow I'm feeling under the weather" I send to her
"Ash😝: it's fine babygirl,are you okay tho? Do you need prenatal vitamins or did you run out? Because I can get you some!" She sends
"Lana❤️: yeah I'm ok & no I have some already from my doctors" I text back.
"Ash😝: ok ily boo"
"Lana❤️: ily2"
I dial up Jungkook and he answers.
"Babe are you almost done at the studio?" I say trying my hardest that he don't hear the anger in my voice.
"Almost babe why?" He asks me
"I just don't feel well-"
"I'm coming then see you home" he says and then hangs up.
Which leaves me with my iPhone in my hand and I'm curled up in my sheets.
I cover myself head to toe hoping today would end so it can be tomorrow already.
The time slipped by fast and before I knew it,a hard knock on the door was heard as I was still in bed.
I uncover myself and drag my body down the stairs.
I mentally curse myself for picking the room upstairs even though it was the only one they had available.
It still felt like a chore walking up and down the stairs sometimes,especially when you're pregnant.
I open the door slowly to reveal Jungkook full of life and excited to see me.
Me not so much,I walked by him and started my trek back upstairs to throw myself back in bed.
He noticed my unhappy welcome and grabbed my arm before I did reach the stairs.
He held me tightly in his arms.
"What's wrong baby?" He asks me worry laced in his voice.
I don't want him bothered with anything related to Kai because it's not his place,it's both me and Kai's responsibility even though it seems he denies some responsibility for this "lovechild" of ours.
Don't get me wrong,I have become more attached to this baby everyday but with every day going by I also worry for my own personal capabilities of being a good mother to this child,because this baby deserves it.
I never had a very good relationship with my own mother and yet it seems life granted me this baby growing in me so I could do a second chance for my baby to have a better life than I did.
I take a deep breath in and let it out slowly.
"Kookie. Kai. H-he texted me asking about us." I say as my blood starts boiling again with rage.
"That asshole. What does he want with you now?" He asks me
"He kept asking for info and I refused to give any because he didn't with that girl he has,he started babbling about how this baby is me and his and we should try this new co-parenting thing and it's that the baby be with him 4 days out of the week and that he wanted to know about you so he could tell you,what's up. Babe,I'm not giving up my baby to him,he's the same one who didn't want it at all." I say as my eyes start watering.
I don't want my baby to be raised by him,call me whatever name in the book,but I feel like the baby won't be okay there and it's my own child and I feel like it should be with me.
"That's why..." he starts and grabs my hand.
"I want to officially adopt the baby" he says.
"No. You and this baby mean the entire world to me and I want to be the perfect father for this baby. Whatever it needs it will have,whatever it wants I'll try to get it. I just wanna be there for you and the baby through thick and thin." He says
"Kookie it's such a big kind gesture but i don't think risking your idol image for me is worth it." I say putting my head down.
"It's not about image anymore,it's about safety of you and the baby. If that means extra security then we'll get it. But I do want you and this baby Lana." He says
"Babe can at least think this over?" I ask him
"Lana,you've been thinking about this since I last brought it up,I understand your worries but I frankly don't care what any media site or anyone has to say about this. I know I love you and this baby so damn much I'll take a bullet for both of you!" He says
"You wouldn't care if I didn't come to you guys!" I blurt out and I watch as his face changes.
"Wow. You really think I would've been one of your fake ass little friends? Like how your so called friends left you alone drunk and shit? That's how you even met that asshole!" He says
"Baby,I didn't mean to say that it just came out-"
"No Lana it was on your mind which means you have thought that I wouldn't had cared." He says now not looking at me.
"I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean any of what I said,you will be a great father but I just have my personal worries for you that's all-"
"What about you? You never think about yourself! It's always about everyone and you put your own happiness in the backseat so you can help others. What about your happiness? Don't you deserve it?" He says
He's willing to risk everything for me and the baby,I'm too damn stubborn to see this and want him to not take this huge step due to me my worries.
Those words hit me hard though.
"Don't you deserve it?" repeated in my brain like a mantra.
I did but I had denied myself all these years because I was too busy trying to make everyone happy to make up for my own messed up problems.
"I'm a mess Kookie. I don't know how the hell to be a mother and I already know I'm probably gonna be like my mother." I say and hide my face as I again start crying.
Before when I would bicker or fight like this I would never shed a tear.
Ugh,pregnancy hormones suck.
"Baby..you're not a mess. You're imperfectly perfect to me." He says
"That's so cheesy ew" I say and push him away lightly.
"No I mean it. You're already a better mom than yours if you care so much about your baby that you wanna be a AMAZING mom to it when you already are,you'll see." He says and kisses my hand.
"If you want we can leave all this adoption talk alone for a while,because maybe I am pushing you too much,if you wanna let me adopt the baby then I will but if you don't I'll also be fine with that. I sometimes forget you are the mother and I am not the father at all so I shouldn't be wanting to make such huge decisions like this." He says and puts his head down.
When I look over at him,I see his eyes teary and red.
Omg,I feel terrible seeing him like this.
I grab his hand and hug him tightly.
"You are the father to this baby,you might be stepdad to some people's eyes but but you are the perfect daddy role to this baby. You are the perfect father. That's why I want you adopt my baby and I want the baby to have Jeon as the last name." I say
I watch as his face lights up and he cups my face softly with his hands.
He touches me as if he's scared I'll break.
"Really?" He says trying to make sure I totally mean what I'm saying.
"Would I ever lie to you Kookie?" I ask him
"Never. God I love you woman" He says and picks me up bridal style and helps me up the stairs.
He puts me down gently and wraps his arms around me.
"My skies,stars and moon." He whispers in my ear and rubs my belly.
I lay my head on his torso as we sway back and forth holding each other.
No music playing as i just listen to the beat of his heart as we stay at the top of the stairs like that...
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* STAY TUNED FOR NEW CHAPTERS *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
#Chrissynation 🥰💕💓👑✨
I love you guys so much,thank you so much for the endless support on this writing journey & as I venture into the world of kpop fanfics☀️.
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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