(22): baby names

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[song for chapter: I Don't Care-Ed Sheeran ft Justin Bieber]
Alana's POV:
-June 26th 2019-
With the gender reveal in 18 days,naturally I've been looking through baby name books while also trying to pick a unique name myself.
Of course I had no choice in naming myself because well,my parents did and they picked a lovely name for me.
Alana. I actually have both of my grandmothers names in my name.
My dad's mother was named Alice Rose.
My mom's mother was named Lana Elizabeth.
So my parents combined the two and made "Alana",growing up as I got older I realized how people started naming their daughters my name and made it even more confusing especially when I made friends with a "Alana" back in middle school in the states.
But still I want to have a name to showcases my baby's culture while displaying mines as well.
I wrote some names down so far and I'm waiting for Jungkook to come home to help me pick the name that sounds better for us.
I have two names
One for a boy and one for a girl.
But in total there's four names.
It's past 6 o'clock and the boys should be coming home any moment now so I quickly wash up and prepare some ramen to eat since I have no time to cook up anything fancy for them tonight.
The list is upstairs stored away in my dresser out of sight and out of mind for a while.
As I'm stirring the ramen in the pot,my phone buzzes.
A unknown number appears and I ignore it.
I've been getting weird phone numbers calling to harass me or say mean things,Jungkook gets pissed and blocks the numbers or threatens to press charges if they continue.
Again the number appears and I slowly grow sick of hearing my ringtone.
I ignore though despite fighting the urge to grab my phone.
Again once more the phone lights and buzzes.
Sick and tired of hearing the same ringtone over and over again.
I grab the phone and answer the call.
"Hello?" I say sounding annoyed not purposely obviously it's just was so harassing.
"I see you had a nice day today too." I hear a way too familiar voice say.
Kai. The troublemaker.
How did he find my new number?
That's beyond me.
"What do you want shitface." I say rolling my eyes.
"Aye aye! You weren't calling me that night. I think it sounded more like you were enjoying me" he says and all I imagined was him smirking wickedly so I quickly clear my throat.
"Yah! What do you want?" I say raising my voice slightly.
"So I was wondering are you going to ask for child support?" He asks me
"Kai I wasn't even thinking of anything until the baby's born hopefully my mind will be made up about everything." I say
"So did you understand the agreement I told you about?" He asks me
"Kai about that...I can't let you have the baby 5 days out of the week." I say
"Why not? I'm the fucking father before that dick you're dating." He says raising his voice at me.
"He's a better father than you'll ever be dickhead! I never met someone who would willingly raise someone else's kid and with a smile on their face,no complaints,no judgement. I wish you were a better man,I wish I never met you that night,I wish I could redo my mistakes that night so I never bumped into you ever!" I say tearing up.
"Do you think I asked to be a mother right now? No! But am I doing it anyway? Yes! Because I refuse to be a shitty mother. Because at least MY baby will have one parent that isn't fucked up." I add my voice cracking.
*deep silent breaths in and out*
"You know what? I don't even know why I'm talking to you anyway! You never cared in the first place,you probably would jump up and down if I lost this baby wouldn't you? Because you're a heartless asshole who only cares about getting his at the end of the night. Obviously I don't have good judgment with men but I'm so happy I met someone who is the most amazing human being I ever met. Oh one more thing before I hang up on you and I want to leave this for you. This baby will be fine with or without you. Trust me it's a celebrity already without being born. WE don't need you and I hope you do find happiness eventually even though people like you end up old and alone anyway...goodbye." I say and hang up leaving him speechless.
I turn around after wiping my tears and let out a sigh of relief.
I finally stood up to him verbally and I don't feel stressed out.
The tears? All emotion no actual stress behind them.
Why? Because I have the man of my dreams coming through that door any moment who clearly loves me and will do anything for me and this baby.
No reason to be stressed anymore..
The clock strikes 7 o'clock and I hear sound of the door being unlocked.
I sit down and see it's only Jungkook with a heavy gym bag.
I run to him and he drops the bag so he can grab me and lift me up gently in his arms.
"It's only you?" I ask him
"Yeah the boys went out for drinks while I went to the gym after practice." He says and i quickly back away.
"That explains the smell" I say cringing.
"Who said to run to someone with a gym bag in their hand huh?" He asks me smirking.
"I thought you only went to dance practice and that's all you guys were doing." I say
He walks into the kitchen with me and he leans against the counter as I prepare two bowls of ramen.
"Nah after practice I needed to let out some energy I had leftover." He says as he wets his face with cold water from the sink.
"You could've came home and let it out on me you know" I say winking and wrapping my arms around his neck.
He leans in and kisses me.
"Great idea I'll remember that next time" he says smirking and grabs my ass.
"Yah!" I say laughing and moving his hands away.
"Go quickly shower before the ramen gets cold" I say and he nods and runs upstairs to his room.
I can't with him.....
After about 5-10 minutes went by,he runs downstairs in a loose white tee and grey sweatpants and black Adidas slides.
He must've washed his hair judging by his slightly wavy wet brown locks in his face.
He moves some of it away from his face and sits down letting out a sigh.
"What's wrong babe?" I ask him grabbing his hand tightly.
"Nothing baby,I'm tired that's all." He says
"Awh babe you wanna cuddle upstairs after dinner?" I ask him
"In my room?" He asks me wiggling his eyebrows.
"Okay but no funny business" I say
"You offered me a good idea earlier that's not fair!" He whines and his mouth stays open in disbelief that I'm turning down his advances.
"That was because I was teasing you." I say winking and then eating some of the ramen in my bowl.
"Oh cmon baby please?-"
"Begging now? Hmm.." I say smirking
"What?" He says raising a eyebrow at me.
"I never saw you as the type to beg for it." I say giggling.
"I never had anyone turn me down." He says smirking
"I'm sure some girls have done it." I say
"Why do you make it seem like I was a manwhore before you?" He says chuckling.
"Because you're Jeon Jungkook of BTS. Everybody knows you saw girls on the daily." I say and he grabs my hand.
"It's lies because I see fans everyday and I still only have eyes for you." He says
"That's because you're committed to me Kookie if you were single that's a whole other story. Suga told me once a girl left her bra here and never came back for it." I say waiting for his defense and I laugh when his face twitched slightly.
"So Yoongi is a gossiper now?" He says and digs into his food finally.
"I don't care anyway babe because that's before me. I worry about the present now." I say.
"Speaking of the present,we have to talk about possible baby names for little bean in here!" He says smiling and I smile back at him.
We already finished our meal as we talked so I put the dishes in the sink and we sit down at the couch to talk.
"I made a list that has four names you tell me which one you like okay?" I say
"Okay." He says
"Jina-" I'm cut off before I could finish saying the whole name and middle name that I put with it.
"No." He says abruptly
"May i ask why not?" I ask him
"Just NO!" He says and doesn't make eye contact.
He looks mad.
I get up from the couch and stand in front of him.
He keeps turning his face so I follow wherever he moves his head.
"What's wrong? Talk to me." I say grabbing his hand.
"There's nothing to talk about I just don't like that name." He says
"But babe you look mad could you explain why a name has you so worked up?" I ask him as I rub his hand.
"That was my ex girlfriend's name,we dated in high school and she dumped me during freshman year because she felt I was going to be a nobody and went after the popular guy,when me and BTS blew up she reentered my life and I had my hopes high for us so I took her back despite what happened in the past and she cheated on me with another idol and left me." He says
"I'm so sorry babe I had no idea" i say
"It's okay,I shouldn't acted out like that...can you forgive me?" He says and opens his arms so I could hug him.
I hug him tightly.
"You can be a brat sometimes but I love you" I say and he kisses me.
"So scratch that name off the list" I say grabbing my pen and covering the name entirely in ink.
"Then there's Yumi Amora." I say
"Yumi is a popular name here in Korea,it's also one of my favorite names" he says smiling
"Then I'll save that one." I say
"What does Amora mean?" He asks me.
"Amora means Love,it's a Spanish name I wanted to showcase my Latin culture in the middle name I hope you don't mind." I say
"I love it. Literally I mean it means LOVE!" He says
"Then for a boy,Daewon-"
"I don't really like the name Daewon sounds too strong." He says
"Okay then." I say
I didn't like it too much anyway.
No offensive to anyone who is named this name or is planning on naming their baby this name it just didn't work for us.
"How about Jihoon?" I ask him
He nods
"I like it." He says
"Jihoon Love?" I read the full name out
"You really wanna incorporate the word love in the baby's name huh?" He asks me giggling
"I love the word LOVE." I say and he nuzzles his head in my neck.
"I love the names baby." He says
"Now I can't wait for the gender reveal ahhh" I say.
I yawn loudly and he noticed how I lean back into his arms.
"Are you sleepy?" He asks me
"No no.." I say
"Your eyes are red,let's go sleep for a little." He says and scoops me up in his arms bridal style and carries me upstairs.
"I'm fine babe." I say even though I lean my head on his arms.
"It's okay let's rest" he says and lays me down in my bed and we cuddle into each other arms.
I fall deep asleep in his arms feeling safe and warm in his embrace and only in his embrace...
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* STAY TUNED FOR NEW CHAPTERS *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
#Chrissynation 🥰💕💓👑✨
I love you guys so much,thank you so much for the endless support on this writing journey & as I venture into the world of kpop fanfics☀️.
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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