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We were at my house playing cards. Paul had left to get a drink when I won the fifth game. He said I was cheating but I knew I wasn't.

"The final race is in four days. I just want it done as soon as possible so I can lick my Ice-cream without choking on the fact that you may die" Kaden said and picked up the remote as he changed the channel to a news about a girl who got missing at a mall.

"Mary Lake went shopping with her friend Rose only to find out she had gone missing. The kidnappers left a rose and a note telling the world Mary Lake was his to take......" The sound of glass breaking brought me out of the trance I was in.

"Oh my God," Paul shouted he had dropped the cup of wine he was holding when he heard the news.

Paul rushed into my room to get the car key. I was still in shock as we drove to the mall. I said nothing, I didn't even think I was breathing.

"Snap out of it Tom. We will find her just calm down" Kaden said. He put his hands on mine when he saw that I balled it in a fist.

I had promised her that I would protect her but it seemed I couldn't really do a great job at protecting someone I love just as I couldn't protect dad from himself.

"We are here," Paul said and packed the car. The mall was filled with police and reporters.

"That's Rose" Paul shouted and rushed through the sea of people to hug his girlfriend. I looked around wishing I would see Mary and she would tell me it was all a joke.

It wasn't.

"I was so scared, Paul. I was.." Rose couldn't finish her statement. She broke down when she saw me and I tried to smile at her. It must have looked anything but a smile because she started crying again.

"I am so sorry Tom. I wouldn't have left her if I had known" she said in between tears.

"Rose, it is not your fault okay. You did what you can do as a friend. Have you called her parent?" I asked and she burst into tears again.

"I called parent but her mom fainted after hearing the news," She said and Paul hugged her tighter.

"I suggest we go to her house so we can know what is happening," Kaden said and we all nodded.

Rose went to talk to the police probably informing them she was leaving the scene. The policeman nodded and She joined us as we walked to the car.


"Oh, my poor baby" She had been crying since we got here. We have met her once when we came to invite the girls to our picnic.

I hadn't move my eyes from the pictures on the wall of their sitting room. Mary was smiling in the pictures as if she had no fear. She was happy. I wondered if she was okay or hurt.

No one knew the answer and I couldn't help the tears. I didn't care if I look weak to people. Not that I wasn't already weak. My strength has been taking from me.

"Sir, the police are here," Their cook told Mary's dad. She also had tears in her eyes and her eyes were red and puffy. It made me thought of how close they were.

"Good evening Mr and Mrs Lake. I am Inspector Cal and this is Inspector Henry. We are here to ask you some few questions about your daughter" The policeman said and Mary's dad nodded.

"What do you know about the flower?" The policeman asked.

"Someone has been sending her roses and notes" Her father answered. He looked sick.

"Since when? Do you file a report?" The man asked again.

"Something like three years ago. No, we didn't make a report. She just told us some weeks ago" he said looking ashamed of himself.

"That is not an excuse. Mr Lake, as a lawyer and as a parent you should have known better" The policeman said giving them the stupid look.

"We filed a report," I said and they all looked at me.

"We filed a report last month and we were told to keep the notes the stalker sent. I think we should check her room" I told them and they all nodded.

"What are you to the victim?" The man asked. I felt anger at the word victim.

"I am her boyfriend and she isn't a victim," I said and glared at the man he nodded and asked someone to check her room. Rose stood up and left.

I looked up to see Mary's dad giving me a look that says we have to talk. I gulped and looked away.

Rose later came with a box and she gave the policemen. They nodded and left telling us to call them if anything happens.

I could only pray that she would be okay.


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