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"Arise and shine"
"Arise and shine"
"Arise and shine"
"Arise and shine"

It started with the turning, then the squeezing of the bed which is impossible to do and I ended up squeezing my duffel and gave a kiss to Sleepy on its head. Waking up had gotten better ever since mom bought that alarm it wasn't as annoying as the first.

Stretching as I stood on my feet which felt weak since I just got out of bed, I sluggishly walked to the bathroom to clean my face.

"Haaaaa" I shouted as I rushed out of the bathroom I was about calling the security when I realized it was my hair that had me running.

Slowly, I walked back into the bathroom dreading what I just saw. Stopping in front of the mirror, I gaped at my hair.

"M-my h-hair i-is b-black i-isn't i-it? W-why i-is i-it n-now....r-rainbow?" I thought.


The memory of last night came crashing down on me and I groaned loudly. How I wished I could change things I would rather stay in a room with hundred of Charlies the school bitch to this.

After the awkward situation between me and Tom, we got to the sitting room to meet a paint fight. I was about shouting at them to stop when paint shot through my head, I couldn't say who shot at me between the three idiots or who started it before I could stop myself I joined the fight.

I sighed as I walked to my mom's bathroom to get her shampoo, mine won't be enough to wash this rainbow off my hair.

Well, the paint refused to wash off no matter how hard I scrubbed to top it up I was late for class that was why I was standing at the door of my English class staring at the door like a moron. After taken thousands of deep breath I opened the door.

"Miss Lake..........your hair..... why are you late?" Mr Green my English teacher asked.

One would think Mr Green would have mercy on me since I was a bundle of colour like his name but he had a reputation to keep as the most merciless teacher.

Knowing my fate was detention I looked down at my black shoe how much I wanted to trade the colour.

" um...I" I couldn't form a real sentence shuttering out of pure shame and nothing else.

"Hmm... You can have your sit but I won't tolerate lateness from you again, clear?" I gaped at him I wasn't expecting that even the snickers and giggles from the students stopped for some minutes.

"Y-yeah?" I asked.

"Go to your sit Miss Lake I won't repeat myself" I don't have to be told twice as I rushed to my seat almost tripping on my own foot.

Sitting down beside my so-called friend who was laughing her head off at the same time trying to keep a straight face, Impossible.

"L-Laugh a-all y-you w-want b-but h-how w-were y-you a-able t-to w-wash t-the p-paint o-off y-your h-hair?" I asked a little bit surprised that she still had her normal hair colour.

"Idiot, there is something call dye," she said laughing loudly which earned her a glare from Mr Green and a silent sorry from her.

Looking outside the classroom, I gaped at the colour that clouded the sky.

A freaking Rainbow.🌈🌈🌈

This day couldn't get any worse?
Very humiliating.

I was in a bad mood never been the one to handle drama well. I was labelled "The rainbow freak" which sound childish to me. The name was founded by the idiotic couple Spencer and the bitch how I wished I could see them right now with how hot I felt I would able to slap the living light out of.....

"Isn't it the Rainbow Freak"

Well, we should watch what we wished for because in front of me stood the bitch thank God she was alone how I wished I still had that adrenaline to slap someone.

"W-what d-do y-you w-want?" I said staring down at my feet, what a shame.

"Can I get some colour?" Charlie said laughing at her own silly joke.

The sound of the bell signal that I need to go to my next class so I tried to walk away. Stepping in my way, she moved closer to me and whispered something into my ears.

I felt weak and needed to hold the wall for support, she smirked at me and smiled at my devastated face as she walked away swaying her hips.

I shouldn't feel so hurt, I should have known, it always happens but it hurt, it hurt like a bitch.

Steadying myself to walk to class, I slipped I didn't bother to stand up I just lay there my eyes had betrayed me anyway, they would take hours before they stop.

It sucked been me.


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