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No one had to tell me that I have done something to hurt her without knowing it because that was the only reason I could think of as to why Mary had been avoiding me like a plague.

I tried to ask her what I did but she never gave me a chance to explain or talk to her.

"Seriously, you need to think of what you did to her. You are affecting my relationship with Rose," Paul said glaring at me on our way to the library.

"Do you think I won't have asked for her forgiveness if I know what I did?" I asked a little bit irritated at him. I understand that he missed his best friends, something he liked to call the two ladies but he wasn't the only one who missed them.

"Hey, baby," How much I hated that high pitched voice. The fact that she moved with that douchebag made me dislike her. I put on a fake smile as I answered her.

"Hi, Charlie," I said as my two friends walked away. What great friends I have!!!

"I know you never really love that freak and you are just trying to cope with her and her weakness but I already let her know that you hate her so we can enjoy ourselves as lovers. I can't afford to lose you to her" she said as she tried to kiss me.

Did she just say what I heard?
Pushing her away from me, I ran to the library.
God, I hated that bitch and I was wondering what I did to hurt Mary. It was all the bitch idea if only she wasn't a girl.
My hands itched to beat her up to make her feel the pains I am going through right now,
If only.


"I-I d-don't k-now w-why y-you w-wanted t-to s-seem-me," Mary said looking straight into my eyes. How happy I would have been if it was under normal circumstances.

"I saw Charlie some minutes ago," I said making her flinched. Why was my heart breaking because of this? I hate hurting her.

"I-I d-don't k-know why y-you a-are t-telling m-mee y-yourr se-exual r-rrela-ationship," she said trying to hold her finger in a fist but her hands were shaking. I covered her fist with mine as I looked into her black eyes that hold many emotions especially anger.

"Whatever things she told you are lies. I mean I can't even stand her presence and you have no weakness, Mary. What I see in you is a strong lady" I said she looked away from me trying to keep her tears from falling and I let her.


"No but Mary, you are a strong woman and any man will be lucky to have you," I said cutting her off. She blushed to make me smiled at her.

"What do you think about skipping this class?" I asked and she laughed at me and nodded.

"Please play safe, I am not ready to be a godmother," Rose said making her friend raised her hands to hit her but she mistakenly hit the table as she froze.

I took her hands in mine and smiled at her to calm her down I know she felt embarrassed by what just happened but I wanted her to know it doesn't matter.

"You are still that strong lady" my eyes relayed my messages to her as we walked out of the library.

To the person reading this, you are strong and you have the power to overcome the world, that power is faith in yourself. Keep going!!!

What do you think about this chapter?
What is your view of Mary Lake?

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