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Holly slid her blade down Calamity's clothed chest. "Torturing her tortures him. Torturing him tortures her." She smiled widely. "It's an endless cycle of relentless pain."

The shiny onyx metal glinted in the torch's light before slashing through Calamity's clothing. Her leather top hung open, barely covering her breasts.

"Such pretty skin," she muttered absentmindedly. She pouted sarcastically. "Too bad." She sliced the top of Calamity's left breast to where her heart lied.

She hissed at the burning from the blade's intrusion on her skin. Leopold roared from his spot, struggling against Molly with primal eyes locked on his mate and her attacker. Molly's blade cut slightly into Leo's neck as he bucked toward his mate. He calmed down when he felt the sticky warmth of his blood trickling down the thick column of his neck.

Calamity's eyes darkened as she noticed her mate's blood. She barred her teeth menacingly at Molly, earning a maniacal smirk. A snarl erupted in her throat when Molly leaned down and licked the side of his face, long and slow.

Holly trailed the knife down the naked, bloody skin of Calamity's torso, stopping abruptly over the spot where her uterus rested. She flicked the blade, removing the button on her pants.

"If I pushed this blade right-" she placed it over her uterus again, "here. What would you do?"

Calamity jerked away as blood trickled down when she applied more pressure. "No!" She screamed.

"Don't touch her!" Leopold shouted, eyes locked on the blade that had the ability to make his mate as barren as No Man's  Land. They couldn't do this. They couldn't take away their future pups.

"Ooh..." she smirked at her sister. "Struck a nerve there didn't we?" They cackled in sickening unison. "That just tempts me more..." she watched her blade slowly push further, mesmerized at the movement.

"Holly..." Molly called in a sing-song voice. "His Majesty said we mustn't kill her. We just have to break her into mindless obedience."

"Exactly!" She cheered. "This will kill her happiness and her will to live!"

Loud footsteps pounded on the floor near the entrance of the torture chamber. There emerged the demon king. "You will not disable the organ that can provide an heir to replace her! That is the most important part of her!" He shouted in anger at the ignorant twins before him.

Holly quickly removed the blade from its warm, partial sheath. "Apologies Your Majesty!"

Avarice gazed nonchalantly at Calamity. "You should have just done as told. You should have shut your mouth and stayed silent. If you had just been obedient this could have been avoided."

Calamity spat blood onto the floor in her father's direction. "I stayed silent my whole life. No more. I will not obey you anymore. If you had shown just one ounce of love to me, I would have served you for another two hundred years, but you didn't. Enough is enough. I refuse to be quiet and sit back as you ruin people's lives."

Her father frowned. "You are naive, Calamity. You will understand your place soon enough." He removed his gaze from her.

"What about the wolf?" Holly questioned, mild fascination landing in Leopold's direction.

Avarice barely spared him a glance. "He is insignificant. Anyone can replace him. You may dispose of him." With that Molly giggled madly.

Leopold barely had time to react before the blade sliced mercilessly through his jugular. He garbled on the blood in his throat, falling onto the ground gracelessly. His hands helplessly clutched at the profusely bleeding wound.

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