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"There you are," Sable said once he spotted Calamity in the indoor gym, "Leo has been looking for you."

Calamity didn't slow her flurry of punches to the irritatingly stable punching bag. She pulled away only to give it a powerful roundhouse kick that finally snapped the chain and launched it across the room. It hit the wall with a loud 'Thump!'

"Not right now, Sable," Calamity grunted as she picked up the punching bag and examined it. There was a large split on the side where she had kicked it. It was unsalvageable.

She dropped it back to the ground and stepped away. She grabbed another bag from those lined up against the far wall before beginning to string it up in the same spot as the last one. She began the same process as earlier, taking out her frustration on the poor sack of leather and seeds.

"Calamity!" Sable called. She didn't listen to him. He received no response. "Calamity!" She wouldn't listen. Sable gazed frightfully at her hands. They weren't wrapped. They were bleeding profusely through many cracks and tears along her knuckles. Her face held only anger and determination.

Sable took off out of the room. The only person that could calm her down now would be Leopold. He sprinted to Leopold's room. He heard shuffling and a heartbeat inside, signaling Leopold's presence. Sable barged into the room only to stop suddenly when Leopold froze with wide eyes.

Leopold stood with only pants that hung low on his hips. His hands were on a towel that was drying his hair.

Sable gaped, jaw on the floor. His chiseled torso laid on full display for him. He shook his head to kick himself out of his mesmerized state.

"Sorry, Leo. It's Calamity." Leopold was instantly attentive.

He dropped his towel on the floor, taking long strides over to Sable. "What is it? What's happened?"

Sable gulped at the broad chest so close to him. "She's... in the gym. She's hurting her hands, and she won't listen to me."

Leo huffed and jogged out of the door. When he finally arrived he heard the relentless smacking of skin against leather. He ventured into the room and found Calamity tirelessly beating a punching bag. Her hands were bloody and bruised.


No response.

"Calamity!" He shouted taking a step closer. When she didn't respond again, he walked up to her and gripped her wrist, ripping her away from the bag.

She whipped around with the intent of lashing out at the person that dared to disrupt her training. When her eyes met Leo's she stopped her oncoming harangue.

"What is it, Leo? I'm busy," she said breathlessly.

Leo just took her other wrist in hand and raised her hands up to inspect. They were covered in blood. The wounds had already begun to heal, but the process was slower than normal.

Calamity's eyes were wide and she gazed at her hands. She opened her mouth but closed it again.

"This can't keep happening Calamity. We need to talk," Leopold said ominously.

Calamity looked up at him fearfully. "Are you mad at me?" She gripped his hands tightly.

Leo pursed his lips. "No, Calamity. This is something I've been meaning to discuss with you for a while. Come on. Let's go to your room and talk." He brought her hands to his lips and kissed them tenderly.

Calamity nodded silently, letting Leopold lead her back to her room.

When Leopold shut the door Calamity spoke up. "What did you want to talk about?"

Leopold faced the door, afraid to face Calamity. "I want to mark you." He cut straight to the chase.

Calamity's eyes widened, surprised at his suddenness. Her features softened when she noticed how tense his back was. He was scared of her rejection. She made her decision. "Okay."

Leopold whipped around, shock evident on his face. "Okay?"

Calamity smiled at his ruffled state. "Yes, okay."

Leopold reached out and caressed her face gently. He leaned down and kissed her sweetly. Calamity wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

They broke apart, and Calamity smiled up at him. She finally felt that emotion that she had seen in that vision, oh so long ago--happiness, pure and unadulterated.

The love on Leo's face seemed to make him glow. "I love you." His statement was simple, only three short words, three syllables, but it meant so much all at once.

"I love you too, Leopold."

Leo leaned back down and kissed her again. They moved slowly to the bed without separating their lips. Leo sat her on the bed. His eyes looked to her top and then back to her eyes, silently asking for permission. She nodded.

Leopold's hands went to the buttons, fluidly undoing them one at a time. When he finally finished the last button he slipped the leather off of her shoulders and past her arms, until she sat there with only her breast bindings to cover her torso. Leo removed his own shirt, tossing it to the side quickly.

Leo kissed her passionately again. She pulled away and moved further back onto the bed. Leopold crawled over her almost predatorily. His lips caught hers viciously. His mouth drifted down her jaw, leaving little butterfly kisses. He went down the length of her neck, stopping at the juncture between her neck and her shoulder.

His fangs protruded from his gums. "Are you sure about this?" He asked. It was her last chance to pull back. Although, he didn't know if he could even stop at this point.

"I love you, Leo."

That was all the incentive he needed. He grabbed the back of her head, and his mouth hovered over the crook of her neck. He licked the area, sending tingles shooting down her spine.

Leopold's teeth dug into her neck swiftly and sharply.

Red hot pain shot up Calamity's neck. A scream ripped out of her throat at the sudden pain. Her limbs thrashed involuntarily against Leo. He still didn't remove his teeth. He pulled her flush against him, stifling her bodies violent reaction. After a minute he removed his teeth and licked the wound of the blood.

He watched the swirling black under her skin from the ink injected into her neck when he bit her. He looked at her face intently.

A flood of emotions washed over the pair, emotions which were not their own. A loud gasp resounded around the room. Leopold felt the pain in her neck as if it were his own. He could hear her thoughts, mostly of the pain she endured. Her labored breathing was loud to his sensitive ears.

She was growing faint. The pain was too much.

Leo kissed her gently. "I'm sorry that I hurt you."

She shook her head, unable to verbally respond.

"I love you."

I love you, too, turtle. He heard in his mind. He smiled at her own weak attempt at smiling through the pain.

Calamity finally gave in to the pain. Darkness clouded her mind as her sight disappeared and her consciousness drifted away.

Leopold wrapped his arms around his mate possessively. He fell asleep with his mate securely in his arms.

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