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Calamity stood silently as Leopold addressed his subjects, informing them of the movement to the human realm. The rising discontent in the air was almost palpable, but no one would question their king; they wouldn't question their alpha.

Leopold kept trying to subtly touch Calamity the entire time he spoke. She always seemed to predict where he was coming from, though, effortlessly dodging his every attempt. Her face remained blank the entire time, but she wasn't the only one with an unbreakable exterior.

Lucretia watched her son's antics, obviously displeased, but she didn't show it on her face. It was the glimmer of irritation in her eyes that gave her away. Derek held her hand, running soothing circles on the back of it with little success.

Calamity had very little contact with Lucretia during her stay. They had not directly interacted since the slap across the face Calamity received from her. Calamity glanced over at Lucretia before her eyes drifted back to the crowd in front of her. She held no ill-feelings toward the woman, and Lucretia seemed to sense this. Yet, she still didn't trust the demon. She was definitely hiding something--something that would pain Leopold greatly in the end.

Lucretia had made up her mind a couple of days ago, though. She would apologize. She would not tell the demon that she liked her, but she knew that she would only hamper the happiness of her own son if she continued to hold disdain towards his mate. She loved her son more than life itself, and his happiness was her happiness. And Calamity made him happy.

Leopold finished his public address. He turned to Calamity ready to engulf her in his arms for her teasing, but she disappeared. Where did she go?

"Alright, what do you wish to talk to me about now that you've dragged me out here, Your Highness?" Calamity didn't attempt to disguise her annoyance at having been ripped away from her duties. She quirked a brow in her direction impatiently.

Lucretia cleared her throat. She didn't like the situation anymore than Calamity. "I want to..." it was hard for her to even say, "apologize. I acted in a manner unbecoming of both of our statuses. While I still don't like nor trust you, I do not wish to be a source of strife between you and my son. His happiness means the world to me, and you make him happier than I have ever seen him. So I beg for your forgiveness, Calamity." She bent down on one knee.

Calamity sighed. "Please stand up, Your Highness. I do not hold any hatred in my heart for you, nor have I ever. I respect you as the former queen of this country. A woman of your status does not belong on her knees. I forgave you a long time ago."

Lucretia stood and nodded. "Then I will be returning to my mate. He has probably realized that I vanished and is freaking out."

"Ah," Calamity breathed out, "likewise. Have a nice afternoon, Your Highness."

"You as well, General."

The two women walked their separate ways, but a newfound respect had weaseled its way into each of them.


"Where have you been?" Leopold all but yelled when Calamity entered her room. Leopold paced the room anxiously. "Do you know how worried I was?"

Calamity rolled her eyes. "I was with your mother."

"What?" His eyes held a burning emotion that quickly converted to anger. "What did she do this time?"

Calamity gave him a bored look. "Apologize," she stated simply.

"She-" he looked confused. "What?"

"You heard me. She apologized. She also said that she still doesn't like me, but she apologized nonetheless. It was rather noble of her," Calamity said with an impressed look on her face. "Anyway, let's not talk about her. You need to go pack."

Leo pouted. "Will you help me?" He jutted his lip out and gave a poor excuse for puppy eyes. Calamity just stared blankly at him. "Please," he whined.

"You're lucky I like you," she said pointing a finger at him before strutting out of the room.

Leopold watched her walk away, head tilted as he looked at her perfectly sculpted behind. He huffed before following her back to his room. By the time he actually arrived she had already begun to sort through his drawers, placing clothing she deemed suitable on top of his dresser. She crouched down to sort through his bottom drawer. Leopold grew increasingly distracted by watching her movements. His canines began to ache again. She made control so hard sometimes.

Calamity finally turned around, immediately seeing the struggle on his face. "You know, you only make it worse for yourself when you do things like stare at my rear like a horny teenager."

Leopold blushed. He had been caught red handed--or red faced. Calamity waltzed up to him before wrapping her arms around his waist, gazing into his eyes with a soft expression.

"We'll be headed to the human realm tomorrow. Big things are going to happen," she said.

"What do you mean by that?" He questioned, confused.

"You'll find out soon enough. Just be prepared for a lot of changes." Calamity moved her hands up his chest before wrapping her hands around his neck. She moved a stray piece of hair from his eyes.

She was hinting at something, but he didn't know what. If only he knew how to read Calamity like she could him.


"I think she's going to either confess or let you mark her," Jo gave his input. They sat in Jo's room. Calamity had to go to a meeting with Reinard.

"What?" He exclaimed. "Don't get my hopes up like that."

Josiah looked at him seriously. "You need a ring. If she confesses, you need to whip out a ring, and seal the deal. If you propose, she will probably be more willing to let you mark her. I can tell that you are ready for that step, Leo. You have been ready. You love her more than anything already."

Leopold didn't know what to do. Marriage was a big step, one that he wasn't sure Calamity would be ready for even if she did confess. Josiah had a way of making big assumptions. But he also had a way of being right the majority of the time.

Either way, Leopold knew what he wanted, and to get it he needed to go buy a ring.

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