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"Whatever Calamity thinks is best," Leopold said looking into her scarlet eyes.

Calamity scowled, not liking the attention. She was supposed to be there to protect King Reinard, not make his decisions.

Reinard looked at Calamity and sighed. "Go ahead and decide Calamity."

"We should start right away. The sooner we get the discussions done the better," she said apprehensively. Her underlying message was clear to both kings though.

I want you to hurry up and leave.


Reinard sat at the head of the table in the war room.

"First things first. We need to establish a treaty between us. Then we'll need to specify the details of our alliance."

"In order to properly do this we both need to be prepared to make compromises. I have one demand..." Leopold paused looking at Calamity and back to Reinard, "her. I need her."

Calamity's eyes went wide. It wasn't completely unexpected. It was more as if she hoped that he wouldn't make that request. Calamity clenched her teeth and glared at Leopold. She wouldn't say anything though. If that was what King Reinard decided then so be it, though she didn't think he would do that to her. He was a good and just king, which is why she made the decision to follow him that fateful day almost six years ago.

"Out of the question. Unless she wants to go with you she isn't going anywhere." Reinard said in a voice that left no room for discussion. Calamity almost sighed in relief. She knew he wouldn't betray her.

Leopold sighed in acceptance. "Fine, but I at least want a chance to just talk with her. I hope you can understand why I can't just let her go."

Reinard looked Calamity directly in the eyes. "Is that okay with you?"

"I would do anything to benefit you, My Lord. If I must have a discussion with King Leopold then I will readily comply." Calamity agreed without hesitation. Calamity's poker face was commendable. She displayed no signs of her inner turmoil.

Leopold looked at her with great intensity, trying to figure out what angle she was playing. Could she not feel the bond? He could feel the buzzing from outside the castle. It confused him at first, but when he entered the castle he could smell her. He knew immediately what the smell was linked to. She smelled like sweet chocolate-covered cherries.

There was something else there though, something bitter. He wondered how closely her scent and personality related. She didn't seem especially bitter per say, just unpleasant when it came to people she didn't like or trust.

Calamity could pretend all she liked, but she definitely felt the bond. She refused to accept it, and nothing could force her to act on the false feelings that coursed through her. She was lucky not to be a wolf. She didn't want to feel the entirety of the bond like wolves. She had no doubt that Leopold was struggling with containing himself. He felt the bond triple what she did if not more.

"Great. Then let's place personal matters aside and focus on the more pressing matter," Reinard said changing the subject.

Leopold would have argued that his bond with his mate was much more pressing if it wasn't for the gravity of the situation.

Everyone's game faces came out as they began to discuss the treaty. The layout was finished by eleven o'clock that same evening, and would be finalized after breakfast the next morning.


Calamity stood in the corner of Reinard's office, waiting for him to finish some of his catch-up work. She almost never let him out of her sight. It was well past one A.M. Calamity had tried to convince Reinard to go to bed, but he refused to rest until he finished this work.

"Your Highness, please go to your chambers. You need to rest. We have to do important work tomorrow morning. We can't have you too tired to make good choices, now can we?" Calamity prodded.

"What about you? I seem to recall that you don't sleep nearly as much as you should either. Besides, tomorrow once we finalize the treaty our side of the deal will have to be kept. You will have to talk with King Leopold," Reinard responded sinisterly.

"We are both well aware that I don't require as much sleep as you do. Besides, I couldn't sleep even if I wanted to with the wolves roaming the castle. As for King Leopold... I will handle it. You need not worry about that. I will make it clear that our relationship will be purely professional. I have no interest in anything besides a business relationship," Calamity stated with certainty.

"Are you sure you don't want to even think about pursuing something with Leopold? He couldn't betray you even if he wanted to. He won't settle with just a platonic relationship. He will never stop trying to win your favor, and werewolves live a long time," Reinard paused. "He will love you for who you are, even with your past."

Calamity looked him directly in his cerulean eyes weighing his words in her mind and her barely beating heart. She maintained eye-contact as she got down on one knee. Calamity pulled one of her daggers out of her leather boots and aimed the point at her heart.

"If you do not wish for me to serve you any longer, then I beg you to plunge this blade into my heart or allow me to do so myself," she said with the utmost sincerity.

"Always with the theatrics." Reinard took the blade from Calamity. "Calamity, you know that's not what I meant in the least. I just want you to be able to be happy. I know you don't think you deserve to be happy or loved, but I do. Please, for my sake, consider it."

"Serving you is the only thing to provide me any kind of joy. Protecting you and fighting in this war are the only ways for me to atone for my sins. I will not lead that man on and allow him to believe that I am capable of love."

Reinard looked sadly at Calamity. He was the only one that knew of her history. He was the only one she could confide in. The only one she could trust. One thought weighed heavily on them both.

Once he was gone... she would be all alone.

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