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"I want to mark you."

Calamity's response was immediate, "No."

They laid in her bed. It was only about three in the morning. Leopold had woken up snuggled against his mate comfortably.

"Why not? I would be able to tell if you're hurt. It wouldn't have to get this bad again. We can nip it in the bud before it escalates to this point again." Leo didn't like thinking about Calamity being hurt again, but he knew that it was inevitable with her.

"That is extremely intimate, Leo. I don't want to rush this. Besides, you know that you would feel more than just my physical pain, and, frankly, I don't want you in my head. There are things that you are not allowed to know," Calamity answered. She caressed his face lightly.

Leo felt himself being lulled off to sleep again in the arms of his mate. He was still recovering his energy. "I'll let it go for now, but it has to happen eventually," he bit out before he could fall asleep.

"I know." He heard right before he fell into the dark abyss of sleep.


"Calamity! You'll never belie-" Sable ran into her room abruptly, but was cut off by the dagger that had suddenly been launched into the door right beside his head.

Calamity shushed him.

Sable's eyes widened when he saw the werewolf king curled up against his best friend. Calamity skillfully maneuvered Leopold's head off of her chest as she slipped out from under him. She laid his head on the pillow gently, careful not to disturb his slumber.

Calamity pulled the dagger from the door before shutting it quietly. She grabbed Sable's hand and dragged him into the bathroom. She shut the door.

"What do you want?" Her tone was abrasive. She was not happy at her friend's interruption of her and Leopold's private time.

Sable's eyes were wide. "You two didn't..."

"No. He fell asleep after I took his energy to heal." She wrapped her arms over her chest.

"You were hurt?" Sable asked surprised.

"Leftovers from the fight. He found out about my internal bleeding, and I couldn't hide that it kept getting worse," she replied nonchalantly.

Sable sighed sitting on the toilet. "You really need to start taking better care of yourself."

"I know," she said as she began to disrobe. Calamity turned on the water for her shower, sliding off her pants. "Sable can you do me a favor and grab me a new set of clothes? I forgot to grab some before coming in here." She stood there in her bindings and the underwear she designed specifically for her pants, since women didn't typically wear pants, they weren't exactly something she could go out and buy.

Sable rose and walked to the door. "Sure, what do you need?"

Calamity stepped into the shower after taking off her undergarments, and she shut the curtain. "Just a shirt, pants, and my undergarments please."

Sable walked out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. He went to Calamity's dresser and found a pair of tight pants made of a soft, elastic material. He opened another drawer and grabbed a comfy-looking tank top. He reached into the top drawer and pulled out both her binding and her underpants.

Someone grabbed Sable's wrist and whipped him around. He met the icy eyes of Leopold, who grabbed his throat. Leopold's eyes morphed into their primal state.

"You pervert, what do you think you're doing in my mate's underwear drawer?" He shouted in his face.

Sable tried to answer, but he could only release a strangled cry--a cry that was loud enough to alert Calamity of a struggle going on in her room.

Luckily, Calamity had already finished her shower. She had just rinsed off all of the suds when she heard a sound like a cat being kicked. She knew immediately that it was Sable. Calamity jumped out of the shower and wrapped a towel tightly around her, uncaring of the water she left on the floor. She opened the door and threw a knife across the room to where the struggle was occurring. The knife landed in the wall half a centimeter in front of Leopold's nose. She ran over to them immediately.

"Let him go!" Calamity yelled as she tried to get his hands off of Sable.

Leopold glared at Sable. "He was going through your underwear drawer!"

"I asked him to get me clothes! He wasn't being a pervert!" She explained hastily.

Leopold finally looked over to Calamity, and when he did, his eyes went wide. His mate stood there dripping wet with nothing but a towel on. Her hair was soaked and framing her angelic face. It was the first time he had ever seen her with her hair down. He released Sable purely out of shock.

Sable dropped to the ground, gasping for air. Calamity kneeled down next to him quickly.

"Are you alright?" She asked, concern evident on her face.

"I'm fine," Sable finally got out. He collected himself quickly. "It was a misunderstanding. Here are your clothes." He handed her a pile of clothes, waving her off to the bathroom.

She gave one last concerned glance before trodding off to the bathroom.

Leopold looked at Sable warily. "I'm sorry for... you know, attacking you."

Sable smirked. "It's all good. I'm just not that into the choking thing." He winked at him.

Leopold cringed, looking away from Sable's halfhearted attempts at flirting with him.

Calamity walked out of the bathroom about a minute later, this time fully dressed with her hair back up in its pristine ponytail. She put her hands on her hips.

"Stop flirting with my mate," she said pointing a slender finger at Sable. "Now let's go to train the mutts." She began to walk to her bedroom door.

Leopold grabbed her wrist as Sable exited the room. "Are you mad at me? I think that we should talk about this."

She simply sighed. "If you want to talk about it then we shall do so after training. Let's go." She marched out of the room with purpose.

Leopold followed close behind, not wanting to be far from his mate, especially after last night. He had a thought weighing on his mind--a revelation he had the previous night--but he didn't know how to voice it. It was too sudden--too early--and, frankly, he feared rejection.

Leo finally realized that he was in love with Calamity.

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