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"You called, Your Majesty."

Calamity took two steps inside King Reinard's office before shutting the door quietly behind her.

"Yes, Calamity. I need to inform you of the latest developments concerning our efforts to refute the inhabitants of the dark realm," Reinard said glancing warily up at his most loyal soldier, knowing all too well that Calamity could be a bit touchy on the matter of the dark, those of demonic origins.

Calamity tensed so slightly that no one would have noticed--no one but Reinard. After all it would be six years next month that Calamity pledged her allegiance to her king, the only person (in her opinion) to deserve such a title. It was no secret that Calamity placed Reinard on a pedestal above everyone, including herself.

"The dark have moved closer again. I think that it is time for some rather drastic action. We need to ally ourselves with some rather unsavory people," Reinard continued.

"May I ask who, Your Highness?" Calamity asked in a way that was more of a statement than a question, seeing as she knew he would tell her either way. She was his most trusted confidant. She was the first to be informed of anything. Especially when the nature was somewhat dark.

"We'll be forming an alliance with... the wolves," he stated hesitantly.

Calamity took in a breath before sighing shallowly in understanding, "I assume that the messenger I saw leaving in such a hurry went to relay the details to their king via messenger bird."

"You would be right, as per usual, Calamity," Reinard praised, watching with cerulean eyes as she scowled at the praise that she hated to receive from anyone. A small smirk arose on his face as he observed her obvious distaste.

"Will they be coming here, or will we be going there?" she questioned

"They will come here, as per my request. We should actually prepare. I believe they will hurry here as soon as possible. We must discuss a treaty and alliance to combat the dark armies. They could be here as soon as tomorrow. In fact they could be here as early as tonight if they really wanted. We'll have to wait to see what news the bird brings back."

A set of knocks hastily resounded on the large oak door. Speak of the devil. The messenger entered the room without receiving a reply. His sandy hair was in every direction, face red from exhaustion--no doubt from the six flights of stairs he would have had to sprint up to get to the king's office.

"Your Majesty!" he exclaimed. "We've received word from the wolves! King Leopold wrote that he and his entourage will be here by tonight!"

"As I thought," Reinard said in exasperation. "We'll have to rush the staff to hurry their rooms. It's a good thing I was already having them prepared." He turned to the messenger, "You're dismissed."

The messenger bowed before turning around and making eye contact with Calamity. He paused for a moment. Fear flashed in his eyes as he looked at her. Everyone in the castle was well aware of her abilities, especially with a sword.

However, what really chilled everyone were the eyes. They were most unusual in the human realm. When they fell upon someone they could almost stop their heart with surprise.

After all, most humans didn't have red irises.


Leopold walked down the corridor swiftly. His strides were graceful, and his manner elegant. His cold, blue eyes scanned the area that had twenty of his most loyal soldiers and advisors. Leopold was not looking forward to the next couple of weeks. He was not very fond of the humans. They tended to be arrogant and selfish, at least in his experience.

He couldn't claim to hate their king though. Despite his youth he proved to be a wise ruler. He knew when he needed help, even reaching out to someone that had been considered an enemy for nearly a millennium. King Reinard placed the well-being of his people above pride. That was rather commendable given his father's ways.

Leopold respected Reinard for bringing the human realm from the clutches of poverty and destruction. He proved to be a great leader. Though Leopold showed more interest in his right hand, Calamity.

Calamity was the biggest mystery about the human realm. He had personally removed corrupt nobles and officials of all kinds. He was known vaguely almost everywhere in those two realms. Only his name was known. Calamity was the shadow of the human kingdom, loyal almost beyond reason to Reinard. He was definitely not known as the most kind-hearted. His cruelty definitely preceded him.

I wouldn't want to be on his bad side, Leopold thought. Although I could definitely still take him. He's just a measly human.

Leopold's thoughts were interrupted by his second in command, his beta, Josiah.

"King Leopold, we're prepared to make the journey to the human realm. Everyone's luggage has been placed in their running packs, including our weapons. All we need is your command and lead. Are you ready to go?"

Leopold took one last look around the large open foyer. "Let's go then."

He stepped in front of the group before shifting into his large, black wolf. His bones popped and cracked in a sickening sort of way. One of the lower level servants approached slowly and placed his running pack on his back.

Leopold turned to look at his entourage. He turned back towards the forest and took off into the green labyrinth, not suspecting that he would encounter his fate in a few short hours.

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