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"Are you sure about this?" Leopold asked cautiously.

Calamity and Leopold stood on a large stone circle. Everyone from the wolf kingdom was gathered around the slab. They all watched with peaked interest at the scene about to unfold before them. They couldn't believe that their king was about to battle his own mate. It was unheard of. It was nearly impossible for someone to even attempt to hurt their own mate. Their primal side wouldn't allow it. They would have to maintain extreme control to be able to do battle like they were about to.

"Let's do this already. We need to show your people how they're lacking. Remember, anything goes. The first to submit or pass out loses. Just remember that you can't submit on the battle field. You either fight or you die," Calamity replied.

Reinard sat on a chair a good ten feet away from the battle. He raised the hand holding the black flag above his head.

"Once this flag touches the ground the fight begins. No outside interference is permitted. Anyone attempting to help either party will be prosecuted according to the will of Calamity. Watch closely. This is to be informational. These examples are rather extreme, but the idea is still the same. Observe carefully."

Reinard looked at Calamity; she nodded. He looked at Leopold; he nodded. Reinard released the flag. Everyone watched, holding their breath. Calamity and Leopold looked each other in the eye. They didn't need to watch. They could listen. Each tried to read what the other was thinking.

Leopold's eyes raked her body slowly. She wore tight leather pants and a top that showed more to the public eye than he liked. While her stomach was covered, her v-neck showed more of her breasts than even he had ever seen. All of these males got to see it at the same time he did. The thought infuriated him. He had no doubt that the outfit was strategically planned to distract him. She looked great from all angles. He watched as she lowered slightly into a pouncing position. He gulped at the available cleavage. In reality there wasn't that much exposed, but, for Calamity, it was a lot.

Calamity observed her opponent. At this moment that was all he was. She looked for weaknesses. She wanted to use as little of her power as possible. She watched him get into a fighting stance similar to her own. She smirked at him before blowing him a kiss.

The flag touched the ground.

Calamity pounced while he remained flustered. She grabbed his arm and flipped him over her shoulder. He went flying across the concrete slab.

Leopold regained his focus and twisted his body to land on his feet before contacting the hard ground.

Calamity didn't give him the chance to recuperate. She charged again and dealt a blow to his gut. He bent over in pain. She knelt him in the nose--hard. His head flew back, but he brought it back immediately. He didn't dwell on the pain. He whipped out his fist fast, but not fast enough. Calamity ducked and kicked his feet out from under him. He fell back on his hands and bounced back up.

Calamity looked impressed for moment. He had quick reflexes. He really was holding back during their previous spar.

Leopold charged first this time. He dived straight for her midsection, effectively knocking her to the ground. He sat on her hips, not giving her the chance to twist away. He held her hands above her head. His fingernails turned to sharp claws. He brought his hand to her throat. Claws hovered over Calamity's jugular.

"Submit!" He ordered.


She buck her hips against his. He grunted, eyes hazy with lust. His hold loosened slightly. She did it again.

"Stop!" He yelled through emerging canines. "You conniving demon. That won't work."

He tightened his hold again.

"Then you leave me no choice."

She leaned forward quickly and precisely. She pressed her lips against Leo's. She began to sap his energy. Their lips opened and the crowd saw the golden light passing between them. There was a collective gasp throughout the wolves.

"She's cheating!"

"She's gonna kill him!"

"We need to stop her!" A man stepped forward.

"Don't!" Reinard shouted in a deep powerful voice. "You will not interfere! This is an exact demonstration of a demon's power! You need to be able to combat this exact attack, as well as many others that you are drastically unprepared for! She will not kill him! She knows what she's doing!"

Reinard zoned back into the arena.

Leopold ripped his head back and smashed it against Calamity's. She winced, a headache instantly forming. Concern flashed in Leo's eyes before his features hardened.

"Playing dirty? Then I'll finish this," Leopold claimed. He raised his clawed hand and plunged it into Calamity's gut.

Calamity grunted at the pain; her body lurched forward. Blood sputtered out of her mouth.

"Submit!" Leopold demanded.

"Ne..."  she choked on her own blood, "...ver."

Calamity felt her fire coursing through her veins. Her skin became hot-- too hot for Leopold to keep touching her. He leapt back from her fiery skin. Her body seemed to glow. She continued to bleed profusely from her stomach wound. She made her hand hotter than the rest of her body before bringing it to stomach quickly.

Leopold gaped as she cauterized her own abdomen. She gritted her teeth against the pain, barely making a sound. By the time she was done, she panted in exhaustion.

Leopold wasn't in much better shape. Calamity seemed to have a lot more control over her succubus abilities than he thought. She was able to rapidly suck his energy. She took too much before he broke free. He was tired. He had a hard time maintaining his composure, but there wasn't much point anyway. Calamity knew how much she took. She knew how weak he would feel. She smirked deviously through her pain and exhaustion.

"It's about time we ended this," Calamity declared.

"Agreed," Leopold exhaled.

They charged one final time. Everyone gasped in surprise at the victor.

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