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Calamity walked briskly back to the makeshift campground with a large armload of wood. Leopold walked beside her, occasionally rubbing up against her.

Calamity knelt in the center of the perimeter and strategically placed the wood in a pile to burn easier and another pile for extra wood. Calamity ignited a ball of fire in the palm of her hand and stood. She flicked her wrist, sending the fireball to the wood. She turned around and walked to a tree a little deeper in the woods.

She sat and leaned her back against the trunk. Leo waltzed up and sat in between her propped up legs. Calamity ran her hand through his silky fur. She delicately played with his soft ears. The soft tingles she got relaxed her ever-present nerves.

"Why don't you shift back?" She questioned softly. She rested her hands on his muzzle. She didn't expect that he would actually shift right then and there.

When Leo shifted, he wound up on his hands and knees with Calamity holding his face in her hands. He stared longingly into her shocked eyes. He leaned towards her face slowly, giving her plenty of time to pull away. He looked at her lips hungrily. He pressed his lips against hers gently. He placed his hands on either side of her face and added more force to the kiss.

Calamity kissed him back gingerly. She was inexperienced to say the least. She didn't want to do anything wrong. When they pulled back reluctantly, Calamity finally recognized that Leopold was quite naked. She kept her eyes on his face, so she didn't look at the appendage dangling before her.

"You are quite naked," she stated simply. Her hands trailed down to his muscular upper arms. She stood slowly. "I'm going to grab you some clothes."

She walked back to the campground and to where Josiah sat. "Do you know where King Leopold's clothes are?"

Jo's eyes widened in surprise. He pointed to a bag about two feet away. "You two didn't... you know..."

Calamity grabbed a pair of pants and a shirt from the bag. "Absolutely not." She immediately shut down his insinuation. "Thank you." She went to walk back to Leo.

"His scent is all over you, you know. He's basically been claiming his territory. Everyone is going to know that he's your mate when we arrive," Jo warned.

Calamity turned back to look at Josiah. "I'm aware that he is a wolf, and wolves are possessive of their mates. I'd rather smell like him than wear his mark."

Josiah looked at her in astonishment. "You know that won't be enough for very long. He will feel that he needs to mark you. Marking does more than just stake a claim. It solidifies the link between mates. It will connect you to the entire kingdom. The pack will be able to feel your entrance into our community. You will be able to communicate telepathically with Leopold. When you wear your mate's mark you can feel each other's emotions and even read their minds. You need to prepare yourself for when he can't wait anymore."

Calamity sighed. "You're right. I'm not ready for all of that yet though. Leopold has been exceptionally patient already. I know it must be hard for him. He feels everything much more than me because he is wolf. He feels even more than that because he is an alpha wolf. I'm trying to be understanding and considerate of him throughout all of this." She gave a small smile. "He's probably the best mate anyone could ever have."

Josiah smiled at that. "I think he's just grateful to have a mate. He was scared that he would never find you. He searched for nearly two hundred years for you. You can imagine his shock when he finally meets his mate, but she puts a blade to his throat." He smirked slightly remembering that.

"I don't regret it either," she calmly said.

"I'm sure you don't, Calamity."

With that Calamity turned and left. She walked back over to where she and Leo had stationed themselves in the deeper brush. She found him sitting with his back to the same tree from earlier. When he saw her, he smiled and went to stand up, but Calamity put her hand up in a stop motion.

He looked down and remembered that he was still naked. Although, he couldn't care less when he was just with his mate. He knew she would accept everything about him, even if she was a bit shy at first. He received his bundle of clothes from Calamity. She turned around to give him some minuscule bit of privacy. He slipped on his pants and the shirt. He didn't tie the strings on the shirt, though, or tuck it into the waistband of his pants. He would probably take it off by the end of the night anyway. He got warm rather quickly with werewolf body heat.

Once he finished dressing himself he embraced Calamity from the back and stuck his nose in the crook of her neck. She leaned into his hold and let out a satisfied breath. He was so warm.

Leo pulled her back to the tree and sat down. Now she sat in between his legs instead of the other way around. Her short-sleeved leather top did nothing to keep out the cold. She had a body temperature that could keep out the cold, but he made her fuzzy inside.

Calamity fiddled with his fingers. She stroked his fingers gently, amazed at the small tingles. She felt Leo place a small kiss on her neck, followed by another and another. He left a trail of butterfly kisses up the length of her neck. She closed her eyes and leaned into him further. His every touch brought her bliss.

She turned around to face him. She grabbed the back of his head and pressed her lips against his. Her fingers were entangled in his soft hair. She pressed her upper body against his, increasing the pace of their mouths.

Calamity pulled away. "We need to go to sleep," she said breathlessly.

Leo nodded. They laid down together. Their legs were intertwined and arms wrapped around each other. They fell asleep in each other's embrace and had the best night of sleep either of them could ever remember.

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