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"Come in," Reinard called in response to the knock on his door.

Leopold strolled into his office, a stoic expression dominating his face. "I need to discuss something with you. It is of a personal matter."

Reinard sat down the black-rimmed glasses that had been perched on his nose. "Okay. What is it that's so important?" He inquired.

Leo approached his desk and let out a shaky breath. "You... are the closest that I can come to a father in Calamity's life. Her real father is irrelevant in this matter, and while I know that you don't really have that kind of relationship, you are her superior. She respects you. You are the only person she obeys."

Reinard held out his palm to cease his rambling. "Spit it out, Leopold."

Leo rung his shirt nervously. "I want to ask you for permission to take Calamity's hand in marriage."

Reinard analyzed him curiously. "If I say no?"

Leopold looked slightly crestfallen at the thought, but his features hardened quickly. "Make no mistake. I plan on marrying her whether you want it or not, but I thought it best to ask you first. I might as well have some tradition in our relationship."

Reinard chuckled. "There is nothing traditional about asking me for her hand. Nonetheless..." Leopold waited anxiously for what he would say. "I believe that you are her shot at happiness. You have my permission to marry Calamity."

Leopold jumped excitedly, doing a little jig. "Thank you, Reinard." He tapped his chin thoughtfully. "I've got to get everything ready. I'm going to ask her tonight!"


Leopold shifted anxiously on the checkered picnic blanket. He had sent a maid to retrieve Calamity. He glanced at the picnic basket before checking the contents one more time to make sure everything was perfect.

He caught a whiff of her scent. She was finally coming. He surveyed the scenery. He had found a small meadow in the woods. It's beauty stunned even Leo. He knew it was the perfect spot.

He heard her feet crunching on the grass right behind him. He turned to greet her. "Hello, my dove." He smiled wide.

Her eyes assessed the picture before her. "What is all of this?" She asked softly.

Leo stood and grasped her hand in his, the same hand his ring would be on. "I set this up for you. I wanted to be able to have a proper date before we went to war." He led her over to the blanket, sitting down with her in front of him.

She tilted her head in quiet contemplation. "I've never been on a date before," she admitted.

His eyes crinkled in delight as his smile grew impossibly wider. "I'm glad I'm your first, then."

Her eyes held a certain softness that only he could force from her. "So am I."

Leo started to pull food from the basket--an apple pie, chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate covered cherries, sandwiches, etc.

Calamity's eyes widened when she found Leopold holding a chocolate covered cherry in front of her mouth. She blushed but accepted his offering.

She chewed slowly. She swallowed. "You know, chocolate is an aphrodisiac. Are you trying to arouse me?"

He winked playfully at her. "I don't think I need any help with that."

Her laugh was rich and harmonious. He loved her laugh, and her smile, and her lips, and her eyes, and her body, and her--well--everything. He loved her.

The small box in his pocket kept distracting him from his lively banter with his gorgeous mate. "I love you," he stated abruptly.

He watched her mouth form a small smile. "I love you too, turtle."

He pursed his lips, but his mouth still quirked playfully. "Again with that nickname."

She giggled slightly under the shield of her hand. She giggled. Leopold had a hard time keeping from launching across the blanket and attacking her mouth.

Leopold stood abruptly and held his hand out to Calamity. She took it and rose. It was now or never.

Leopold got down on one knee.

"Leo what are y-" her voice caught in her throat when she saw him pull out a small box. "Leo..."

He stared longingly into her eyes. "Calamity, my dove, the love of my life, will you do me the greatest honor and make me the happiest man in the world by marrying me?" He opened the box.

Calamity gasped at the onyx ring and the glimmering stones embedded throughout it. Her hands covered her mouth. Tears pooled in her eyes. Was he serious? Did he really want to marry her?

She knew the answer. She had known it for a while. Before she could respond a sickening thought struck her. A dark storm brewed within her.

"Are you doing this because of last night?" She questioned in disbelief.

He rose quickly. "What?"

"A-Are you just trying to finish what we started last night? Are trying to get me to have sex with you?" Her voice strained as she fought the urge to cry.

He grabbed her face. "No! I wouldn't do that Calamity. I don't expect anything like that from you. I know that you want to wait, and I will happily do so until you are ready. As much as I may want that--and trust me, I do--I wouldn't try to get it like this. I respect you too much for that." He swallowed. "I want you to marry me because I love you. I want you in every way, legally included. I love you, Calamity."

Her eyes held his for a few seconds. "Then my answer is yes. I will marry you."

Leopold smashed his lips onto hers immediately. He kissed all over her face, showering her in the love she had been deprived of all of her long life. He pulled away and rested his forehead against hers. They closed their eyes, basking blissfully in the presence of each other.

He pulled the ring out of the case and grabbed her hand. He slipped the ring on her finger slowly. The ease with which it slid along her slender digit proved just how perfect it was for her, how perfect he was for her, how imperfectly perfect they were together.

They spent the rest of the evening lying together on the blanket. Calamity stared at her ring, and Leo stared at Calamity. They watched the sunset together quietly. They only left when Calamity fell sound asleep curled up against Leo, leaving him to carry her and the picnic materials back to her room.

Yet, somehow he couldn't have been happier.

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